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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. My boat is kind of like Lew's, don't have a choice. Threaded brass plug that screws in from the outside. Usually the first thing I do when I pull the boat out of the garage is put the plug in. Whopper
  2. No way Paul would never do that to ya LOL I'd still like to have you take a seat in my boat and have ya school me on some of the East Harbor fish though. I'm sure we could get the fellas at Tibbels to give us a hand with loading. You name a date and I'll take ya, as long as it's not from May 18th to the 28th I have a date with another OFC'er then. Whopper
  3. Mike the area that you were in is about 4 1/2 to 5 hours northeast of me. I've got a couple friends that fish up that way but have never been there myself. Besides Lake Erie and parts of the Ohio River most of our best fishing is on the inland streams and rivers here in Ohio as far as catching fish. Looks like the weather here is going to turn sour after today for the next week, good luck on your return trip. I will be about 125miles west of you that weekend on the big pond. Whopper
  4. Congrats to you and Tybo for getting out! Whopper
  5. I was telling TG the other day that I wish we could send some of the rain we have gotten your way Tom, we have had more than enough here. Congrats on getting out! Don't worry about pike pics hopefully I will have some dandy's at the end of May for team 8 Whopper
  6. Good on you Carol & Cliff! Got to love the catching part of fishing Whopper
  7. Thanks for the kind words Roy really didn't think I would have had the success I did so team 8 logo was sitting in the truck, sorry tjsa. Babyherc I live in southwest Ohio, Dayton area. All fish pictured came from a current break off of a eddy below a spillway in a spot no bigger than a kitchen table. Whopper
  8. Well there's something you don't see everyday, going south of the border for some fishing Excellent report Mike! Glad to see ya have a great time! Whopper
  9. Well done Chris! I have seen two of the rods that you have done and both were a worksof art. Whopper
  10. At lunch time I decided to chuck the work thing and hit the river. I didn't feel the conditions were very favorable to be fishing my usual spot but didn't have a choice because of time. We have had a lot of rain and the river has been high and very muddy. Today's flow wasn't bad and it has receded the last couple of days and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Water was still mud stained visibilty about 6". Started throwing a red & black 1/4 ounce jig and dark motor oil twister and within the first 15 minutes I lost three fish ??? . So I switched to a SR7 shad rap in a firetiger finish and away we go. Caught two small LM bass Not a few minutes later BAM, she hit like a freight train and it was on. Nice smallmouth and I'm pumped. This pic does not do this fish justice, I was having trouble with my camera, probably from lack of use : So I was thinking about when I first started and decided that I really need to bone up on my jigging so I switched back to jig and twister combo. Things were slow then all of the sudden tap tap and it's on again and I figured it was another smallie but it wasn't. SURPRISE a really nice saugeye. It's been a long time since I've caught a saugeye this size out of the river, so I was pleased. A quick pic and back in the drink. Very next cast I caught his her twin sister, sorry no pic > camera fell of the ledge while taking. A few minutes later I slammed a poor little bluegill, must have jerk him ten foot out of the water Caught another small smallmouth then on the very end of a retrieve this kamikaze LM hits as I was bringing my jig out of the water, scared the crap out of me . After a brief tug of war her and I get intimate :-* ;D What a great afternoon and to think before it started I thought all I was going to do was spend some quiet time and catch a few rays. I'm not real happy with the quality of my pics and the camera problems I had today I hope it's just me being rusty with it. Sorry for the long winded report but I feel RE-ENERGIZED. Maybe that will hold me until I get get the boat out. Hope you all enjoyed! Whopper PS Just so everyone knows bass is in season here.
  11. Happy Birthday Monique ! Hope you have a great one. Whopper
  12. Didn't even know you could buy a car that ran for $500.00 We must be pretty lucky because we have own three Chrysler vehicles that were bought new and I still own two. Both are the Concord LXI models and have never had a problem with the 2004 and only had two problems with the 2000 (150,00miles, a ignition relay switch and compressor clutch). The one I dont have was a Neon that was bought for the oldest daughter and it had a bullseye painted on the trunk lid, and was hit from behind three times, youngest daughter was driving the last time and they had to cut her out of the car so it went to the scrap yard. Good luck in your search! Whopper
  13. Simple solution OUTBOARD MOTOR Whopper
  14. Mute point...After your last post you won't be around anyways Whopper
  15. Sorry for your loss and good luck with your move. Whopper
  16. Can some one answer Maureens question?
  17. Yeah Joey tough break for the #20 team, hands down they had the strongest car before their problems today' Joe, Burtons is a class act and Bush should have been real glad it was him behind most everyone else would of had him kissing the wall. Whopper
  18. I have a rear bagger Toro that I have had for well over 15years and love it. Believe it or not, besides fishing I really enjoy yard work. Whopper
  19. Yes a worth while investment for any walleye fisherman! Whopper
  20. Great report Tom looks like you had fun! Thanks for the extra inch Whopper
  21. My best guess would be the Largemouth bass record could quite possibly be broken in California, read a few articles and watched a show (name escapes me at moment) of this dude catching and releasing three LM bass over 20lbs in the last couple years. Whopper
  22. Hope ya have a great one Wayne! Happy Birthday! Phil
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