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Everything posted by superdad

  1. The subject of the lack of underwater vegetation has become a topic ofssion between the anglers of the Bay of Quinte in the last number of years The discussion has ranged from the lack of water clarity and water depth this summer to the carp in the weeds and the ice taking them out in the spring. Laker John has found something in an article by Ted Takasaki and Scott Richardson in their "Night Shift Walleye" published on Walleye Central. The interesting quote is: " Clear water is a common characteristic. Zebra mussels have made many lakes and reservoirs crystal clear. A lack of vegetation is another. Rusty crayfish have mowed thick weed beds down in many spots. " The key to this is the mention of the Rusty Crawfish........and their mowing down weed beds. Further looking at the Rusty Crawfish shows that they as an invasive species have and are causing much damage to the environment. The Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers website says: Why is the rusty crayfish considered to be a nuisance? Competition with Native Species - Being an aggressive species, the rusty crayfish often displaces native or existing crayfish species. Ultimately, this could result in less food for fish. Crayfish are eaten by fish, but because of their thick shell relative to their soft tissue, the food quality is not as high as many of the invertebrates that they replace. Less food or lower food quality means slower growth, which can reduce fish survival. Destruction of aquatic plant beds - When introduced, rusty crayfish reduce aquatic plant abundance and species diversity. This can be especially damaging in relatively unproductive northern lakes, where beds of aquatic plants are not abundant. Submerged aquatic plants are important in these systems for habitat for invertebrates (which provide food for fish and ducks), shelter for young gamefish, or forage species of fish, nesting areas for fish, and erosion control (by minimizing waves). How do rusty crayfish affect recreational users? Anglers - When rusty crayfish are introduced to a new system, the impacts are potentially devastating. However, because of the nature of these impacts, it takes time for anglers to directly feel these results. When a plant bed's diversity is decreased, a variety of effects take place. Generally, many species have difficulty acquiring food, which is necessary to grow and reproduce. Eventually, certain species decline, which ultimately disrupts the larger food web and effects all the species in an ecosystem including gamefish. Macalester College website states: The Rusty will invade the homes ofnative crayfish and has been known to eat fish eggs. Rusty crayfishreproduce speedily and efficiently with a typical females layinganywhere from 80-575 eggs. The Rusty will uproot and devour manyAquatic plants which provide a vital habitat for fish and otheraquatic animals, as well as preventing erosion. The OFAH state in their InvasionSpecies.com website: Rusty crayfish are omnivores so they will eat anything but prefer high protein foods. They feed on aquatic plants, benthic invertebrates (which include aquatic worms, snails, leeches and aquatic insects), decaying plants and animals, fish eggs, and small fish. They have a more aggressive nature than the native species in areas they are introduced to. I believe these critters might be the reason that theweedbeds around Hay Bay have disappeared so suddenly. Hope this opens our eyes to these Invsive Speciies and as I mentioned in an earlier post today, the existence of Spiny Water Fleas in Hay Bay and in the waters close to the Cement Plant near Picton. Stay Tuned
  2. Calberrt, The fishing has been very slow on Hay Bay and surrounding areas, we are hoping that the baitfish will die off and the weather will even out and stop giving us the constant pressure changes. People are still fishing the area around Ram Is, Shermans Pt, and Mallory Bay. R U familiar with these areas? If not, drop me a PM. Where on Hay Bay will you be located? North Shore or South Shore.... Cheers
  3. Have to report that the dock fishing on Hay Bay ia alive and well. Had the Grandsons (Les Boys) down on the dock last Wed before they headed back to the Big Smoke, The bite was "ON" as we fished off the docks at Bayview Resort. Here's a couple of shots with a pretty big Rock Bass. This is AJ and Grandad This is Will and Grandad We sure are having fun with the smaller fish as they bite a lot better than the walleyes.... Stay Tuned for the next Grandson's fishing in Mid Sept.
