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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. My sister is a costume designer, Im gunna get her to make me a knock of CO uniform for halloween and then wear it when im out on the water, I wont talk to anyone or anything but from a distance maybe just maybe it might make some people think. lol ! Neighbourhood Watch II.
  2. Cliff check out futureshop.ca type in surveillance. Defender is the brand name, although I cant vouch for them personally, but they are reasonably priced and there are tutorials on installation and operational aspects aswell. regardless of where you go to get them I Think you can 100 % set something up within your budget maybe even cheaper!
  3. Cliff I have been there before, with regards to stuff being stolen. I grew up and lived in smith township in a quiet rural community just outside Peterborough. I remember one night I forgot my wallet in the car unlocked ( I never leave my wallet anywhere) and when I woke the next morning getting ready to head to work, I couldn't find it, then I had a sickening feeling that I left it in the car, and sure enough it was gone. The one time I leave it in there. So over the years I had little incidences change gone outta the car, mini ipod, Etc etc . I had an idea of whom it might be in the neighbourhood, but like you said I couldn't prove it. So I got a little creative and a little sleuthy ( if that's a word) and borrowed my friends hunting camera, that records upon movement, I put it in a spot that was concealed pretty good and set the bait, an old laptop ( which didn't even run windows anymore and I was willing to part with). I placed it right in the back seat of the car with the doors unlocked, and waited. On the third morning I came out and the laptop was gone, I felt a little excited and violated at the same time, but if its one thing I cant stand its a thief. I Had issues with the father of this suspected 17 year old, just thought his son could do no wrong and that there families @%#& didn't stink. His famous saying was " Kids will be Kids". Well I didn't bust him after the laptop, I kept setting up different things and keeping an inventory ( engraving my name in locations on items that wouldn't be read without taking something apart) After 3 months I had a list of five high end Items ( well not so high end haha) 1. Useless Laptop, 2. Thick silver chain (fake) 3.Cell phone ( outdated and no service) 4. Sunglasses ( Fake Oakley's, they had rubber on the arms that could be peeled off and slid back on so I engraved my name and wrote "Gotcha" and slid the rubber back on.) and the 5th one I cant remember what it was now. So I go knock on the door and dad answers I said "you know I've had some personal stuff go missing and I have good reason to believe it was your son", well before I could even finish he blows a Major gasket and loses it ! which I have no problem with confrontation so I kept my cool knowing the more he flipped out the better this was gunna be. He calms down and I hand him an envelope with a letter and dvd in it with all the pictures and letter documenting items and dates etc etc. I said to him "you have a look at the envelope but if I don't hear from you in 3 hours, Im calling the police." Needless to say 1 hour later knock knock knock at the door, and boy it was a different tune that was being sung now. Mother, Father, Son, And all items were standing at my door. Kid was in tears parents embarrassed I didn't need to put more salt on the wound my point had been proven. He hands me back the items with a heart felt apology and the parents willing to work out some hard punishment for him instead of calling the police. I said to him "hold on to the items I will be right back", I returned with my garbage can and threw the items in it, and they looked at me like I was crazy until I explained everything was fake or broken. That kid lifted a crap load of shingles on a July afternoon onto my roof ( and stripped the old ones), but I was glad to hear that he is now in University and doing well. At the end of the day its just like fishing, pictures don't lie ! There are a lot of very affordable closed circuit cameras you can put up very inexpensively its sad that this is the world we live in, but friends and family of mine have done the same and they have caught people they couldn't believe would do that. They Deny deny deny, until they see the video and then things change. Im sorry to hear about the special sentimental things you lost those hurt the most. All the best !
  4. Saw you on there this morning joey !
  5. As always mike great report and great video. Keep it up !
  6. Thanks Dutch ! in the back of my mind I thought you may reply just from your avatar. I would like to join up with the Peterborough bassmasters. So hopefully I will see you around. Thanks again !
