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Everything posted by superdad

  1. Your VHF radio should be DSC compatible. If you ever think of using your GPS features on your fishing sonar and have it hooked to your radio for emergencies, get the DSC / VHF radio. Just my .02
  2. When I was at the big CTC in Kingston this morning around 1045, the young guy told the Fishing Dept Mgr, that the fish-huts were gone.... The Mgr. told me that they had sold seven power augers since 0900 - they were walking out the place. What a sale - I guess. David aka Superdad
  3. The Bar at the Fish N Chips is right beside the WFN Presentation Stage - easy to find - it's the hall that connects to the other bldg. Have Fun OFNers. Cheers David aka Superdad
  4. We went to the show on Wed also and we enjoyed our selves. We spent a fair amount of time with the outfitters as I was researching info on bear hunting for a friend in USA. Met some nice people - all willing to share info. Even to the prices of the resident bear licenses versus the non-resident - the difference is around $100. We sat in on a couple of seminars at WFN stage and enjoyed the discussion after the presentation, picked up some good trolling tips also. Saw some good prices on some lures, but didn't break the bank. The 'no tax' was agood idea as we saved money buying at the show and the price mathced the USA price - can't beat that with a stick....... We enjoyed the Hunting area as my buds are turkey/goose and deer hunters, so we had lots to look at there. At the OFAH, met Cam and asked about his Quinte fishing. The Fly Fishing area was neat as it gave people a chance to try a fly rod and we met 'on-air' personalities and publishing fly fishing people. We met up with some fishers from western Lake Ontario, who fish in Quinte and we had a brown pop and spun some yarns. To eliminate the parking & gas costs - use the the GO. We drove from Kingston to Oshawa and GO'd over to the show, beat the heck out of drving the DVP and the hassle getting outof TO. All in all, we had a good day, good things to see and buy and it's starts the mind working for the upcoming fishing season - Can't ask for more than that.
  5. Remember Alberta has 800 lakes - so there's a considerable amount of fishing pressure on those resources. It's the land of milk and no taxes - but everything comes with a price. Your age will allow to relocate should you find it not to your liking. Lotsa Luck David aka Superdad
  6. I was in Watertown last Thursday and Gander is in the midst of getting the shelves cleared of the ice fishing gear and they are starting tp get more stuff out. The shelves had the ususal stuff but nothing to rave about. The bargain bins were full of plastic worms but very few lures. I found a deal at Herb Phillipson, they had Berkley Flickers 2 for $4.99 - thats's a good deal. Will hit Gander sometime in April when the shelves are full. One thing I looked for and asked about and was told that Gander will NOT be stocking the Mustad Slow Death hooks. CTC in Kingston will be having them. Cheers David aka Superdad
  7. One of the benefits of being in Kingston and fairly close to the border is that I can rent a Post Office box in New York State, yes the cost has increased over the fifteen years I've had the box, but I save that money on my subscriptions. You see the ads for one year for a good price and then read the fine print for Canadian rates and they triple, as mentioned previously, over $45.00 for a year. When the US dollar was really costly, some of the mags wanted over $50.00 per year for Cdn mailing. I visit my box once a month, sometime more often when items arrive from eBay. Like I said, it's a positive thing being close to the border, anyone can do it.
  8. Went for the last day of the ice season on Hay Bay and fished approx half way across the bay from Kaisers and the south side Ramp. BayBoy / Matthew / Laker John and myself began at 1000 and Laker John missed a hit at 1030. Bayboy landed a jumbo perch at 1100 and then the action tailed off...... Laker John had a strike and thought it was another perch and he hauled out a Walleye.... well it was a walleye, BUT one of the smallest I've seen. Matthew had to leave to return home and the three of us fished til 1600, when the wind and blowing snow was at its peak. Earlier, around 1415, I had a good strike and lost the fish, heading to get some new bait, Laker John has a strike (probably the one that had just cleaned my hooks :roll: ) and he was able to land a nice 2 pounder for his table. The weather HAD been nice in the morning with the sun shining, BUT, aall good things end with the changing weather and it clouded over, snow squalls blew thru and around 1430, the westerlies blew up and the snow was filling the hole and it was cooler. We packed in at 1600 and tried to toast the Lake-God, but the little bottle was dry. Will fill it up for the opening weekend. Stay tuned - waiting for snow and ice on the boat to go to install the new kicker and break it in looking for brown trout. Cheers to all ice fishers - it appears as though most fishers did well, some did REALLY well and hats off to them.