  4. WalleyeDreamer, Glad to hear the bad stuff is over and that you're getting back to Quinte to restart your fishing. Take care of yourself and we'll see you out on the water. Cheers David aka Superdad
  5. I was at Hay BAy yesterday and the fishing reports indicate TOUGH fishing, yet I saw a 29.5 inch fish that a 12 year old caught fishing with her grandparents. Stay Tuned
  6. Was out to Hay Bay with Laker John for the Perfect Vue Memorial Derby and went pre-fishing Friday evening, couldn't catch a cold. Marked tons of fish and even more TONS of baitfish schools.. Saturday, we fished near Thompsons Cove as there were over 24 boats in Mallory Bay (it was the hot spot). We landed a walleye in the first 45 minutes and thought we were on the way - Sad to say it was a false start. We continued to troll that area and Laker John had a HUGE strike, we thought immediately of sheepshead, this fish took a lot of drag and fought a noble fight, but finally we were abloe to put the net under the fish. What a giant.................................. I held the fish and John took a snap. We weighed the fish, but it pulled the scale to the bottom of the 25LB mark and went past it, we estimate that the fish was close to 30LB. That was our excitement for the day as we caught a couple of small eyes, but nothing to weigh in. The winners from Perfect Vue had a nice bag of four fish and combined woth the pail weight was over 13 lbs. Everyone had a good time with the BBQ and Prize give out. Thanks to Perfect Vue Campers Committee for their efforts. Bayview Resort Derbu next weekend, tix available at Dew Drop Inn, Perfect Vue, Bayview Resort and from the campers of Bayview Resort. Stay Tuned.
  7. Good report Mike, Having the young lad get a bunch is a great thing. David aka Superdad
  8. July 1,2008 will be a day that my Grandson AJ will remember when he gets older as he was able to land his first fish. Fishing with his Dad, Grandad and Great-Grandad in Thompson Cove a fish was hooked and the rod passed to AJ. He was concentrating on reeling in the fish. His Dad was coaching him and giving encouragement. Finally the fish came to the net and we brought it over the side, everyone was happy and the cameras clicked like crazy. As I took the hook out, AJ got close and the fish flipped in my hand and kinda grazed his chin, he wasn't too imressed with the fish flapping on his face. We took a picture of the three generations. We only fished for an hour, we didn't want to test the little guys patience. and we landed another walleye shortly thereafter. July 2nd was a chance for the three guys to getout and try again. Thompson Cove was good the day before so we headed there again and we weren't disappointed. We fished for four hours and landed 13 walleyes, three sheepies and lost a big pike at the net. We had a great day...... To conclude the story of AJ's fishing, we took him down to the dock the next day with an ice fishing rod (more his size), a bobber and a hook with some worms. Fishing off the dock he was able to land a dozen or fifteen perch, several rock bass and a sunfish. This was a lot of fun too. I think we have started AJ on a fishing expedition for his chapter. Everyone had a great time. Cheers David aka Superdad
  9. You can rent a boat and motor at Bayview Resort on Hay Bay. I can vouch for the BITE - it's on I got a nice one Saturday evening before sundown in Long Reach Have a look. It seems like everyone is catching fish in Hay Bay. Cheers
  10. In Edinbourgh(SP), must see the WHISKY Museum.... Visit ANY distillery in Scotland and see the differences in the whiskys. My son was a university there and told me and brought me whisky ---Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm single malt..... David aka Superdad
  11. MuddlerMan and I headed out on Saturday afternoon to try our luck and try some planer board trolling. Began our troll just a little north of the Big Willow on the High Shore (Directly across from Thompsons Pt) and went down wind(northward). We had the boards out 100' from the boat with a couple of different lures at the end. We had just reached the north end of Grandfather Cove and one of the lines went off. I reeled in the board and brought a fine 17" speciman to the net. It had taken my trial lure.......... Continued trolling and within 5 minutes the other rod went off and MuddlerMan landed another 17" walleye at the end of his CC shad. We trolled northward and 20 minutes later, the rod with the trial lure went off again..... I landed a really 21" walleye. We trolled almost to Hogsback Shoal and the trial rod went off again, MuddlerMan was all over it and landed another 17" beauty.... We had trolled for approx 2 hours and landed four nice fish. The trial lure was a Michigan Stinger in a Kivorkian pattern. This is what it looks like: I've been carrying those in my tackle for two years and never had the proper time or required patience to use them at length. Well, they work like a charm and will be part of the arsenal from now on. The storm clouds were blowing in the from the NorthWest and we beat it back to the dock and we beat the huge storm that blew thru on Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning, PerfectlyPat, MuddlerMan