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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. oh ya...i should have known Josh Holmes was involved.
  3. Great vid...lots of fishy faces. I liked the song...who's it by?
  4. Nice work Blair! I can't believe anyone is still pulling 'bows for the tribs this time of year...
  5. Some people are spoiled enough to be able to fish places like Lake St-Clair....I'm spoiled enough to watch them from my couch!!! Good for some chuckles and jealousy after long days at work...thx. Go Visentin Go!! make Canada proud.
  6. TV tuned. Volume way too loud. Beer in hand. Pants off. I'M READY. GO CANADA
  7. Lots of Simcoe guys chomping at the bit! If I was still living in Barrie, trust me, Simcoe Whitties and Lakers would be high on my list!!
  8. January just called... she says get an ice shack.
  9. ahh no worries man.... if you ask questions I'm sure you'll get the answers you are looking for on this site. Formal ice conditions are hard to find on the net for a reason....it's hard to keep information accurate for every location and conditions change quickly. It's just easier to read the posts or ask questions imo.
  10. Most guys will post the ice conditions with their reports. Good enough for me
  11. Some people set fishing goals each season and I am one of them. I don't get disappointed when I miss them but I sure am happy when I reach them. Anybody here in the same boat? Here are the "attainable" goals I have set for myself for 2011 ice fishing. Lake trout over 5lbs. At least couple walleye over 5lbs. Perch over 12 inches. Ling to keep and taste for the first time. Splake any size.
  12. I bet you that Marshmellow Man is the master-mind behind this. .... Lots of ice jams out there...
  13. Very cool Luc. I bet those pics make you look forward to next year....although you know that they won't be within 50 miles when you have a gun on you.
  14. The Swedes were PISSED at the referreeing after the Russia game. Canada Played fantastic last night.... it doesn't take away from the fact that the Americans have a fantastic team as well. Good job to all the kids.
  15. Must have been a great fight with 4 lbs test!! Welcome, can't wait to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve.
  16. yes it was the smallest size at the shop. I don't tip them. They were quite aggressive to it, even on standstill you could feel them hammer it. I can't even have my 15 minutes with you around eh? Off to Hammer tonight...sry...but this weekend????? Us Nipissing guys keep close secrets..we don't tell anyone about emerald shinners and jigging hardware such as Salmo Darters and Swedish Pimples.
  17. Huge head and quite thin..... I guess there aren't many natural hot dogs in that lake for him to feed on. Had a good laugh at the part where everyone was cheering!
  18. Most of these keepers were between 8-11inches....which is a good average size for up here. I'll typically keep anything over 7" . A 15" perch is a monster. I'd guess that my biggie from Simcoe this summer was around 14". My goal is now to catch a 15 incher.
  19. Walked on the lake without an auger (need new blades). A friendly shack owner punched two holes for me and I was very grateful for the kindness of strangers. Looks like 10-11 inches off good ice now. All caught on a Salmo darter in perch design except two on minnows. I've caught bigger perch on Simcoe but never measured them...what's the biggest perch you've gotten? I'd like to know what the standard is.
  20. Thick tail on that fish....well done guys.
  21. Yup, shootouts in the Semi's is silly. Go Visentin Go
  22. Fun times on the skating rink! Thx for sharing
  23. Nice ling. Did you think you had a nice trout? How did it fight?
  24. wow. Good dog! I'm glad you guys and your home are all ok.
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