  9. I should be there for the month of May, three weeks in June, Two weeks in July, Four weeks in August, Three weeks in Sept, two weeks in Oct and some days on Nov and Dec. Hope I get to fish a lot! David aka Superdad
  10. Not from Zone 16 - 17 - 18 Cheers David aka Superdad
  11. Great News for Facts of Fishing Dave From Superdad aka David D
  12. Hi Pete, Thanks for your words, I won't be in Toronto this weekend at BPS as I will be fishing on the Bay of Quinte on the last day of walleye ice season. There ARE muskies in the BOQ, my fishing bud hit a Tiger a few years ago. My fishing Bud has all the gear for musky and wants me to try for them, BUT, we always end fishing for walleyes - perhaps this is the year to drag some musky lures around the weed beds. Cheers and have a good weekend at BPS. Tight Lines David Delcloo aka Superdad Kingston / Hay Bay(on BOQ)
  13. Pete, It's a pleasure to see that you are a member of this board, thus I can assume that you are lurking now and then. "The NextBite.com" forum is a place that many fishers in Ontario frequent, I can read the nicknames and see the 'cross over". Hope you have a great visit to BSP in Toronto(Vaughan) and meet lots of fans. Cheers David aka Superdad
  14. The Main Guys from the NextBIte are going to be there on Mar2nd. F Y I David aka Superdad
  15. To eliminate the potential of a problem with the Border Service - TELL THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!! Don't lie or try to scam a few dollars in taxes. If you are buying in US, then you are probably saving $$ from the get go, pay the GST/PST and you have a clear conscience and don't have a lying face that they can read like a book. Just my .02 after inporting a Boat/trailer and recently a new kicker. This is the boat below
  16. Hawk Hunter, You're the MAN !!!! What a great year you've had on the ice with great results. Congrats David aka Superdad
  17. Way to go Hawg Hunter, Saturday was a good day also at Hay Bay, not the numbers you posted up your way, but still a good day. You're having awesome success - congrats David aka Superdad
  18. Was out to fish today with Laker John, BayBoy and myself around 0915. Fished an area unknown til recently and we heard it had produced some fish recently. It was a Beautiful day without any wind, we didn't put gloves on til after 1300. The morning produced a pair of nice sized perch. Around 1300, we had a friendly visit from a C/O on a Skidoo, License and driver permits produced - all is GOOD. The C/O left and Bayboy had a 'Fish On' and we scrambled to get the fish up out of the hole ( the ice is 15-18 inches) and it was a beauty. He's on a HOT Streak..... with the Sidewinder............... We fished and fished and finally I had a GOOD strike and with quite a tussle, the fishs' head appeared and Laker John scooped thefish out. Hey, what do you know a PB for a hard-water walleye for Superdad, a doubledigit...... We weren't getting many hits and the conversation lagged as the humour wasn't there with no bites..... Around 1515, BayBoy hits another - landed this one and hey-what's that - Another PB.......... The weather was changing with a squall coming in from Picton and so we headed back to shore around 1615. We had gone 3 for 4 for the day - the fish certainly weren't biting like mad, But, we came away happy. Stay Tuned - 13 days of Quinte fishing left until May3rd (for walleyes)
  19. I wonder if the rules for PFD's holds true for Floatation Suits? Any tear or hole in a PFD renders it useless under the present regulations.
  20. According to the MNR for Zone 20, the walleye season is thus: Walleye & Sauger or any combination Jan. 1 to Mar.1 & the 1st Sat. in May to Dec. 31 S - 4; not more than 1 greater than 63 cm (24.8 in.) C - 2; not more than 1 greater than 63 cm (24.8 in.) We get an extra day to fish this year - Yipee
  21. Speaking of Red Fisher,I was sorting books last week (moving bookcases) and I ran across my copy of his poems. Fortunately, I met Red at the VIA Rail Station and was able to have him dedicate and autograph the book. It's a treasure - the Record would be cool. Funny, somebody MUST have the TV shows somewhere - perhaps they'll come out some day.
  22. Mike le brochet Belle bateau - bon pour quinte. David aka Superdad
  23. Laker John and I thought we had the place all to our selves this morning as we dragged his boat out of storage and headed to Hay Bay to pick up my stuff and travel over to launch to have a fish on Adolphus Reach. We were filled with optimism and joked as we drove over to the ferry. After we turned on Rte 133 from Rte 8, our optimism was put to the test. All we could see was a skim of ice covering the whole Reach, from the North side to the County side. We could read the handwriting on the water....... Here's what we saw at the Ferry Launch. and another; We thought that we would be able to put the boat in the water at Finkles Park in Bath and headed along the Parkway. As we neared the generating station, there was ice along the shore but lots of open water and with the Generating Station making power, we thought the warm water outlet would be accessible from Bath. The strong South-east winds were blowing the WHite-Caps and the big rollers hitting the shore made it obvious that the water was too rough to attempt a fishing expedition. Headed back to Hay Bay and we just had to look and see the Shermans Pt Launch Ramp (just in case something would be available). Our thoughts were dashed when we walked down the ramp to the waters edge. We did see some trailer tracks from yesterday that had launched beside the cement pad. You can see the track that was made thru the ice yesterday - wonder if they got anything?????? We drove back and put away the soft-water gear and insured the ice rods were all set for the next trip to Hay Bay. Hopefully, the cold will continue and the ice will reform and we'll be back out there sooner than later. Stay Tuned.
  24. You can't go wrong with the Mohawk Bay CampGround, the owner Dave is a good guy. You're right on the water you want - it does get crowded on opening weekend, but it's like that all over the place. Things quiet down after that. Lots of fishing choices being based at Mohawwk Bay, Telegraph Narrows, Long Reach, the Cables, Forrester Is and Mohawk Bay itself. Lotsa Luck
  25. You made it just under the wire as the ice has broken up in many places and is totally unsafe - bring your boats for this weekend. We were out Sunday also for a couple of hours and managed one nice 3.5lber on Little Cleo in 25 FOW with a couple muds.
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