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Everything posted by spincast

  1. spincast


    never tire of that view nice shot
  2. Check these http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/photographer-of-the-year-2017/gallery/winners-all/1
  3. and, actually, the photobucket situation is slightly worse than initally indicated: Hello, Thank you for emailing us. There is a known issue with the album download feature and our team is currently looking into it. In the meantime, you can still download your images with the following steps: Step 1. Login to your Photobucket Account Step 2. Navigate to your library page Step 3. View a photo and click the download button Step 4. The picture will be saved to your computer Thank you for your patience at this time. Best, hmm "so, I want to make sure I understand this: I cant use your site as I have for the last 7+ years; you have so many ads loading on it that the most recent computer with an i-7 dual processor and 30 gig of memory isn't capable of keeping up with the torrent of ads, and you tell me that I can't download the albums as you promote in your email notifications, state in your user agreement and publish on line. And you recognise that downloading one picture at a time is not convenient? You can't really think that people are going to PAY you for your "upgraded" service with that level of incompetence can you? You can't seriously expect that your customers who have been using your site for almost a decade will be able to download (in some cases) thousands of pictures one at a time, can you? The comparisons I could make with respect to this simply overload my circuits - You are probably too young to remember the company Digital computers,,,,,, but google will fill you in. honestly, reconsider your approach to this current "adjustment", or I suspect that Photobucket will kick the bucket and have a footnote in IT history, just like Digital" feel free to share your appreciation with these fine fellows: http://support.photobucket.com/hc/en-us 'cause it is quite possible that IF you were using them as a cloud based storage, the only way you will be able to ensure retrieval, is one slow multi click, verify-you-aren't-a-robot-multi-screen-validation download at a at time they do understand this is not convenient.....
  4. had a joker run over one of mine this spring off Port Dalhousie- except he was trolling. - I was in front and had been for a while. our courses were just marginally different so eventually of someone didnt change course lines had to cross. He had tons of room to change course, but i was squeezed on the other side (he was going slightly faster then me) but he intentionally ran right up on it. then he pulled his lines turned, did a 360 and powered up so as to send the most wake our way. Couldn't read his bow numbers, clearly - some were conveniently faded, although I could tell the boat was not registered in Ontario - and no name on back or side, tried to get a picture of it but only had the go pro. some people? I figure he would hold the door open for me at Walmart (if I shopped there) right after he threw his bag of MacDonald's garbage in the parking lot
  5. thanks. - I should have done a time lapse. there was just this brief opening in the cloud cover, right on the horizon. as it rose it was so cool watching first the crest become visible over the horizon, and then as it continued the crest vanished behind the cloud cover and the rest of it slowly revealed, then disappeared. eventually the bottom vanished behind the cloud cover as the crest had appeared. but by then the fist fish had hit....
  6. nice. Getting out there, wherever you launched would be a good workout!
  7. cool report - love exploring new water - each opportunity is a lesson to learn from.
  8. congrats - nothing like beating that skunk finally!
  9. https://www.ontario.ca/faq/how-can-i-register-lien-or-conduct-lien-search
  10. Don't judge me .. its the addiction, I can't help myself... see fish.... must try to catch........ hmm, gotta google that - the Welsh and Scots in me says,,,,,,,so long as it doesn't cost money, if it'll put fish on, we're in
  11. finally getting to explore some of the opportunities out back in the ravine (picked up a quad). Never really fished for these guys, until I saw pods of big fatties casually hanging out in a back water while out for a ride Can of corn, eh? these things fight like a freight train -ugly as one too. Nice way wrap up a summers day when I was stuck at work.
  12. cool shot doood - you are one busy bloke.
  13. each to their own T-bone. I suspect once you spend some time around here you will see all kinds of different reports - some full of the details you're looking for and many more that are just folks sharing their time on the water. Not everyone is looking for what you after - in a trip, or a report. I personally don't provide the " virtual tourist guide " kind of post. Nor do I particularly make an effort to post the biggest fish of the trip - although, yeah if I get a trophy or a PB I will share that. I have limited time to put together a post due to family commitments - so what you see is what you get. If it isn't to your taste, skip it or head to the sites that do -but, heh,I respect your position though.