and myself headed off again to try some things, BUT the winds from the south-west were too strong, so we decided to use the Uzick Spinner and troll the area off the Old Church Launch Ramp. The wind was wicked and everyone was running upwind and trolling downwind. There was one guy in a beige boat who continued to drive at full throttle thru the pack of boats and turn and fish downwind- his actions were not appreciated by the 10 or so boats fishing there. We caughta pair of eyes in our first two passes and on the third, MuddlerMan landed a 17 incher. We trolled there for 2.5 hhrs and decided to try the north shore in the lee. As we trolled past BayBoys residence, She yelled "Big Fish On", she fought the walleye and brought it to the net and it was destined for the pan. We thoroughly enjoyed the fresh fish on Monday evening. We concluded the sunday fishing at 1230 with a total of five landed fish. Everyone was pleased with the results of the day. All fish on Sunday were on the Orange Uzick Spinner. That was all the fishing for the weekend as we watched the wind and rain. Hope to be back out next week and try those new Mustad Hooks. Stay Tuned
  12. After a terrible week of weather, Muddler Man and myslf were able to get out Saturday afternoon for a fish. Headed to Shermans Pt to see what we could do there. Saw a couple of fish landed by some friends, but we couldn't attract anything. Trolled downwind and MuddlerMan hit a 14 incher in Carp Cove deep in the weeds as the wind was pushing us. Trolled eastward past the Kingscourt weedbed and past Perfect Vue. Just east of Perfect Vue, in fact in front of BayBoys house, Muddlerman had a real good pull and we netted a 29.5" pike, around 7lbs - released. Trolling continued and within 15 minutes, we landed three more walleyes, a pair for the box (16" & 17"). Headed back to the dock at 1915 after three hours of trolling with a total of 5 fish landed. On Sunday morning, we headed back out and decided we'd try the weedline in front of the Old Church. As we approached the area and were getting the lines ready, we marked a number of fish, baitfish and fish feeding, so we thought we'd troll thru them. A couple of missed strikes told us to hold the line and we continued trolling the 20' level. Muddlerman landed two walleyes, before we completed our first trolling pass. After we turned and headed back,I was able to land one and then MuddlerMan landed another..... The winds picked up and on our last downwind troll, he hit another walleye, he was HOT..... another day and he had 4 of the 5 fish landed. We called it a day at 1230 and headed to the dock for a picture. Our totals were for 7 hours fishing - 10 landed fish and several hooked and lost. We were pleased. All the fish were taken on the Orange Uzick spinner with a 3/8oz bullet sinker and a plastic worm. We've got some things to try next weekend and are hopeful that the hype for the latest product from Mustad will live up to it billing. Stay Tuned
  13. Mike, Sure was cold and windy -we fished Sundy AM for 2.5 hrs in Hay Bay, hit 5 walleyes with a new technique. It was sweet........... Cheers David aka Superdad
  14. Looking at the map in the regs, it shows the Cataraqui River up to the train tracks(Kingston Mills)... It's open there now. Cheers David aka Superdad
  15. Hay Bay is always a good starting point and the fish were biting (at least) on Saturday. Good report David aka Superdad
  16. Great Report, loved the video, could see you were close to my home base (Bayview Resort) everyone there got their fish where you were fishing.
  17. Mike, It was nice to say hi, even though we were bobbing up and down on the water. You guys did well. The weather sucked on Sunday, so we left at 0930. Thanks for the picture of the winning weights and the names, the results posted other places were quite wrong. I will use your photo to show the results. I'm sure you'll be back this summer, perhaps we can get together. Cheers David aka Superdad
  18. The opening weekend is always a great time for meeting and greeting fellow fishers after a long winter. Bayview Resort was alive with campers and cottagers and boats and trailers - everyone eager to fish and start the season. Our 'Three Amigos Fishing Team' was ready and anxious to go. Who are the Three Amigos??? - Laker John, Superdad and Superdad's Dad - Superbert. We were ready to go with the game plan set. Headed out Saturday at 0615 and headed to some bigger water. Began fishing at 0645 and set out the planer boards and flatlines. Water temp was 48.7 degs F. That would set the tempo for the day. Made our first pass and the flatline with the Husky Jerk Clown went off and Superdad's Dad landed the first fish of the day - a nice 5.75 lber. Good Start. We trolled for another hour and the flat line went off again and Superdad landed a nice 6.75 lber on a Husky Jerk (blue/silver&orange). We trolled for another hour and half and the planer board went off and Laker John took his turn and said, "This is a big one". He fought and SuperBert swished with the net and the fish was ours. Boy - what a size... This one goes to Picton Bay...... Travelled to Picton Bay and had the fish weighed. We were told that this fish put