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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. It is criminal Joey and if the situation didn't involve First Nations I bet the government would lay some charges. I remember the protracted court cases dealing with Jehovah Witness children that required surgery or blood transfusions. The government stepped in for those kids.
  2. Sorry guys but I just have zero confidence in Reimer. I like the guy and I think he got a raw deal after he carried the Leafs in the playoffs two years ago. He just isn't the goalie Bernier is on a good night. bernier has had a few less than stellar nights lately so I see starting Reimer as reasonable but most nights you won't win with Reimer. Reimer has good stats against Ottawa but he isn't the goalie he was two years ago.
  3. Couldn't agree more Joey. You have every right to raise your concern. Half the posts on this Board aren't fishing related. The problem is you're dealing with a very low scientific literacy in society. The average reporter certainly has no science background. As a result they often give equal value to the opinions of a physiotherapist as compared to a chiropractor. Homeopath or Naturopath vs a medical doctor. ETC. The government should have involved Children's Aid to advocate on behalf of the child. I think part of the problem was the family was First Nations another complicating factor. As far as I can see governments don't involve themselves in anything related to First Nations (unfortunately).
  4. I think the Leafs are trying to tank. Why else would you start Reimer? First goal was soft and the juicy rebound on the second goal was a classic Reimer rebound. Beirner has the rest of the week off why rest him last night. They didn't rest Anderson for Ottawa.
  5. thanks for the report. Yeah maybe the herring got the MNR memo.
  6. I think the Leafs will do just fine as soon as they play a team that is in the middle or the bottom of the pack. They still know how to score they're just not allowed to fly out of the zone anymore. They can't trade odd man rushes all night. They've played top level teams for 5 games. They'd have lost those games with or without a defensive system. The difference is now they should know how to protect a lead when they get one. How many games did they build a lead in only to lose because they had know idea how to shutdown a team. I can't believe the new coach had this much impact this quickly. It is funny watching Kessel trying to play defensive hockey. His NCAA coaches should be shot for allowing a highly skilled kid like that to float through without any commitment to defense. He'd have never got away with that in the OHL. I'd say it might be fun to try out the new approach on the Senators on Wednesday, eh Matt???!!! Dan O.
  7. Well they need to send some kind of message to the players that they too are accountable. I'd deal Kessel at the deadline for anything reasonable. The guy is poison in a dressing room. If you watched the TSN segment on his pingpong addiction and his highy charged interview you know this guy is bad news. Yes he scores 40+ goals a year but he's minus 6 so the opponent scores 46 when he's on the ice! Remember the Sundin days when the Leafs had leadership in the locker room. Or Gilmour's tenure with the Leafs! I've never seen the Leafs so hopelessly lead. Remove the C off of Phaneuf and appoint another Assistant Captain instead. Make up some fluffy excuse.
  8. Kessel and Pahneuf the coach-killers. Can't bench them. Can't demote them. You're stuck with them and so you pay the price as the coach. Hope Shanny has enough sense to spill a little more blood. Let's really get into it if we're going to open the ugly box that is the Leafs. No C on Phaneuf and less minutes; Kessel benched when he can't get the puck out of his own end (he is -6 on the +/- btw); send Gardiner to the AHL to get his head straightened out; etc. A coach can't coach if the players don't buy into the system the coach is using. There is no TEAM; they play as individuals and that's why it appears to be a poorly coached team.
  9. Check out the Thrift shops for an old Leafs sweater! Just saying.
  10. Geez it's nice to see a team with a KILLER instinct. Winnipeg know Toronto is tired so what do they do.....finish every check with enthusiasm! Guys like Kessel, Bozak, Booth, etc., are looking for places to hide under the boards! Good job by Reimer to keep it from getting embarrassing.....but there's still the third period.
  11. Unfortunately you're right. I can hear the 18 wheeler warming up and the cliff is in sight. Carlyle is driving the truck! It's just going to happen in January instead of March so they can change the coach before the end of the season.
