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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I believe the population is healthier now; you hear more reports of guys accidentally hooking into them. Four Mile Creek used to be the main location for smelting in North Bay. It's been a sanctuary for years, but the MNR just let it happen. As of a couple years ago they enforced it better... I'm sure that'll be good for the young Atlantics. For years now I've planned on going to the creek to count/watch the Atlantics in the fall, somehow that never happens. I guess counting Atlantics for no purpose other than my own is not high on my priority list.
  2. Rod Caster


    That's ridiculous! I'd have so much water in my lungs
  3. Dirty coyote! (Great pic though) I'm capturing them on my trail cam all the time now... the ones here look quite different.
  4. They were stocked, then they started reproducing (think Lake O rainbows). There is a good report somewhere on the internet about them. The only known spawning area is Four Mile Creek (also where the spill took place years ago)... one year they counted like 3 or 4 fish that was it. I think its very cool that they are in the lake, but I wish they continued stocking them and created a fishery instead of just locking down the lake for trout and salmon. Either way, I hope to get out for trout/salmon this year for the first time.
  5. I'd love to hit an Atlantic this year! From what I've heard, they feed quite shallow and long-lining flutter spoons works. For the lake trout, Joey put up good advice/information
  6. This is the dumbest thing in politics. Everyone else needs a proper education, they just need the political shuffle. Drives me nuts.... especially Joe 'creepy' Oliver being the Natural Resources Minister and now magically he's the Finance Minister. At least he has some background in the finance dept., the NRM position for him was absolutely ridiculous.
  7. 2 weeks left! Crap. thanks for posting this. I gotta start herding cats.
  8. A good start to your musky career!
  9. Conservative government is supposed to be a free market/business government. Yet they highly regulate a market they have recently created. It's a market based solely in healthcare and they force sick people to smoke this product, including if you have lung cancer and use medical pot as treatment. It's so silly and political ... If you are going to legalize it for medical reasons, then base it on medical science, not your political base. Pure nonsense on their part, it's completely see-through. Recreational users should have no say in this debate, it should be all about it's medicinal properties and the best/healthiest way to administer it to those that can benefit from it.
  10. surprised you guys have cabbage weed already! Great times.
  11. Fish the smaller creeks/rivers along the way. You'll find them in there year round...but it can make for tough walks through the alders
  12. If they went to the Gov Dock, they should be on camera, no?
  13. Do you find yourself casually waving to your visitors 'oh, hello there deer' haha. I lucked out big time finding a perfect county home on 160 acres at the dead end of three, count em, three dirt roads. Yesterday I had a wolf show up and bug my dog..it was a really weird encounter, almost like they were friends, but I don't trust that thing for one second. Either way, it's never boring and it's almost always perfectly quiet. I love seeing all the different animal tracks on my km's of trails.
  14. Getting up early, fishing all day, eating like a hero then sleeping it off.... Kids got it made!
  15. Nice King. You made the right choice to hit the water.
  16. Save your energy. Other than easily recovered poplar, I don't bother with any of the lower BTU logs anymore... Mind you I have access to tons of wood
  17. hahahaha BEAR PROTEST! Is it occupied by the same people who drive Hwy 60 and wait at the moose crossing signs? Bear protest.... hehehe I'm going to enjoy mocking these people.
  18. haha KF. Holy mac that's like half a kilometer of pike spanning this report. So bacon and eggs you say? ...I'm hungy.
  19. Carp eat corn. Enough said. Nice backyard!
  20. Never used them, I laugh at the tough-guy bikers who wear them, but I ordered 5 to try hunting, fishing hot days, cold and ATV'ing in bug season. I might just like them. For $21, can't go wrong. CA80 still works. I got the fishing and camo ones, and of course the mustache one. guaranteed to make some people laugh.
  21. I used to visit the parking lots of the local college at night in the spring; the big lights would attract all kinds of huge and unique moths (up to 4-5"). I miss doing that. Nice shot Lew
  22. So he's kind-of an American Steve Irwin hahaha
  23. We discussed it at my Woodlot Association meeting this year. It's moving north and can be found as far as Hwy 17 between north bay and Sudbury at the Veuve River rest area. None on my property, but I do have the native Cow's Parsnip. Here is the distribution map for reported sightings. This is a fantastic invasive species resources website http://www.eddmaps.org/ontario/distribution/viewmap.cfm?sub=4536
  24. Freshtrax, that's cool you spent your honeymoon up here. We may camp off one of those dirt roads for this years anniversary. Let me know if you ever need a stop-over and bonfire and beer before one of your camping trips.
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