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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I definitly wouldn't be one to organize a march/walk/protest, but I suppose I'd join one if there was such a local event. I agree with what your saying though... even though most of us probably wouldn't agree with the proposal, few of us would actually act on it. I think a couple dozen, a couple hundred, a thousand letters to MP's would make some noise though...hence the reason why I posted this.
  2. Is that for all phones...or just certain makes?
  3. Hey, that fish is in the slot... Nice catch!
  4. Algonquin park already gets netted and hunted, the difference now, is that there in Provincial involvement and an actual management plan. Regardless, Algonquin Park really isn't the wilderness some of us think it is. Without a management plan moving forward, things look even more bleak for the park. I think a lot of the issues (pollution etc) on reserves are due to the treatment of the First Nations in our Canadian history. Their extremely poor treatment is NOT that far behind us.... I think, that once they settle some long-overdue issues, start putting things like residential schools, third-world treatment behind them that they will actually become the stewards of the land, which they claim they are now... I think that they will keep connected to their original culture much more than the average Canadian ever would. The MNR, the MOE, Env Canada and other agencies, should all work very closely with the First Nations to help them develop well-accepted methods of environmental management...let's take some time to do it right since we have a HUGE opportunity in front of us right now. I'm not a pro on everything FN, so I really hope I'm not making hugely incorrect statements and if I am, it's out of sincere concern and consideration.
  5. My sentiments exactly, Will. The idea that right now there are no "written" restrictions for building cabins, roads, driving around the park, mining etc etc is very disturbing and AMATEUR!
  6. A few recent photos from my BB Can you spot the Joey? Looking straight up at a huge icy rock face...it was a fun slide down Moss growing on an exposed rock face Ice cave! Love this shot New to me snowmobile
  7. Everyone's got their opinions... nothing wrong with that. Your government(s) is/are in theory here to represent you and that's what we should be forcing them to do in this instance. I've spoken with a few FN members in the Shawanaga area....they are part of the Williams treaty, which will be updated/re-assessed soon as well. This one covers a much larger section of Southern Ontario including the Kawarthas and they surely will use the AP land claim as precedence.
  8. I'm so glad that wasn't Mr.Winters opening line. Did you listen to the presentation? Voice your concerns/ideas about the proposed AP land claim settlement to your government(s) if you have any...
  9. After today's speckled trout, 5kms bush walk/skunk...i'm MORE than ready for softwater opener!!!!!
  10. ya, I don't trust the gov anymore than I trust the algonquins to be honest...everyone has their own agenda, including me, really. Hopefully the fact that there are Municipal, Provincial and Federal govs that a well-written, well-negociated "modern day treaty" will actually be something that we can all respect and honor.
  11. It was a great listen. There is still quite a bit of time before things get finalized, but at this point in time, it seems, our Governments aren't doing a great job at negotiating on non-aboriginals behalf. As the speaker (Mr.Winters) said, I think the best thing to do is to raise awareness with friends, family, groups and governments. The land claim area is important to A LOT of people and we should all get something out of the negotiation.
  12. Crazy...fueled with pitch. I'm guessing no fuel filter?
  13. Living in a condo has its upsides. I'm considering going fishing since I have nothing else to do.
  14. You got any painting and/or photography skills, Nick? It would be cool to see that view as it looks right now.
  15. who can affort $5 in this economy?? hahaha Not a fan of giving a company money, to allow me to spend money .... MEC of all things, isn't about getting great prices, so I suppose its a moot point anyway.Oh well, i didn't REALLY need that rain jacket anyway. I think I strongly inherited the Garage-Sale-Gene from my Dad.
  16. hahahaha, you guys lost me after spoon chucking.... Seriously though, thanks to everyone who helped out on this one, I know exactly what I'm looking for now... now, it's time to find the right sale/deal and I'll have my steelhead/river rod.
  17. went to make a purchase and found out I have to be a member...... forgot that it's really a "co-op". No thanks
  18. I quite literally try to fish for as many species as possible each year...some years I focus more on some than others, but that's mostly circumstantial. This summer, I'm going after creek/river specks, only because I want to know where they are. North Bay is a great place for fishing diversity...and I plan on mining that for all its worth.
  19. Something like that would quickly find a place in my home as well. Great stuff Nick! Enjoy the memories
  20. I have quite a few fishing friends who don't buy a lot of gear (dont' really know what to buy) and i give them all my good-condition hand-me-downs. My tackle collection is fairly light and I like it that way.
  21. hahaha what kind of car do you drive...I'll watch for you in the news. This is gonna be a great summer, because you know everyone is going to appreciate the heck out of it this year! I love this nasty weather stuff... although it can kindly hold off on Saturday so I can chuck spoons at steelhead
  22. Haha...how about a 24/hr idle zone?
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