  12. The Leafs have the nerve to black out the game! Thank You. Last nights game reminded me of the collapse against Boston last year in the playoffs. They still refuse to play Carlyle's system to defend leads and when Reimer is in the nets they don't have the goaltending to trade chances with a good offensive team. There's no doubt they are a better team and they are close to being a playoff team but they're something missing. Leadership would be a good start. Cut Pahneuf back to 15 minutes. Play him on the powerplay. That's it! He's not a top 4 defensemen. He CAN"T F'n skate! He has no balance. Witness his prowess in a fight. He won't fight because he has no balance! He toe pics constantly at key times in the game.
  13. I'd like to thank the Dallas player that woke Phaneuf up in the first period. He plays much better when he's a little pi****d. Ask Spezza!
  14. I forgot how successful Pat Quinn was with his years behind the Leafs bench. I know he liked the older players and prior to the salary cap the Leafs were notorious for buying high priced talent in order to make the playoffs. They didn't scout much and it showed in their poor draft picks. If memory serves (and I could be wrong) the Leafs have only made the playoffs once since Quinn left ....right??? Dan O.
  15. Yeah Lucic should have expected something from Prout. Chara wasn't around to provide the support for Lucic (guess he forgot). Well the proof is in the pudding when they meet again on the ice later this year. I'll bet Prout expects a fight.
  16. It is silly to salute the fans at centre ice if they haven't played well. They're setting themselves up for a booing! I could care less if they show their appreciation just put in an effort that's all the appreciation I need. Dan O.
  17. Sure Matt it's what they do to fill in the down time between golf seasons !!!!! Geeez did I say that out loud!!!! Not sure if anyone knows the old joke about coaching and envelopes but I think it's time for Carlyle to start preparing 3 more envelopes. Dan O.
  18. I hate watching Phaneuf. He's out of shape and slow. Take that C off of his chest and give it to JVR or Lupul when he returns. I think Carlyle's days are number unfortunately. It isn't his fault but he's not coaching anymore. I see Jake Gardiner out on the power play right after he got caught on the first goal. He needs to be sat not rewarded. I think the coach has given up and it's reflected in his team. Make the change before Christmas so we still have a team that COULD make the playoffs. This skid isn't going to end any time soon. Carlyle is old news to these guys. All the one liners have been used and all the rabbits are out of the hat ................something has to change.
  19. If the MNR is primarily funded from licenses and tags, can they really be impartial when it comes to managing a population? The deer herd is down for example. Wouldn't there be a lot of pressure to continue to issue tags in order to continue the revenue stream? I'm not sure the MNR would be professional enough (at some levels) to reduce the tags sufficiently when the population is under duress. Cutting tags reduces money to an already strapped Ministry. Just thinking out loud. Seems like a conflict of interest of some sort. Dan O.
  20. Yeah George is a fish out of water. There is no natural flow to anything he does. I long for the CBC format.
  21. Carlyle is old school and he'd like to bench guys who are obviously not buying into the system but where does he start. Half the team would be benched by the middle of the first period many games. Jack Gardiner has a million dollar set of skills but a five cent brain when it comes to hockey sense. He hates getting hit and he dumps the puck anywhere he can. I'd trade him or put him in the Marlies before he's ruined. Somebody said Phaneuf is a fourth or fifth defman and that's dead on. As his ice time goes up his errors increase exponentially. I think he was on for nearly every goal in Buffalo. If he's hurt he better say something before the fans get on him.
  22. Well they resolved one big problem. The starting goalie is Bernie and Rimmer should only see the nets when Bernie is hurt or is struggling and needs relief. No more experimenting nail his A** to the bench for the rest of the season. Dione Phaneuf should be embarrassed by his lack of effort. It's one thing to not play well; it's another to mail it in without an effort. I'd sit him and Gardiner for the next game.
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