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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Oye! Grown man shedding a tear here. The red on those specs is unique for sure. Very deep and rich color. I'll have to send you a PM the next time I'm on the 17 corridor.. I'd love to get into some whities.
  2. Good stuff Steve! Your teasing me with those perch... My freezer remains empty as of now
  3. Hey Gord. Are ya making it out to the G2G this Saturday?
  4. Don't forget to bring a twooney and a small gift (eg. Lure) for the derby! Biggest fish and most fish split the pot.
  5. Good answer, young whiper snapper. You can go back to playing with your new-fangled whats-its.
  6. You'll be out there longer than I, you may as well bring yours. I'll bring a stick of butter so we can cook up some daytime perch
  7. We are all one or the other, are we? Who knew an entire population could be so easily categorized?
  8. Maybe I should try to borrow this one from my Dad!
  9. Do you have a frying pan in the shack blair? I could bring a stick of butter
  10. Twiggs in North Bay offers WAY better coffee, slightly cheaper, don't pay a CEO x-large coffee cups worth of money and their food isn't made to meet minimum food quality standards. I'll be happy if I ever make money shorting Tim Hortons stock. Can u tell I have a hate-on for Tims? Haha
  11. Welcome aboard. See you at the Nip g2g!
  12. Woo hoo! 4 more days. I'll be at the landing at 8am to meet the early-birds, black mazda truck with an OFC sticker on it. Blair will arrive some time around 9.
  13. There's nothing wrong with my poetry! hahaha

  14. I'm glad lady luck was on your side. No chance at cleaning up that oil spill, eh? haha.
  15. Woo hoo, another one for your record books
  16. Good stuff... can't argue with a feed like that!
  17. If u follow Nipfishers photos (earlier in post) you should be able to find us quite easily. He's really not that far from the parking area...look left, see island with wood stairs, other side is Blairs shack.
  18. That'll calm the blood for a bit. Too bad you missed that monster at the hole! Sounds like it would have been huge. I still haven't properly fished Nip this year... Lack of a sled is really gettin' to me, as I don't want be driving my truck over deep water. Great report Rob. Enjoy the filets.
  19. Awesome Jacques. That's what I tried to catch last week, with no success. Great catch! Very jealous.
  20. Ketch, I've seen them at Canadian Tire for around $50, but it's costs nearly or over $200 to install the system, unless you "know a guy" or can do it yourself. We looked at them when they were on sale but I ran laughing when they quoted around $280 for everything. It's not worth it.... just pretend it's AC in the summer.
  21. That looks incredible. I'm going to transcribe this recipe. Do you think it would work with perch, or walleye, or burbot?
  22. Haha, you never know where youtube references will lead you. Somehow I landed on John Prine. ...and somehow I'm at Matthew Good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to4ZbGp3wG8
  23. Beep beep beep, kill, kill, kill. hahaha. Two versions of this little John Prine gem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NysXg8NKZlg&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z9DleiIa9Y&feature=related
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