  14. cool report, and as always some good size tanks in the mix - nice edit on the vid. You guys must fish a lot together - managing to fish off the bow and not pushing or hooking one another.
  15. hard to tell from those pictures - doesn't really give a full view of the project. And you don't have the riggers to give context - however - if you are thinking of mounting where you have that metal bracket, - -are you doing anything else to support the fibreglass there? or just mounting to the top of the step? Are you putting a backing plate underneath? I would think you want a U bracket to go over the step and secure it from the top and the sides to backing plates underneath. Even an 8lb ball at the end of a boom in 2 foot waves will put a lot leverage on your base plates. You could do worse that to talk with Dave at Trojan Tackle. A few bucks now will save a ton of heartbreak later
  16. spare tire - grease gun / grease for bearings, heat shrink butt connectors & lighter, spare bulbs and a first aid kit. sunscreen hat, muskol, tool kit for the great lakes add a few extra times like a (registered) DSC radio, sea anchor and flares (don't care how big your boat is)
  17. very perceptive: its a fishing report. easy enough to pm me if someone is interested in location 119 user(s) are browsing this forum37 members, 82 guests, 0 anonymous users Thanks Andrew - for a change we didn't get wasted - this week was a much bigger waste - but it pays the bills. green ladderbacks tomorrow? I'll text you
  18. thanks Sy - the shack was actually not bad - typical for a lodge and very affordable all things considered. you know where to reach me if you need time on the water before yours is out. I am doing an extended July 1 long weekend - bracketing either side of the standard
  19. Blastin' out early Saturday Morning, we greeted the Sun as we hit the split. 'bout 6 hours later we arrived at the low key lodge for the week. Greeted by a blast from the past, as I zoomed in and read the screen, I laughed my you know what off - your call is important to us.... having said our hello's we headed to our shack for the next 7 days initial views are thumbs up! If you look closely, you can see the rocks are laid our in U shapes with the open end facing down river. Turns out this used to be a hatchery for walleye for 30 years. The temps had shot up from relatively mild, to mildly stoopid, We hit the water in search of some fins and grins, but the heat and high sun lead to a slow day and quick dehydration. We headed back to the swamp for a few bevvies and a meal After supper we headed down to the river to see if we could entice some swimmers before the mossies turned us into a blood buffet. We were greeted with moderate success and yes,, they are open all year where we were...... as the sun went down and darkness settled over the land i managed to tag a nice dark eye too Next morning while the coffee was brewin' headed down for a quick few casts and was greeted by a nice fatty sitting the fast water The next day dawned stinking hot and humid again. After a slow fish we headed back to the cabin during the "dead-zone" hours, and refreshed our tired aching limbs and passed the time reading articles on the target species, chilling our feet and enjoying a bevvy of choice These critters had just come off their nests and were lurking and hungry alll except for this poor girl. she stayed there the whole week, unless someone got too close, picking caterpillars off the shores and fanning a bed with nothing in it. Not sure what happened to her's but she was an empty nester and just didn't know it that night all hell (and our dock) broke loose as a micro burst blew through, blowing down trees and putting out power. It stayed out for the next 18 hours.. Fortunately I had brought a shore lunch kit and between it and flashlights we managed to make our meals and morning coffee. Next day greeted us sunny but cool first thing. Having got some hints from the regulars we headed to the ultra skinny water and put on a show of finesse fishing with (be sure to say in a midwest US drawl) "crawlers.... with weight or without" had a blast and put about 40 of these in the boat over the next few hours managed to find supper, too Next day started off with a bang - three nice eyes in 30 minutes, and then lock jaw set in. For the rest of the week we had to work pretty hard to put them in the boat - although the bass were always there for relief, even if not in the same numbers. First time we have come away with less than our limit of eyes from a trip - but we were close. We don't count, or measure, other than those that were suspected PB's. Kev got a PB at 18.75, and I got his twin brother - but was short of my PB. They were however a complete riot - jumping, tail dancing, walking on water diving under the boat We did go through 20 dozen worms, 6 dozen minnows, 1 dozen leeches and donated a few crank baits to the rocks. Almost all of those produced for us. We were disappointed in pike - both quantity and quality, ah welll. there's always next year. Time to go back to the big water....
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