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Everything posted by superdad

  1. There were over 5000 fishers registered last year, there might be a decrease in the numbers because as of tomorrow, the price jumps to $50.00 a ticket. Last year was $35.00 and if you bought your ticket before April 1st this year still $35.00. We'll see what develops from the 33% raise in the fees. We bought our tickets early, BUT we have to wait for the hats (stuck on a boat from China off the west coast). Cheers David aka Superdad
  2. My early wresting shows were the shows on French TV in Montreal on Wednesday night from the Forum and my favourite was Waldek "Killer" Kowalski. Those were the days of Yvon Robert, Larry Moquin, Gorgeous George, Yukon Eric (Kowalski took off part of his ear one night with a knee Drop) and Don Leo Jonathan. Then Edouard Carpentier arr'd and it got really good, I saw Carpentier and Kowalski at Delormier Stadium in Montreal perhaps 1956???? In the WWF, Roddy Piper was a fav with the Macho Man. Today, the show is all the talk and lots of punching and kicking - on the positive side the jumps and leaps today are way better than years ago. David aka Superdad
  3. That was a great video, congrats on the BOQ trip and sharing your fishing. David aka Superdad
  4. Firstly, let me offer thanks on behalf of all the fishers who took part in the 10th Annual Live Release Fall Classic Walleye Derby to Les Corbay, who organized the derby and assembled a team of helpers to make the event the success that it was. THANKS LES we all appreciate your efforts. Les announced that the derby would make a contribution to the Kids for Christmas of $500.00. The weather gods were on the side of the fishers who partook in the event of Saturday with lots of sun and a little bit of wind. The 0700 blast-off from the Shermans Point Launch Ramp was exciting as the boats scattered, some going to the far east, some to the north-west and some staying close. Some anglers took advantage of weighing their fish early and those who waited to close to 2PM had to mill around the dock as boats were getting fish out and weighed and then taking boats out of the water. The vast majority of the fish entered, swam away under their own, but there were some who didn't and those fish were disqualified. If you believe you have a big enough fish for the board, it would be prudent to have the fish weighed ASAP, rather than leave a fish in the live-well for many hours. Les and the weigh crew brought the final results to the peg Board and Les was ready to announce the four cash prizes. Leading the way with a walleye of 10.3lbs was John Vaughn. Congrats to John for a fine specimen. His fish won him the $700.00 1st prize. Second place went to Troy Elliott, who landed his Personal Best in the Derby, a fine 10.0 lb walleye - Congrats Troy on the PB, They're always a good thing. The third place fish weighing 9.8lbs was shared between Allain & Dennis - a couple of guys who made the trek from Quebec and who are old friends from the Quintefishing.com derby days. It was nice to see you back on the BOQ. The final cash prize for 4th place went to Doug Bookner with a 9.7lb fish. Awfully close - every ounce counts. Way to go Doug. Prior to the draw prizes, Les announced that Black Diamond Cheese had donated a case of four year old Balderson Cheese and it would be auctioned off. The bidding was quick $20 - $40 - $60 - $80 and finally John Vaughn bid $100.00 for the cheese. well done John. This raised the donation to the Hospital to $600.00. All the entrants should feel pride in their fishing efforts would benefit many children at Christmas. Once again, the food that Les and his crew produced was excellent, the Chili was super and Les offered a new dish this year - a Peach Curry with Venison Sausage - It's a REAL WINNER!!!!!!!!!! Everyone loved this one - you'll have to make it again next year Les. The crowd was thinning out as the draw prizes were being given out, so the picture of the crowd doesn't do justice to all who attended the 2014 Derby. Everyone I talked to is planning on returning in 2015 and hopefully we can raise more money for the Hospital Kids. I look forward to seeing everyone again next year and possibly before out on the BOQ. Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad
  5. Thanks for sharing that info on the BOQ. David aka Superdad
  6. Sorry about reposting on an old thread, I looked around and didn't see it. I'm still chuffed at OFAH about it and their total silence, especially in the magazine. David aka Superdad
  7. Has anyone read the latest OOD???? In the 'NEWS' column there is an article about the MNR looking for new Funds. Hunters and Fishers to bear the brunt of this. FYI David aka Superdad Here's the article: The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is proposing new ways to increase revenue — and hunters and anglers will likely bear the brunt of it. An Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) posting, which closes for comment on June 2, says that by 2015 the Special Purpose Account (SPA) that funds the MNR’s fish and wildlife programs, which cost $100-million to deliver, will not be able to keep up with shortfalls caused by changing licence purchases, inflation, and an older demographic. According to the posting, the SPA will have to reduce expenditures in 2015 to maintain a positive budget unless actions are taken to offset the shortfall. All of the proposed actions are outlined in this Sustainability