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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Those wolves must stink REAL bad haha. http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/News/13/miller-aerial01.htm
  2. Do I ruin my work day tomorrow to try for smelts tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      uggghhh... you guys are a bad influence

    3. adolson


      ruin a work day? more like it makes it better

    4. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      no, it sucked at work today... going to bed at 8 tonight. haha.

  3. huntsville is completely flooded as well. I guess we fared well in North Bay, even with the huge sinkhole on Hwy 11, all things considered.
  4. The smallest fish is just as hard to catch as the biggest haha. Would have been a nice day to fish today!
  5. Awesome.... you even have me all primed up... and I don't even have any steelhead rivers nearby haha.
  6. The only lake down Hwy 63 that I know has smelt is Talon, but I've never actually fished it. Can't think of any other lakes on 63 with smelt.
  7. Haven't really done good surveying this year.... I don't think I'll be able to get them this year....that's ok, I'll take a spring steelhead trip over smelting anyday! Can't wait for Tuesday!
  8. Great catch!! I should figure out where they run in my area. thx
  9. North Bay area --------------------------- Remember it is illegal to fish for smelt in fish sanctuarySaturday, April 13, 2013 by: Kate AdamsMNR News Release ******************** The Ministry of Natural Resources North Bay District enforcement unit will be conducting patrols during the spring smelt run at the Four Mile Creek fish sanctuary located in Widdifield Township in the North Bay area. The posted Four Mile Creek sanctuary is located within Fisheries Management Zone 11 and is closed all year to fishing for any species of fish. The sanctuary in FourMileBay, TroutLake, was put in place to protect young “smolt” (Atlantic salmon), which are nearly identical in size to smelt that also inhabit the creek during their spring spawning activities. The Atlantic salmon population in TroutLake is the only known naturally reproducing population in Ontario beyond the Great Lakes, and has been the focus of restoration efforts over the past 15 years. Some bodies of water, or parts of them, are declared fish sanctuaries for all or part of the year. Fish sanctuaries are put in place to protect fish populations during their most sensitive period. Since fish sanctuaries are not always marked with signs, anglers are encouraged to confirm regulation exception areas in the 2013 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary before going out fishing. Anglers can also contact their local Ministry of Natural Resources office. To report a natural resources violation, call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
  10. Thanks for the info CJ.... I guess it'll take more than three wet seasons to positively affect lake Huron... we are lucky it wasn't a dry past 6 months! What has Quebec been doing to our resource, Moxie?
  11. The soils were saturated last fall, we had a normal snowfall, a normal melt and lots of spring precipitation.... do you think we'll see higher (probably normal) water levels this year? The great lakes have a loooong way to go of course .... Many of the smaller lakes just north of North Bay were 2-3 feet below any visible high-water marks. I'd like to think that this year we'll have normal water levels and very good spawning rates as a result!
  12. Exactly what I've heard at my tackle/bait retailers. They get a box or two, run out, and that's it! It sucks for those who don't have the internet, but I bet those books were $$$$$ to print. I would go through 2 or 3 a year sometimes... kind of a waste I suppose.
  13. who knows what crew these politicians are with... but I hope CSIS doesn't get legislated against doing such investigations.
  14. haha $60 every 3 yr topic is turning into how to protect yourself from a gun-toting crackhead? You pro pro pro gun people are completely nuts. Stock up on tinfoil while the market is down.
  15. Cool! I'm ready to inspect the sportspal anyday now!
  16. x2. My thoughts are "who cares what a pop star does". Stupider and less good looking people have does stupider things.
  17. I like this idea...although I would hope for a better end result...but I say let them deal with the lake since there really is no other option anyway.
  18. I'm fine with the Algonquins operating the park...just not under the current ambivalent and detail-void proposed terms! I'd also be fine with status quo as long as the Algonquins get a settlement they deserve/was promised.
  19. Harper, is that you? Your more sarcastic on the internet than I would have guessed. Public input is a good thing. I don't disagree that interest groups try to delay otherwise good ideas and cost us a lot of money, but there is a middle ground that fits best. This system, is very one sided. Also, sometimes groups like green peace actually do good, not always, usually they are fringe, but I have just as little trust in a governement that is catering to big enterprise who is just looking for shareholder value...and get this, I'm an active investor in the oil sands!
  20. In the end, you have up to April 19th to comment, and your comments are seen as useless and 'not-applicable' unless you can define exactly how the pipeline would affect you, in addition you have to be qualified to comment on how it would affect you. So if you write "the pipeline might explode", they ain't gonna listen to you. So they've eliminated a proper Env. Assessment and turned it over to a select few in the public who can write their own EA in less than 2 weeks. What the hell????????
  21. Here is another informative site and a link to the application. Sounds like its a bit of a grey area here, because Line 9 is not actually going through a true Environmental Assessment, the hearings are technically being done under the NEB Act...which the NEB defines who can comment. The sad part really, is that they are not doing an Environmental Assessment...really?? haha, how on earth is this not worthy of at least a proper assessment...??? http://www.watershedsentinel.ca/content/bill-c-37-makes-national-energy-board-comments-difficult-public Here is the application form itself. https://www.neb-one.gc.ca/ll-eng/livelink.exe/fetch/2000/90464/90552/92263/790736/890819/918701/941089/A5-3_-_Application_to_Participate_Form_-_A3G6L3_.pdf?nodeid=941615&vernum=0&redirect=3
  22. I'm all for the east-west pipeline---- it sucks that we still need to rely on oil, but that's the current state of things here in Canada and north america. I DON'T agree with another bullying tactic from Harper to PLOW through the things he wants now, or he'll jump on the floor, kick and scream till he gets his way. What a whinny little girl this guy is. Hiding behind his majority party, making new "laws" so he doesn't have to answer to the public.... send a resume to them, before he'll agree to listen to me? Are you kidding me? That's as elitist and arrogant as it gets.
  23. May 2-4 I will be driving all the way to Nova Scotia for me. 24hrs straight drive, but no actual 2-4's in the car...woo hoo!...can you tell I hate flying?
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