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Everything posted by Oggie

  1. Impaired by alcohol but no impaired by drugs. That requires special training otherwise a good defense lawyer rips the cop to pieces on the stand. Not many cops are trained currently for drugs that's why they bring in a specific officer if they suspect impaired driving by drugs. In Washington state once they legalized pot the usage went up dramatically. Ontario usage will go up as well. I'm fine with legalizing it as long as people pay tax on it. That's the ONLY up side for the non-users well that and maybe the criminal growing ops will be reduced.
  2. Yup! Joints don't even have a filter to reduce the particulates. You're more likely to get lung cancer smoking joints than cigarettes according to the studies I've read. You've bought into the idea that smoking dope is good for you??? Seriously? Like taking vitamins or supplements. THC helps to control medical problems apparently but it's not something you take to improve your health. That's like saying ibuprofen or tylenol should be taken daily to improve your health.
  3. Because it won[t be that simple. If you look at the U.S. states that legalized it all kinds of problems pop up that will require money to solve. DUI's go through the roof for example and they need to train cops to recognize the driver thats under the influence. The training requires money and eventually equipment. The increased health care that will eventually be required because of increased smoking (pot isn't any better for you than cigarettes) will require money. Legalize it if you want but usage will go up and that will cost money. I shouldn't pay for that increased cost.
  4. TSN panel last night says 5 years to build a Leafs team that will make the playoffs on a consistent basis. Go Jays Go! I won't be following them at the end of 5 years and I'll bet the season ticket holders won't be either. I always knew it would take a mass exodus by the fans to precipitate change.
  5. I wondered about that too but I can't see the logic behind a move like that by the NHL. Markets are too small in Canada and don't produce enough money???
  6. The general rule is the more portages you go over the better the fishing gets. There aren't any lakes that are good fishing that you can just drive to IMO. You would be better off to enter the park from some access other than highway 60 as well. The lakes in the corridor are pressured heavily. Just some food for thought.
  7. I was out on the West side of Cooks Bay (Gilford area) yesterday. 6-7" of really black ice with 1-3" of water on top. I wouldn't even try it without cleats of some sort. The bite was brutal though but I hear it was better on the east side of the lake. The cold night will tighten the water up and stop the toilet bowling that's going on everywhere.
  8. For sure! Look at how far down one needs to scroll to find this thread on a daily basis. Toronto has the Blue Jays and Raptors so people aren't even following the rebuilding Leafs. It's about time the fans walked from Leafs Nation.
  9. Wonder if Babcock ever realized he be coaching an American League hockey team again! This should be ugly tonight!
  10. I've never bought into multi-culturalism. Countries that have tried multi-culturalism are now abandoning it for the reasons you mention in your quote. Coming to Canada is a chance to reboot your life. Bringing your baggage from the old country (and I don't mean your culture and traditions) won't improve your quality of life in Canada. Immigrants are welcome to practise their beliefs and practices but leave the political tensions and hatreds behind.
  11. It's nice that we can help Syrian (and other) refugees but we really need to watch we don't kill the golden goose. Where will the world be if Canada hits hard times and can't help others? I think it's time to circle the wagons financially and wait for better times before we commit to helping others.
  12. I think you're comments are more correct if you're living in the U.S. We have done some bombing but we didn't start the campaign.
  13. I had no idea either! Burke .... unless they were NCAA grads he'd never draft them! Iguess that's why I share Dave's sentiments. The leafs do work harder and they do play with a system so you can see they're being coached. The problem now is they have so little talent and they're so young. I'm just weary of the unpteenth rebuild! Let's dump the salary cap and just buy a team the way the Yankees do!
  14. But the real question when Kessel arrives is .......when will the coach get fired ......oh yeah he has been! I noticed he still won't drive the net even in Pittsburgh where their best player does it on every other shift.
  15. He's trying to TANK and Dion will ensure that Matt! It won't be as obvious with Dion in the line-up that's the strategy!
  16. I hate guys that do all their tough talking on the player's bench. Kadri is a whiner and he can talk the talk but he'll never walk the walk. Embarasing for his teammates. Take the hit, get the number and shut up!
  17. Great points John. I'm going to call today and see if I'm missing something here. I did call about reinstating the coverage and there's no problem. I think they can afford to reinstate my coverage because the coverage they provide is so limited they'll still make money on you even with a preexisting condition. The caps are so low it's a win-win for them.
  18. Lupul has lost his mojo and he should be a healthy scratch most games IMO.
  19. Ok guys thanks for the input. I'm currently with Manulife and I am going to drop them. Anyone got a better carrier for benefits? Some of you guys seem very happy with youi're coverages. My monthly premium is going to be $310 for this up-coming year.
  20. That's the problem. The cap on drugs is $1500/year and the dental cap is $750 plus I pay the 20% on top of my premiums. The amount within the cap wouldn't make or break me. A large drug cost would be difficult but this plan wouldn't help me out much.
  21. Musky matt see if the Ottawa trainers can figure out how to get those toe picks off of Phaneuf's skates. Toronto trainers tried but they just couldn't find the solution. He seemed to toe pick at the worst time!
  22. Need a little advise. As a retiree I pay for a benefits package. I finally stopped after 10 years to do the math. The total cost to buy the coverage and the 20% cost I pay for each submission adds up to a lot more than i get back from the Insurer. When I was employed the employer paid the premiums but now that I'm retired I pay them. I'm coming to the conclusion that I should self-ensure. If I take the monthly premium and put it in my own account I'd be money up virtually every year. Some years would be much better than others but I have yet to come very close to the yearly cost I pay. Anyone else self-insuring??
  23. I'm on a limited WiFi connection and the W10 updates were just chewing through my monthly data. I finally had to shut the update function off and I go to the local library every week to downlload updates. It did work well though other than that.
  24. I updated from Vista to 10 and it was pretty much seamless except ........ huge updates on a regular basis. I'm on a very limited rural data plan and it killed me until I figured out what was going on. The updates are automatic unless you go into your settings and change the option. I now drive into a library wifi once a week to let the system update.
  25. I've gone to the cottage for a 10 day period without the CPAP and after about 4-5 days I'm dragging my ass around pretty tired. My wife puts up with my snoring because she loves the cottage. I'm in Algonquin so a generator would need to be used on the sly.
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