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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. I know they make batteries for CPAP use exclusively but they're $300. I wondered if anyone has found an off-the-shelf product like the Reactor Power Pack Home Hardware is advertising that will do the job? The machine is a 12V unit so there must be something that will do the trick. Any ideas? I need it at the cottage (which has no power) and I'm hoping to either charge it in my car or with a solar unit.
  2. Boy the Leafs sure can frustrate a team with that defensive style of play. I thought Anaheim was going to blow a gasket last night! Bernier is returning to form and it's nice to see. My son was a goalie and I feel for them when they lose their confidence. It's such a challenging position mentally.
  3. Sorry Steve. I'm thinking you should have got the nod as well. I underestimated the guys hockey sense as well. He certainly knows where to play in his own end and I like the way he takes the body. Playoffs or no playoffs .... you know he'll finish his check.
  4. Don't really care if they make the playoffs but it sure is nice watching a team that plays a system. You can actually see guys that know what their doing and depend on each other. Nice to see Bernier returning to form. I never like watching a goalie losing his confidence. BTW. Who ever commented late last year that the start of the long decline began with the loss of Kormarov was dead on! I never realized what a good all-around hockey player he is. Babcock has certainly recognized it and someone on this thread did as well. Bill M I'm thinking???
  5. Wishing you the best possible outcome at Princess Margaret. I've heard they're the best! hang in there ... there are better days ahead!
  6. After growing up in the 70's I think I have a fairly good memory of pot. I really enjoy the taste of a cold beer or a glass of wine. I can't say the same about smoking dope. There's no apparent reason to me to smoke dope other than to get buzzed. I don't think you can say the same about a beer. People do drink without getting loaded. So why legalize it other than for the medical use? To each their own but I don't see smoking dope as a fun thing unless you're trying to get buzzed.
  7. Well the right person is wearing them is something MAJOR goes wrong ! Lawsuit!
  8. My only complaint is the lack of CT gas bars. The highway 11 from Barrie to North Bay has no CT gas bars on the highway. You're forced to go into small towns to use the discount. My local gas bar in Deep River only sells regular gas so I don't use the discount for outboards, chainsaws etc.
  9. I had CAA in case I had trouble getting out of my camp road. The camp/cottage road is about 2km long. After a freezing rain event I called CAA to help me. I had an F150 with summer tires (yeah I know .... it was an early Nov rain). CAA asked if my camp road is maintained by the municipality. I said no but it's gravel and flat except for this small hill. SORRY! We (CAA) don't tow on unassumed roads unless you want to hire us as a private tow. His advice ......find some sand in the bush and sand the hill.....we aren't coming to get you. That's about the only time I could have used CAA and they don't cover that circumstance so no more renewals.
  10. You're right in a way. Somebody in the food chain is paying for these reward programs, likely the card user that carries a monthly balance. If you're using reward cards and not carrying a balance then YOU are money up at the end of the year. Not using them won't discourage the companies that offer them but the retailers like you because they pay a % of the purchase everytime you use the card. Do the Retailers offer a discount for cash payment???? Not many do.
  11. BTW. My comments weren't directed at you Limey. I didn't realize you'd turned the camera off. You are a patient guy to put up with the last few posts. Nice video BTW.
  12. I think a lot of people have a major problem with any kind of authority. They get their back up instantly. Doesn't matter if it's cops, teachers, border guards, CO's etc. Taping as any person talks to you suggests something is going to happen that is worth taping ........ so the person asking the questions instantly has their guard up. Thus the change in tone. You're not sure where this innocent encounter is going but the camera suggests it's going to get interesting.
  13. What do you use for internet if you're in a rural area. I'm with Rogers Seirra Wireless 5GB a month for $40. Try streaming anything on that data plan!!!
  14. So the Leafs dropped to third in most valuable teams. Guess the fans are voting with their wallets. More incentive to improve! Bet they don't settle at third place either. Momentum will carry them downward. On a bright note they're sure more interesting to watch! Can't believe Babcock can make that much difference but he seems too.
  15. X2 but mine varies from $125-140 in winter. I was away all summer at the camp and only my firdge and feezer were on. With delivery charges and usage the bill was $85 every month so that's the lowest I could ever hope for. I just moved to a rural house and the delivery charges are much higher in the country compared to in the city.
  16. So Kessel joins the Penguins and the dressing room looses it's cohesiveness. HUH! There's a shock! He is a coach killer with his poor attitude. I'm sure Babcock made his trade part of his hiring conditions. Sure don't missing him on this year's Leafs and I don't think his "buddies" miss him either. Imagine him under Lou's thumb ...... might have been fun to watch for a while.
  17. I think the same crew greased me out of a run on the SAugeen River yesterday! Unbelievable!
  18. Me too but let's get to first place and then go into a free fall ........it's a tradition!
  19. Fun team to watch! They never seem to quit. I liked the shot of the bench last night between the end of the 3 on 3 and the shoot-out. Lots of smiles and good chemistry! I think they've finally found a coach that knows how to manage the individuals on this team.
  20. But I think that's who the enforcement is really designed to catch. Unfortunately if you make exceptions for those that have been life long born-in Canada retired snowbirds you're going to acused of being racist. The same net will catch both fish.
  21. I worry about Babcock's energy level. The slugs can wear a good coach out!! I'm not concerned about his job security more about his sanity. Time for Shannie to send a message. Somebody has got to go and I'd suggest it be the guy wearing the C. That will send a message.
  22. Part of the reason might be there is now zone triple A teams. They draw the best rep players off of many of the local teams. The local teams draw the best players out of house league. And the House League well ..........you saw the result. I feel for the good player stuck at the lower level (usually becasue of finances) with no good players to play with. Hard to develop when your wingers can't skate.
  23. My brother lives in Nelson BC. His wife smokes 4-6 times a day. He doesn't smoke or drink. He loves her but the women he married isn't there anymore. She left with the increased pot smoking. She holds down a job in a Financial Institution but she ducks out for a "smoke" just like other people who smoke. He can't live with her walking around in a stuppor day in and day out. Their marriage finally failed and she lost her job. Smoking pot for her was a way of getting out of daily pressures. It's no different than alcohol except it's much more difficult to monitor if you're the employer. Leglaizing it wouldn't help her. Legalizing it won't help most people but I'm sure looking for to the increased tax revenues that will accrue.
  24. Really???? have you watched some of the games from the 70's when teams weren't coached? The level of play today is much more exciting. The problem occurs when players refuse to buy into the system.
  25. Long term excessive use of weed is no different than long term excessive use of alcohol IMO. It does seem to relieve pain and discomfort in some people but I'm not buying that it IMPROVES your health if you're healthy to start with. I'd legalize it and tax the hell out of it just like alcohol.
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