Strategy for the Special Purpose Account (SPA), 2014-2019 document. In the 40-page document some of the proposed actions include the following: a $2 processing fee for Outdoors Cards and licence purchases; increased commercial fishing licence fees; and replacing free angling for seniors with discounted conservation and sportfishing licences starting in 2016. At current licence rates that would mean seniors would pay $23.11 for a sportfishing licence or $13.17 for a conservation licence, plus $9.63 in either case for an Outdoors Card. The draft strategy’s goals also include improving efficiency and cost savings within the MNR to allow more money to be directed to fish and wildlife conservation, corporate sponsorships, and initiatives that recruit and retain anglers and hunters. In addition to receiving public comment via the EBR posting, MNR Project Manager Silvia Stobl said that the ministry held presentations at 23 stakeholder sessions from December 2012 to March 2013, and focus sessions for key stakeholders from November 2013 to February 2014. MNR Sr. Media Relations Officer Jolanta Kowalski said after the 45-day comment period, the MNR will review the comments to develop a decision notice that will be posted on the EBR Registry for additional comments. - See more at: http://www.oodmag.com/news/mnr-looking-new-funding/#sthash.Aj8QX8AP.dpuf
  8. For Immediate Release I am pleased to announce that the Brown Bear Tackle Box in Kingston is now offering for sale, the Uzick Spinner manufactured by Superdad. These are the authentic lures as created by John Uzick of Pennsylvania and passed along to Superdad in the mid 1980’s. The Brown Bear Tackle Box is located at 836 Development Drive in Kingston (A right turn off Gardeners Road when heading south before the under-pass) Phone No. - 613-389-1119. These lures have been proven as true walleye catchers for the Bay of Quinte. Stop By and pick up several before hitting the Bay of Quinte and the world class walleye fishery. David Delcloo aka Superdad
  9. Looks like some guys did really well, a great many did not, that's why is called fishing. We'll keep trying. David aka Superdad
  10. A good news post about opening weekend with family - something to cherish and enjoy forever. David aka Superdad
  11. All the plans had been made and on Friday, my Dad and son and I headed for Hay Bay. Dropped off the stuff and drove over to Merland Park to drop off some Uzick Spinners that Kevin carries. Nice to chat with Jennifer and Kevin and head to purchase gas near Desronto. We raised the dock as the waves had been pouring over the deck. We delayed launching the boat as the winds were fierce. Saturday AM, launched the boat at Shermans and went back to Bayview to pick up the fishers and the gear. Headed away at 0900 and made it to Adolphus Reach and had the lines out by 0930. We trolled up and down past Keiths Shoal with lures high in the water column and lures lower in the WC. Never had a touch - never saw a net on any of the other boats. We had one mishap with a board coming off and attempting to get it, we cut one of the other lines and the planer board disappeared. What a Bummer!!!!! One of the nice things that happened on Saturday was my sons' smart phone with CBC built in. We watched the 1st period of the game and then the battery died - that was a NEW experience. Left Keith Shoal at 1430 and headed for the camp to eat supper and watch the Derby. We got out to drown some worms at the 'Hump' and there was a nice sunset. Dave got a good shot. No fish to report.... Sunday AM, it was blowing but Ram Island kinda protects the 'Hump', we decided to try the flats at the east end. Trolled from McCabes Bay to Huffmans IS and the winds were picking up. We thought there might some lee out of the winds, but they came from two directions and formed a vortex off the shore with 2 footers. Trolling downwind was too quick. Suddenly I had a pull and Dave netted a hammerhandle pike - back it went and off we went, back to the dock. Back on shore we had a toast to the season and called it a weekend. Took the boat out, packed up and headed for Kingston. The water temps - Adolphus Reach - 49 degs F - Hay Bay 51.4 degs F. That's really chilly. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
  12. Chris They are GREAT - beautiful orange flesh and very sweet, my Grandsons Really enjoy them. Worth the while to selective harvest. David aka Superdad
  13. Laker John and I arr'd at the Beach Launch at 0730 and ran into Trophy Hunter, exchanged greetings and we headed out. Started fishing at 0800, trolling west in 6 - 10 feet of water dragging stickbaits. Some of our 'Shallow' baits began hooking bottom on the lake side, must have been some rocks?????. Trolled an hour west and turned back, changing lures, going to a pattern that worked last year, the Evil Eye spoon. At 0925, the inside board of the shore side fired and the fish jumped right away. Brought the board in and with only 30 feet behind it, the fish was close. John scooped and the fish was ours. We continued to troll the shoreline with no further results, finishing the day exploring the deeper water to see if the fish had moved out from the shallows with the bright sun, nothing... Took a shot for the history file of the 1st fishing tip of 2014 (Soft-water version) Hit the launch at 1430 and headed home, there were still five other trailers there when we left, it was a very busy ramp. Snapped another shot - just in case. It was a great day to be out on the water, sunny, slight breeze adn to escape the grasps of the long and cold winter made it most enjoyable. Stay Tuned - at Least one more trip before the 3rd of May David aka Superdad
