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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Nice Bowfin. I don't think we get those up North
  2. I wasn't a part of it, but I can imagine it's a big job to make everything work seemlessly. Good job Brian.
  3. Do some ice trolling... drill new holes every 20 or 30 minutes and move around, that way you can find some stucture. I'll jig a hole for a few minutes and if I feel it's too shallow or I haven't had a nibble I'll move on. Don't waste your time at a hole that isn't producing. If you are with buddy's, take it easy and enjoy the day, but if you are serious for fish...keep it moving and track them down.
  4. It was Lucky Lager...that makes me even smarter right....considering I got.....lucky
  5. They are biting like the stocked brook trout we have here. Good job on landing that nice one!! Very nice scenery
  6. Nosbonsing is the exact same condition, except where the ice was flooded by A & H's club. When I read "half way accross" all I could think was "that's a BIG lake". haha. Nice tracks by the way...we had those on our Silverado in Nunvut and those things were unstoppable...you'll enjoy them Well done and welcome back safe.
  7. That's like starving a fish in an aquarium for a week, then throwing the new "super bait" at him just to get some video. Pretty lame if you ask me. ..and yes you should be fishing more
  8. I hope they play Visentin...Phoenix's first round pick this year! I have his Junior Hockey card signed!! I hope he plays and wins gold for them
  9. Right on! Congrats on the first 'eye of the season.... it's wide open from here.
  10. Firstly I'd like to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Secondly I'd like to say I love ice fishing. Caught 25 perch on Dec 24 and 25 again on Dec 26. Caught 1 walleye Dec 24 and 1 again on Dec 26 (notice a pattern?) The perch action is furious with a swedish pimple or a small shinner. Caught the walleye with a swedish pimple both nights. It's not a monster but it's a good ice breaker. Sorry for the crummy shots, first time using the BB camera.
  11. were you fishing on nosbonsing last night? I was there till 6pm

  12. My brother called me today. "what do you want for christmas? I'm doing my shopping today" haha, holiday tradition for him...so funny.
  13. my my what feeble fans you have Maple Leafs. I've been a Phoenix fan (the franshise) since they were the jets...and sucked for MANY years. Even Gretzky couldn't revive that team, boy what a sad state we were in. Now, we are competitive at least. Either way I'll cheer for them no matter what, it's called loyalty people...I feel bad for your spouses. (half joke don't lose your poop please). If I saw some dink throw waffles at a Phoenix game I wouldn't be happy and would NOT support him. Some of you fans are getting what you deserve from this running gag for being so flaky. You are the waffles as far as I'm concerned. The leafs will get better soon, there's no where to go but up...stick with them and you'll have well deserved pride when they make the playoffs in the coming years. Go Underdogs Go!
  14. Full year ahead with your new boat. Enjoy it.
  15. I've never taken a ride on one of these bad boyz. Looks like a blast...litterally!
  16. Oh man this is good stuff. That Goofstavson avatar is getting sent to every leaf fan I know.
  17. Hey Luc, Keep in touch with NipFisher for any updates. However I'm sure this thread will get updated as Feb approaches.
  18. I'm not the first to mention this but I LOOOVVES your pink GLOOOVVES. I'm gonna print off the part of your post where you say "Anyone who is undecided about getting a flasher/fishfinder for the ice...dont...JUST GET ONE!" and show it to my GF. I'll tell her you are a bona-fide fishing authority figure and maybe I'll get the thumbs up. (hopefully not a thumb up the ) Nice post as usual, a lot of walleye fisherman here have a lot of catching up to do, included me-self.
  19. Oh great...more fun police.. Congrats Art and the OFC board.
  20. Pretty quiet in here...I guess everyone stopped watching after 3 minutes and 2-0. James Reimer in nets now. I think they are calling Allen Bester as I type just in case.
  21. You guys must all be using Glisten to brush your teeth.
  22. Great job on the specs...man those things taste good, that is our familly favorite! Garlic harvest? Are you kidding me? I just bought a condo and now I want a backyard.
  23. Met up with Smarty Pants and NipFisher on Nosbonsing this weekend. ...looking forward to getting together on Nipissing with you guys/girls. I just found my 10" frozen chub in the freezer...don't worry about bringing suckers Nipfisher. hehehe here pikey pikey
  24. generally we place our shack on Nipissing and do great with Perch and walleye. I just picked up a bunch of ice fishing gear as well, I can't wait till the season really opens up. Definitly join us on the GTG!
  25. Modern man catching diner is a beautiful thing. well done Limey Did you eat ol' whittey there? They are very boney and sometimes taste like mud but when smoked they are wonderful!
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