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Everything posted by superdad

  1. The USPS post box is a better deal than then UPS box. Look for a small rural post office because the prices for the boxes increases with the size of the post office. A medium size box runs about $36.00/year. If you're close and you get to know the post office people, you can call and see if there are things that you are looking for,instead of goingand finding the items haven't arr'd. I've had a USPS box for over 20 years.
  2. Have a looksee for BOQ www.quintefishing.com/cottagerentals.htm
  3. Wolfman Staying at Thompsons Pt, you're right beside some of the best water in BOQ. The little cove, east of Thompsons is GREAT... Troll the weed lines with spinners and worms, start shallow and work your way out, they're there... The other side of Thompsons is Mallory Bay, another good place where the weeds have changed dramatically, It might be too early for Mallory, but you can always try. Read this board and quintefishingcom for up to date reports.
  4. We travelled far and wide and we picked up sometoday at A&P, no cleaning or walking thru mud. Been there, Done That and bought the tee shirt.... They'll be yummy on Mothers' Day..... David aka Superdad
  5. Good report on good fishing in the BOQ. Good place for good tablefare. Cheers David aka Superdad
  6. Have a good summer and play safe. C U in the fall for Quinte Mama's. David aka Superdad
  7. Polliwog Didn't hear anything about a white boat in Hay Bay. Heard about people fishing at night with no lights and the OPP have radar on their boat and pick em off like flies, heard they got four Saturday night. Cheers David aka Superdad
  8. I guess I should have specified that we are lokking forward to the 2010 walleye Opener. OH YES, I'll fish some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! David aka Superdad
  9. Good report Mike, as always Glad you had some fishing luck, there were some who didn't. Cheers David aka Superdad
  10. The boat was ready, the tackle was all setup and my Dad (Muddler Man), my son (Superdave) and myself were chafing at the bit to get out on Saturday morning. We left the dock at 0730 and headed to our fishing grounds in Adolphus Reach, set out six lines and started trolling, as we completed out first run , the outside board screamed and Muddler Man was into a fish. Regardless of the number of lines, he deftly handled the rod and brought a nice 6.5 lber to the net. First fish of 2009 for him - what a pleasure. That was shortly before 0930 and then the drought hit. We trolled back and forth until something turned the fish on for approx 30 minutes,sometime around 1400. As we were setting out the lines, Muddler Man was holding the rod waiting to put the planer board on and a fish struck the lure. Superdave brought the fish to net - a nice 5 lb eye, not big enough to set a PB. Trolling a little further, the outside board was pulled back and Superdad was on a fish. We netted the fish with some difficulty as the hook caught the net before the fish was in - Panic Stations...... We flipped the net and made a basket and scooped the fish over the side. A nice 7lber - back in the water. That was the activity on Saturday as we landed back at the dock at 1700, in time to watch the Derby. Sunday, we headed back out, still full of enthusiasm as the bite had been off and we had done well the previous day. Back to our fishing area and setting the rods in 85 feet of water, we marked a LOT of fish. As we approached teh Three Amigos Shoal, the outside board went off and Superdave jumped to the rod. Another nice fighting job and the fish was in the net. Oh boy, this one's bigger and the scale proved that this was in fact a New Personal Best for him - 7.5lbs....... That was the total for the day, many trolling passes showed many fish and a TON of baitfish, but the increased boat traffic over them put the fish down. We fought the wind and waves back to Bayview around 1530 - a good weekend. Although, we only managed four fish, they were all above 5lbs, can't complain about that. All the fish were caught on CC Shads using various colours..... We had a good time and enjoyed the company, the food and the drinks. All in all a fine time and a fine weekend. We are looking forward to 2010.
  11. I thought the Tory Govt was against an increased govt presence in our lives. Guess that's another lie from Harper and his boys. Just my .02 David aka Superdad
  12. Hey Sonny What's the name of your boat to call on CH 68. Give the 'Superdad' a shout to say hello.
  13. Has anyone heard anything about towing regulations? Apparently, the OPP and the MTO are going to blitz us this year and impose fines and impounding of our boats if we are not in compliance. It's something I heard about from a friend up in the Golden Horseshoe. Cheers David aka Superdad
  14. Thanks for the tip about the causeway, Jim. I wasn't aware of that. Cheers David aka Superdad
  15. You can fish anywhere from the downtown area, the causeway, the marina, the shore line out along King St. Lotsa Luck David aka Superdad
  16. This lead thing for lures and sinkers is all Bull, the Cdn Tackle people have proven the science backing the claim that lead kills loons is flawed and inconclusive. I've been on the water for over 60 years and NEVER seen a dead loon..... Just my .02 on this issue David aka Superdad
  17. Just picked up 400 Mustad Triple Grip hooks from Hagens, the price including the shipping to US address was $78 Cdn, a far cry from 9 hooks for $4.99.... I'm sure Hagens will ship to Canada. Looking forward to sure fire hookingpower with these babies.
