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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Lose your house and life savings??? Hahaha ok there Craig. God doesn't vote from what I hear.
  2. Hey if your gonna be a fear mongerer, the best thing to do is hide rationally collected evidence. Can't believe the amount of "be scared" politics lately.
  3. Nice report! Two of my trees started flowing yesterday...maybe 1-2L in total... all the big trees are keeping tight
  4. haha, agreed! He's smiling like a giant kid haha
  5. It is funny. haha, We had a good laugh at ourselves. The ride back wasn't as 'fun', our arses were quite sore. We were tight to shore off a steep drop, maybe 8fow is where they were both caught.
  6. We went for a rainbow fish last weekend; it was a nice day and a good ride in. Since neither mine or Joey's sled is a dedicated two-up, we chose to pull the third guy on a GT, a kids GT. We split task as the trail was 10kms long. Yes, that's a long ride on a GT, but it was actually quite enjoyable. Of course we found a few nasty slush holes. Took us a couple hours to be free. Two fish, enough to make it a successful trip.
  7. Out of my 12 trees, only the smallest one produced anything. Seems the northern run hasn't started yet.
  8. That 'komatik' is something sweet. I'd love to build/have one, but my 250cc tundra is not a good match. How much snow are you working in? It looks to be fairly well packed. Here, we have 3-4' of loose powder.
  9. Nice, a 6" lift! Time for dual exhaust and a spoiler!
  10. Are you double-taping any trees? (let's keep this clean) I was considering getting some tubing off a friend who has extra stuff, and doing a two or three tap system for some of my bigger/better trees, into a bigger pale. I had a bit of liquid in one of my buckets today, tasted like melt-water, was likely melt-water haha.
  11. I might see some action this week. Will be keeping a close eye on things. I imagine it's normal for me to be one or two weeks behind Shane's location.
  12. What is this odd climate we are experiencing? Maybe the stories about bearable weather are true

  13. There are two or three days of + temps forecasted this week. Let's see if those tree wells start showing.
  14. Nice bottom dwellers! Rick: I was up north for work...ugh... But Joey said he'd give me his next 12 lakers Rainbows Sunday Bud!
  15. You have a friend who ate people? Must be awkward going to his dinner parties.
  16. You beat me to it! I'd take a broken leg to catch specs like that on the fly.
  17. Ok, slush test time: go to Callander Bay, 1.5 kms out from the Lansdown landing, look for the Yamaha Bravo tracks with 100's of footprints around them, I'll be inside Blair's shack awaiting the results. If you pass through no problem, I'll drink Jeremy's boot water hahaha. I agree with the others that I'd be looking to raise the sleigh a bit; but test it out a few times, might work just fine. Looks like you have a nice shop to work in.
  18. She's obviously smart and understands/wants learning and research. Maybe you could use that to your advantage... teach her examples of human history and current societies that rely on meat and hunting and fishing and how that's helped us/them evolve/survive. Mothers with breastmilk production issues in the past could not always rely on wetnurses, they used cows milk or goats milk...Her views really only apply to a modern society where a vegetarian diet is actually available. Try relying on vegetables in the arctic, now or 200 years ago. She's missing some information; if she really desires to give this speech, she may need more information so that it's not one-sided, geographically-unique or economically biased. Then again, she's 10, and I don't have a 10 year old, so maybe I'm being too logical and critical of the topic for someone of that age.
  19. Some government service lines such as service canada give you a busy signal now. Such a progressive solution to humanoid shortages
  20. My wife took our 6 month old and she talked to the turtle for like an hour. It was hilarious to see the video of turtle go nuts trying to play with her.
  21. I washed my equipment with organic witch hazel. Does that count? Wait, I dont really care since I'm not selling any haha
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