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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Pot is illegal because the dealers are dirtbags...yet if it was legalized these guys would be out of a job. To the op.... there shouldn't be a law against drinking on the ice itself, there's no harm done there. Drinking and driving is bad in all situations and there are already laws against that. Nothing special about drinking on the ice vs. anywhere else.
  2. Enjoy those ling and best wishes!
  3. All very nice fish. So good I scrolled back up a second time.
  4. To think like a fish you gotta eat like a fish. When you were eating the smelt your head was nodding "yes" but your face was wrenching "no". How many did you guys get in the end? What are you using?
  5. Listen to these shows on your drive and trust me, time will pass quickly. This is called "This is That" They only ever made 10 episodes. http://www.cbc.ca/po...s.html?86#ref86
  6. I didn't know there were specks in Rice Lake, it doesn't seem to me like a Speck lake. I've caught them in relatively nearby creeks however.
  7. Pickeral river and walleye lake are my favorite spots.
  8. Two very healthy looking fish! Thanks for the report.
  9. Good photos OldMan! The mouth curves down quite a bit...I'll say it's a splake.
  10. That poor gar never saw it coming. haha funny pic
  11. Hey Rankda... gotta love a lunker bass! Nice photos.
  12. We ran into some brutal slush in Loring on Saturday.... luckily the weather is warm enough that the us and sleds didn't freeze solid....same for you!
  13. Bahahaha. Reminds me of the rod holder I lost, the jigging rod I broke, the sweater I forgot on Sat night....Next time I drink and fish I'm bringing NOTHING with me, especially if in the dark.
  14. Rice Lake is good in the summer..but I have no idea about winter Greetings to the board from R.C.
  15. That's a good mass of fish. Well done guys. How deep are you fishing?
  16. I considered keeping it but the GF already complained about the smell of fish in the condo from the last 40 perch I cleaned. haha Also, I still have some ling in the freezer I need to eat yet, i don't want to have it sit in the freezer too long. That thing will be a bucket of bolts by the time it reaches the shack!. I'm going out sometime after work this week, I'll keep you posted. It's nice when you find one lure that catches everything...even the ling hit the spoon and I've never seen that before. By the way...I think the first Herring photo is actually the one from the G2G...oops. haha green sweater..black sweater
  17. Way to contribute! Warm/sunny days on the ice are fantastic!
  18. Nice pike Rich...you seem to have them dialed in!! Keep em coming
  19. Jim Jigger (member but not active yet) and I drove out to the ice shack today at around 2pm. The snow was deep, the ride was bumpy but the Mazda managed to make it there in one piece. From the moment we dropped our lines the perch were bitting. I kept about 20 of them and caught over 100 between the two of us. At one point I reeled in my minnow line because the action was TOO furious...so I jigged the rest of the time. Jigging with a 4inch silver spoon, I hooked into a huge fish. I was sure it was a BIG walleye, but as it showed it's ugly mug at the hole I realized I had the biggest Ling I've caught up to date. It took some tact and patience to squeeze it through the hole...what a catch She easily swam back down the hole. I don't have a depth finder but I'm well aware of suspending fish. Once in a while I'll reel up half way and jig the mid range depths. This herring hit as soon as my lure reached 12ft. Two biggest perch of the day..maybe 10 or 11 inches Little walleye Bigger walleye...both under the slot size so they go in the freezer. All in all a fantastic day and weekend of fishing. I'm satisfied until next weekend. Thanks for letting me fish so much GF!!
  20. Here are my select pics from the G2G. Randy's deer head is FREAKY!!! hahaha Somebody got stuck right at the ice shack...heavy snow drifts everywhere Randy and the shack My GF jigging her heart out. haha Randy getting in touch with the wildlife gods Blair checking his line Me with a hering Again...great times!
  21. Yes I have that photo, I'll post it here in the next...well, soon. Just got home from Loring. Sooooo much fishing in the past 48 hrs and I plan on hitting the shack again tonight. Thanks to Blair and TJ and all the participants! Sarah and I had a great time. I'll post my photos later today. How did the Herring taste and how did you guys cook it???? Very interested in knowing whether they are worth keeping next time. Congrats to Joeytier on the two walleye!!! You spanked everyone hahaha.
  22. Very interesting ...never heard of guys targetting smelt on the ice. thanks for sharing
  23. Thanks all Here's a video of us moving the shack....hard to talk from inside a snowmobile helmet hahaha
  24. I've never heard of smelt living year round in big rivers, but I imagine the west arm would hold the same baitfish as the rest of the lake. This spring I'm going to check out some potential smelt creeks off of Nipissing...never heard of anyone smelting on Nipissing so it should be interesting. as you said it's just a theory but some good local sources tend to agree.
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