  7. So a buddy of mine who live on south chemong and I generally go fishing on Thursday nights, and through the grapevine we hear that there are mini tournaments that go on periodically. sometimes just chemong sometimes the tri lakes. We figured well, hell if we go out fishing anyways why not enter it. Needless to say for the past week I have been hunting around trying to find out info on it. I chatted with frank at bridgenorth tackle and he informed me that this week its the tri lakes and not just chemong, but that's about all he had for me in terms of info. Just wondering if anyone has ever fished it before and could give me some info ie. what time, do I have to be a member of a club, (Peterborough bass masters perhaps, although there website didn't specify anything) just curious as to any info that could be given, I hear its fairly reasonably priced maybe 40 bucks, but any help would be appreciated . Thanks
  8. I believe its ricin in that capsule. question is whom is he going to use it on ?
  9. not too change the subject but does anyone watch game of thrones ? its pretty good! language is a little coarse and some nudity but im ok with that .
  10. No you have 1 more season I believe to catch up on to be current.
  11. I like to take the approach of John Candy from the great outdoors! lol
  12. Great job man! Pretty nice pulling out consistent bass like that ! I had to do a double take, I thought that was a young Ron Jeremy holding that pike ! Awesome report!
  13. Yeah I was looking forward to this season as well I don't watch a lot of tv, but over the years I have been a big fan of lost and the walking dead. I don't know who annoys me more jesse pinkman or walts wife I think he should have offed her seasons ago. haha
  14. I can take a lot of things but liars and thieves, just makes my blood boil. Sorry to hear of the bad news, but I am a firm believer of karma. My buddy had his new born home for the first night from the hospital, he went out the next morning to go to the store and his brand new dodge ram was gone. They went through his garage found the spare set of keys and went for a joy ride, writing off the truck.
  15. You wont be disappointed with a stihl product!
  16. I did well in the north channel for muskie ! There is a lot of water that looks good. I found my self always trolling from spot to spot while looking for good structure. Cant really help ya out with walleye fishing as that isn't my bag but there are some brutes in there for sure !
  17. It was a pretty intense in my neck of the woods in Peterborough last night. I sat out on the front stoop of the house and watched the weather roll in, till the rain really started pounding. Storm of the summer for us! Looking at the clouds you could see the rotation which was neat. It was a great lightening show, and the winds were intense for about 45 minutes or so. Glad to hear everyone was fine!
  18. Congrats ! That was a hell of a good netting job !
  19. Very cool pic ! Its amazing how 15000 ft can make simcoe look like a flyin lake at 1000 ft.
  20. I always carry a scale and a tape for any pb that I may catch. So I was out fishing with my buddy and we always play the game " guess the weight" I took a picture of one bass with my phone and sent it to a friend with a little less experience than us asking him how much do you think this fish weighs ? he replied 5 1/2 pounds plus. the fish didn't even weigh 2 1/2 lbs. Now any decent fish that may be personal bests have pictures taken with the fish on the scale ( making sure the tail can be seen without any hands pulling it down lol) a measurement pic and then a quick one with me. My theory is a picture doesn't lie. So all my buddies know that if they want me to believe the weight of a fish they better have a pic with it on a scale needless to say all of us now have the same digital scale.
  21. Just curious as to the winning weight of the tournament this past weekend on the tri lakes? Anyone know?
  22. I was there august 2011. You will be pleased with the service there Steve is a great guy and great host. As for it being easy to catch fish I don't know if I would go as far as to say that. Especially if you haven't been there before. There is a lot of water to cover and with all the back bays it can be easy to get lost. The good news is, is that Steve and his crew want you to catch fish and they usually have "fish talks" in the main lodge every night with Steve and there guide. Accommodations were great and boat rentals adequate. I found that a lot of the time Steve and his guides were blowing up to Nip. but unless you have your own boat and a decent size motor that can be a time consuming ride with the boats and motors they rent out. We stuck around the camp within 5 km or so fishing bass. There is no doubt that there are fish there. The difficulty will be finding them, you will be there around prime time muskie season and there are some brutes. Hopefully your there for a week which will allow you more time to learn the water. Good luck !
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