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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Cut to the net!!! He might break one of the dozen eggs in his pants. Talk about a FLOATER! Good thing he can score once in a while. Dan O.
  2. I checked with an MNR contact and those fish are farmed. Purchased likely from the American-side but many species are now farmed. The MNR does keep a close eye on the retail outlets for fish in the Toronto area he says. Dan O.
  3. Good things happen to dad's who take their kids to hockey practices! It's a rule somewhere! Dan O.
  4. It must be really low because there is a well publicized battle going on between the cottagers and the whitewater kayakers below the dam that controls the level in Bark Lake. The cottagers are howling because it's too low and the kayakers are howling because they don't have enough water to play in. Ontario Hydro can't win. I surveyed it for the MNR back in the 70's and there was a good lake trout population in the lake back then. Dan O.
  5. How long did it take to cook? Was the roast in a hooded BBQ? Looks really good! Dan O.
  6. Worked out doors all through university, usually in boats for the MNR. No shirt, no sunscreen, no hat, no sunglasses. At the ripe age of 53 I had a mole removed that was cancerous. Fortunately I got it early and that was it, just surgery. It's never too late to protect yourself but it's most important before the age of 18 since we get over 50% of our sun exposure before that age.
  7. Moms are never far from out thoughts and hearts. Sorry to hear about your loss. Dan O.
  8. Pay to launch, you bet! I just paid $21.50 to launch my boat with 3 guys at a GRCA (Grand River Conservation Authority) park. That's a steep launch fee in my opinion! $10 for the launch would be fair and no charge for a park admission. This is a license to print money on a busy weekend. Dan O.
  9. Everytime I think it can't be any worse I do a dumb thing and vote in anger. I jumped from the socialist NDP who allowed loads of people to go on social assistance to the Harris government who sold the 407 and tore the heart out of nurses and hospitals. McGuinty is spending like a fool. Who needs all day juniour kindergarden... it's just bloody government daycare. He brings in the HST to keep big business happy and reaps a huge windfall to cover his spending. I think I'll really sit down and think before I vote this time! Dan O.
  10. Well I guess if Canadian Tire will honour the sale price up to 2 weeks after you buy the item then I guess BPS might as well offer you the sale price a day early. Good SErvice for sure. Dan o.
  11. At this time of year I think you need to find a current. Either a river generated current or a wind current around a point. I've made the mistake of fishing all of the normal summer spots this time of year and nothin doing. They're feeding near currents. Dan O.
  12. At 10 am today the lead fish was 38" but I watched a guy trying to revive a 39.5" at the dock. He had brought it in with just the head in water. After 2 hours the fish didn't make it and was ineligible. I felt for the guy! He spent 2 hours standing in the cold water trying to revive it. Dan O.
  13. After watching EAsy Rider at the ripe age of 17, I decided I couldn't afford a Harley but I could hitchhike all over North America. What a summer, thanks for the inspiration Dennis! I grew up fast that summer on the streets. Dan O.
  14. I left a box of flies in Thorbury many years ago and a guy did me the same favour. I had my name on the box; wish this fella had done the same. Good idea for everyone to put your name and a phone number on tackle/fly boxes. You never know. Dan O.
  15. I think it's usually a large female muskie or pike in the post spawn condition. She'll protect a territory around the area she spawned in. The MNR knows it happens fairly regularly but they don't like to hype it or it'll turn into the bear situation. Geez don't tell the press about this. Dan O.
  16. Hi Guys. I found a container of tackle near the Eramosa River between Ospringe and Acton. If you can give me some details I'll get it back to you. I know that sounds vague but if you lost it you'll be able to fill in the details. Dan O.
  17. I canoed there one weekend many years ago. Read the thread on bad boating and I'll tell you they were all on that lake that weekend. My wife swore never again! I think the lack of oxygen in the water runs up their legs and affects their brains. It's too small for the amount of boats. Belwood is a better option but the Pike Derby is on this weekend so it'll be a zoo too. Dan O.
  18. I saw the interview with the guy on the ATV. He said he stoped the machine and was standing next to it. The bear closed 150yards in less than 10 seconds. He said he climbed back on and hit the gas. Didn't wait to see if it was a false charge. Most bears are not a problem and incidents usually occur because of bad timing on either the humans part or the bears. The MNR finally admits that a very small percentage of bears (usually large males) see humans as prey (in print on the back of the Algonquin Park canoe map) eg. the bear that swam out to an island on Opeongo just to kill a husband and his wife camping on the island. Put it all into perspective though. The number of attacks is extremely low compared to car accidents but we all drive and don't worry alot about it. It's overblown by the mediea.
  19. NIce fish! Man those fish are shallow compared to any walleye I get in the Ottawa River. The confusion sounds like a normal trip with my sons! Dan O.
  20. did she have her top on Irish? Can't please everybody I guess! Dan O.
  21. I've read that the bear spray isn't that accurate and it's close range as someone has pointed out. Apparently that bee/wasp killer is much longer range and it'll take a bear down. OK now who wants to volunteer for the experiment and then get back to us. The bee spray is designed for moving targets and it's not hard to find or illegal. Dan O.
  22. I fished walleye in the Ottawa river last week and I did OK, not great. I found them current oriented but much deeper than expected for this time of year. They were in 20-25 feet of water in the late morning. I know they're deeper as the sun rises but I've never fished that deep this time of year. Wonder if they're really POST spawn. Dan O.
  23. I'll see if I can find out what shoreline my step mother (that inherited everything!) fishes on and then I'll be sure to post it so she has LOTS of company. come on 416 angler you must be kidding! oggie
  24. Restore the MNR services to MNR counters and dump Service Ontario. Pay the land claims for the First Nations and then level the playing field such that their is one law for everyone. Purchase the commercial netting licenses for all of Ontario once you've settled the Land Claims. Restore the spring bear hunt (and I don't even bear hunt). I wasn't big on baiting bears either until I got educated on the subject. It helps the hunter determine the sex and the size of the bear. I'd make Mike Brown the Minister! oggie
  25. Kessle is a good player but he's been listening to Don Cherry too long. Shoot the PUCK! No pass the damn puck when you can clearly see the other player is wide open. He shoots on a clear cut 2 on 1. Every goalie plays shot with Kessle. He's a selfish player and he will disappear when it gets physical. It's a bad trade and time will prove it. Dan O.
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