  14. Toured this AM with Laker John and passed Finkles - gonna be a while!!!!!! David aka Superdad
  15. LurePro is a good choice to start, you can get amounts of stuff that won't dig too deep into your pocket. You need Hooks, beads, clevises, blades and away you go. There's a ton of info on the net to get you videos of what to do. It's a great hobby and there is great deal of satisfaction derived when you start catching fish on your lures. Cheers David aka Superdad Manufacturer of the famous BOQ Uzick Spinner
  16. Aaron, Now you've done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got the blood flowing and the need to launch and get out for those browns. We've still got lots of ice in the eastern basin of BIg O. Those are really nice fish - it seems that the fish in the western part of the lake are larger that down this way. We rarely see fish averaging the size you got. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the details. David aka Superdad
  17. Laker John and I headed to Belleville this AM for the Belleville District Fish & Game Club's Fishing Show, and it was a good show. Although we only spent 35 minutes there, we both found lures and stuff that are required for this years fishing. I was able to score some new Taildancers, Manns Stretch +25, A Storm Lure and some new Husky Jerks. Laker John made a real score on a Lindy Drift Sock as well as stocking his tackle box with a bunch of Smithwicks (can never have too many of these in the box :roll: ) After the show we headed to the County to check out the ice conditions. First stop was the Wellington Ramp - a big pile of snow and FYI - the LCBO is closed there...... A walk on the dock beside the Swans and Ducks and Geese. A quick drive to Beach Road to see beach.......OMG It will take some warm weather and favourable winds to knock down the 7-9 feet of ice built up against the shore. As Grizzly said looks like 80 - 100 yards off the top of the beach. Well, we know we won't be going there for a a couple weeks or more. Headed off towards Sandbanks and the Salmon Point Road to have a gaze at Athol Bay --- OMG!!!!!! And looking across towards West Point this is what you see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are some blocks of ice off the shore that appear to be 8 to 10 feet high, they're 75 yards off the shore. Are we gonna need some heat and soon................... We are really hoping that we will be able to get the boat out and over to the county in April. Not being very optimistic about the weather with cold forecast til the end of the month Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad PS To see a larger image, double click- takes you to my Photobucket Album
  18. Cabela’s Co-founder Richard Cabela Passes at 77 Cabela’s Incorporated, one of the world’s leading and most well-known outdoor outfitters, announced on Monday that its co-founder Richard Cabela passed away in his home in Sidney, Nebraska. He is survived by his wife, Mary, their nine children, and their families. Cabela also leaves behind two sisters and three brothers. Commonly referred to by his nickname “Dick,” Richard Cabela founded the company in 1961 with the aid of his wife and brother, Jim. No cause of death was given. F Y I David aka Superdad
  19. Thanks for sharing the Quinte Walleye Porn - Kevin. A good job of production and looks like lots of camera gear, well organized. David aka Superdad
  20. I looked at CDN Tire to buy them for my grandsons for Xmas, but crappy tire never rec'd them or anywhere close to Kingston. I showed the website to the boys and they thought they were cool and would like to try them. They're listed at $15.00 AND from the website NOT avaiable in North America, available in Estonia,and some other countries in Europe and Asia. Will look again at the Sportsman Show in feb.
  21. Mike Do yourself a favour and drive over to the Buffalo area. Check out these guys - they have six stores in the general area http://www.mavistire.com/ProductCart/pc/_shopbyvehicle4.asp I bought my tires in Watertown, saved almost $300.00 (even paying the HST at the border) They are super people and their prices are better than TireRack, because once you get the tires, then there is installation, Mavis will quote for the whole package. David aka Superdad Kingston
  22. I would buy the boat closer to the home province after going and checking it out. I know there aappear to good deals in the Mid-west, but a personal review of a purchase is best. There's an other caviet - Purchase a used boat in Penn. and there's NO tax. Just my .05 David aka Superdad PS Purchased my boat in Ohio at an auction - Great deal, pay 13% on boat at the border and 7% on Trailer registration.
  23. Great report on BOQ - Thanks for sharing your story. I thought my Partners and I were the only 3 Amigos out there!!!!!! David aka Superdad
  24. From the title, I thought you had gone to Russia to fish - needs lots of coin for that trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have some really nice fish there - I know some people who have gone there and fished, it was fun to fly in helicopters that were held together by baling wire and burned kerosene. Regardless they had some of the best atlantic Salmon fishing ever.
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