Laker John in 5th place, as of 1130 Saturday. It was 11.2 lbs and was 29.5 inches. The lure was a CC Shad!!!!! We headed back out full on confidence and hoping for a 12 lber. The afternoon kinda slowed down and SuperBert was into another fish off the planer board. As the fish came to the boat I could see it was anothe big fish, but as the net was swiped, the fish flipped and the hook flew out - DARN................. A lost fish doesn't lose your spot in the fish rotation and shortly thereafter, the flat line bent again and Superbert was into another fish. This one didn't throw the hook and it was ours. A quick Picture and a rapid plunge back into the water of Quinte. The Husky Jerk worked again. We fished til 1700 and called it a day, we had spent a long time out there and Superbert is 87 years old........ Sunday Morning the rain began at 0400 and it was gloomy around our place. Dressed in rain suits and headed to the boat - hey the sky to west is clearing - Maybe it will be an OK day????? Left at 0700 and headed back to our fishing water and started trolling, marked a lot of fish and baitfish and the water was up to 52.0 degs F. Made a pass and headed back into a slight breeze, nothing to worry about. Turned theboat to head back down wind and the white caps were appearing - Uh OH!!!! As we trolled down wind the wind speed increased and the white caps grew, it was futile to try and troll up wind and we trolled easterly for 40 miinutes, bouncing and bouncing. This is crazy. Pulled the lines and headed west at an angle to the waves and wind and motored slowly back towards the campground. We spent an hour trolling in front of Bayview Resort as the Saturday fishing there had been outstanding..... We marked a lot of fish but the cold front had put the fish down. Landed at 1200 hours and called it a weekend. We went to Trenton for the award ceremony scheduled for 1700 hours, we got there at 1650 and half the prizes had been awarded. we just made the Senior Walleye category and they called Laker John's name. John rec'd a nice pair of prizes and we headed back to Kingston, well satisfied after our weekend. All in all, everyone had a good weekend and from what we could see and hear everyone landed fish, some bigger than others but they are all walleyes......... Congrats to the winners and to all who competed in the Walleye Weekend. Cheer
  19. Hey there, Saw this and thought we should be aware of our Canadian Fishers in the big events. http://walleyetour.flwoutdoors.com/tournam...&aid=148350 Cheers
  20. Forgot to add, the Mercury 15HP four stroke worked like a dream............ David aka Superdad
  21. Well, It's a tough job but someone has to do it..... Laker John had installed his new 15HP four stroke and it REALLY needed a field test, so no better chance than a sunny Thursday before the lousy weather set in for the weekend. All my household painting chores had been completed and we were off like a herd of turtles, heading for Lake Ontario. Having checked the water temps (courtesty of Michigan Univ.) we suspected that it might be the right time. We got out to fish around 1430 and headed west on our first trolling pass, nothing was happening and we began to doubt if in fact the 'time was right'. The two and a half waves from the south kept us bouncing and trying to see if there was a strike in the planer boards. As we made our turn after our run, the inside board pulled in an strange way, Laker said, "Grab the rod and see what it is". After taking the board off the line, there was a fish there. I was able to land a nice 16" brown trout on the trout producer - Alpena Diamond........ 'Hey the fish are here', we both cried...... Continuing back on our line, heading east that same board and same lure, except this time the board was knocked off with a vicious strike. Laker John reeled a real beauty to the boat. This was a beauty and it went back to the water. I won't bore you with the details of the rest of our fishing day, suffice to say that we fished for four hours and we landed seven brown trout, six on the Alpena Diamond and one on a Copper Toronto Wabler. The water ranged between 40.5 and 42 degs, there were pockets of warmer water and we got our fish trolling around 2.3-2.4 MPH. Landing at 1845, we took a couple of Pix for the record. We held the same fish for the Pictures. We hope to get back again soon and see if we can find some of the bigger fish. Stay Tuned
  22. I would be cautious about a Florida boat - SALTWATER - scares the c**p out of me.........
  23. We'll be there and staying at Bayview Resort in my trailer... Fishing on Superdad and looking for big uns.... Wave and say hi on Ch 72. Lotsa Luck.............
  24. Have a look at the cottages /motels / campgrounds on the www.quintefishing.com and it will show lots of options. Long weekend in May is very popular, call and book when you decide. The recommendations in this thread should be looked at very carefully. a quick to see what some people think about a place is to ask if anyone has stayed there and what was it like. The replies can be surprising. Hopefully the walleye are still biting on that long weekend. Cheers David aka Superdad
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