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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. I would have to say my father and uncle they have been fishing together since they met over 45 years and when I was old enough to tag along they started taking me .To this day 35 years later there is still no one I would rather fish with than those two guys :.Its funny as they get older now its me untangling lines or tying on lures for them because they forgot there glasses back at the cottage and taking them out for a day on the water in my boat
  2. Thanks for the quick reply
  3. Just wondering why the steering wheel on a boat is on the right hand side and not the left like a car ?
  4. Well finally home and un packed from our trip up to Promised Land Camp. The drive up was pretty good 4.25 hrs the drive home was 6.0 hrs of white knuckle white outs and high high winds one of the worst drives I have ever had.Any ways on to the fishing Friday was ok about -7 no wind the water was very staind.The fishing was slow about 10 perch 2 ciscos and a decent pike that wieghed in at 7.5 lbs caught on a minnow and tip up.Every thing else was caught on glow or silver and green jigging spoon except for one other perch that hit my dads tip up right on the bottom while fishing for white fish.Saturday was about -2 with a bit of snow and the wind picked up.SKUNKAROOOO for all 4 of us the fishing just shut down we marked very few fish on the Vex and they were all high 10-15 feet down in 25 fow .Had a few pick ups on a plain hook and minnow with just enough split shot to get it down but the walley were hitting so light it was almost imposible to detect a stike I even added a slip float to the line to help detect bites but it seemed as soon as they felt any wieght they would drop it..Decided to take about a 1/2 mile walk to where the hut operater had been drilling some test holes about 20 or so and I fished them all one by one from 10-30 fow on a rock shoal surrouned by deep water perfect right,WRONG marked one fish and nada so walked back to the hut and warm up.Even though it was a slow fish weekend I wouldnt have traded it for any thing .Had a great time with my dad and uncle and tonne of laughs .
  5. Your 110% there Lew
  6. $6500 fine what a joke it should have been $65000 and loss of his eqiupment and a life time ban from fishing.Three times the legal limit is a pretty blaten disregard for the law.We need stiffer laws and penalties in this country to discourage this type of crap
  7. We are staying at Promise Land Camp which is in the South Bay I will have a look for you .We go up Thursday night so we can fish all day Friday and Saturday then a 1/2 day Sunday or get an early start home Sunday morning if my Dad and uncles have had enough.The old boys just cant keep up any more
  8. Cant wate leaving Thursday afternoon for Nippissing.Long weekend booked with Promised land Camp .Didnt get up last year due to work commitments and since I am unemployed still I have lots of time this year to make the trip.I hope to have some pics and a full report for you guys Sunday night
  9. Sorry for your loss
  10. I wish I could find a video collection of his old shows
  11. I use a small spoon with a 4-6" long 4lb test dropper line tied to a small tear drop jig tipped with shrimp or minnow head.Jig and pause is a must.The flash of the spoon draws them in and usually the more agressive fish will hammer the spoon.If they are in a neuteral or negetive mood they will usually swim over and suck in the small baited jig during the pause.This has worked for me countless times when the bite slowed but the fish were there.
  12. Boy you sure have the life Greencoachdog ,
  13. I have spent thousands on Ebay and have never had a problem with Pay pal but that does suck if it delays your purchase because the seller didnt get his money write away
  14. I couldnt find it either we have Bell expressvue and Rome was on too
  15. I dont want to muddy the waters again but I called the Guelph MNR office yesterday to enquire about this reg . She informed me that it is not a miss print or error in the new regs I had to register my portable Clam hut because it was lager than the stated size in the reg.I think its a stupid rule but really it only took 5 minutes of my time and its better than a fine.
  16. pink head with yellow twister or gold head with black twister have been my go too's
  17. Same here I wasnt impressed with the service or the fishing in the past havnt been back in about 15 yrs
  18. I finally figured out how to post pics so I thought I would post this.While out last fall came across this poor fella with a sunfish stuck in his yap .
  19. Clam 6800 6x8
  20. I bought one at the dollar store 2 summers ago and its still on the same battery. Heck you can buy 2 and still save 8-10 bucks in your pocket over the ones they sell at the tackle store.Money saved equals more tackle
  21. My Clam 6800 is 48sq ft
  22. congrats nice boat
  23. I have Sirius and am very happy withi it .I went with them because of Howard Stern .They are currently trying to merge the two companies which could be great for everyone.Best of both worlds
  24. couldnt agree with you more Gerritt
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