  18. Using a planer board for crankbaits, you set the 'clicker' on the reel and have the drag set such that it just holds the board and line out. When a fish strikes, IF it is big enough you will hear the clicker on the reel and see the board being pulled back - FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should have the board clip set tight and the board doesn't come off with a fish, you reel the board in, remove it and fight the fish. It's a REAL pain if you have to pull the lines in and chase a planer board As Duber said, you can get tattle flag kits and they'll tell you if there is a smaller fish or weeds on the line. You can make them yourself, buy some springs at CTC, a nylon bushing and a piece of stainless wire. They work GREAT and allow the lines to be away from the boat - ergo More fish Cheers
  19. A day or so late, but here it is>>>>> It was going to be a nice day, weatherwise, so Laker John and I headed off to Lake Ontario and a shot at a brownie or two.... Launched John's boat and the Merc four stroke started, second pull - great to get underway. We began to fish around 1015 and near the end of the first hour, the outside board went kinda strange and there was a fish there. I was able to land the nice 4.25 lber, even though the fish went thru the landing net. The fsh was caught on an Froggy coloutred Alpena Diamond. The net need some repairs and we trolled onward....... We fished the whole afternoon and couldn't buy another strike. The water temp was on the rise. When we began the temp was at 33.0 degs, kinda cold for Brown Trout, but as the day progressed, the sun shone and that water rose to over 37.2 degs. We were making one last run before heading in around 1700 and decided to make another change of lures, I've been carrying a Lucky Strike Toronto Wabler spoon for over 10 years, that a guy recommended for brown trout and put it on and because it was heavier that the others, put it 40' behind the board and the board out 120'. We hadn't gotten the last rod out and the Lucky Strike had a strike...... Laker John reeled that one in and again the net crumbled, but I was able to make a lacross basket and landed the fish. I thought I should change my lure and suddenly my rod was dancing a bit more than ususal. Another fish had struck while we landed John's fish - Hey a double header!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Landed that one on a Evil Eye Spoon, a clipped fin fish on a and trolled around til 1800 and decided to hit the road back to town. It turned into a great afternoon as the wind died and sun came back and it was quite warm, a nice way to end the day of fishing. Here's a shot of the days catch:
  20. Actually, It's buy THREE Gulp Alive containers and get the bag free at Pure Fishing. We got our three and hope they perform for us this summer. Grimsby Tackle had the best price at the show - $17.99 per bucket. Fishing World has a great price on a 9 foot trolling rod/ downrigger - Berekley Lightning rod original price $64.99 for half price - I looked really hard st this one, but decided it wasn't what I needed for a hand held trolling rod. Some of the lure bins has some good - FishingWorld's 2 for $10.00 bin brought me a couple of Yo Zuri Pin Minnows for ten bucks and they had many others that caught our eye. On the whole, the show seemed smaller, there appeared to be less boats, as the boats were tightly packed into that area. There seemed to be less junky stuff being hawked off the main area, lots of dog show stuff. The hunting area is growing and the bow shooting gallery was a hit for some. After five and half hours of walking, we called it a day at 1630 hrs and headed back to Kingston. We enjoyed what we saw and enjoyed the trolling seminar. It was nice to see Big Jim and say hi to him, he was doing the bass seminars also. What A Guy!!!! I had a chance to say to hi to anumber of TV personalities and it's your chance to offer your opinion on their work.
  21. A few years ago, someone who used to write to one of the boards I read used the Ugly Ducklings on Quinte and had great success with walleyes. I bought a number of themat Gagnons in Oshawa and have tried them with no success. That's not to say they're not good, I didn't have much confidence in them and didn't really try for very long. They're still in the tackle box.... Maybe I'll try them again this year!! Cheers David aka Superdad
  22. Always remember, the minute you turn your passion for fishing into a job, it loses a lot of its luster.
  23. SLOW So far this season I have landed one 15 inch walleye - we can't find em at all!!! Cheers David aka Superdad
  24. Cabelas had a sale on the 522c that included the ice kit, check them out for the 'ice kit' probably cheaper than Lowrance. Cheers
  25. I've got a fulton kicker bracket for sale. PM if intersted David aka Superdad
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