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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. It says in your manuel to use premium fuel, but you should also have a single sheet insert that says correction notice, 87 octane or higher. Mine is from costco , it is a tempest which is the same auger as yours just a different name on it for costco. 2 stroke synthetic oil will work in it.
  2. they are talking about neck ties geoff, not cable ties!!
  3. :rofl2: :tease:
  4. I love my caddis neoprene stocking foot waders that I paid $65 from lebarons. Then I bought a pair of hiking boots from walmart for $25 for them and it works great.
  5. Thanks for the good news skipper! :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Fishnwire, the hut looks good. It's your hut and you are the one it has to satisfy . Build it the way you want. Everyone can give you their advise and the reason for their advise, but you are the judge. Here's my advise. On simcoe you NEVER leave ANYTHING in the hut, because it WILL get stolen. NEVER lock the door cause the idiots will kick in the door to see what you are hiding. I left 3 BROKEN lures hanging from the roof in mine and the idiots stole them. Every year there are posts about somebody who lost every thing cause they thought it was safe to leave the hut locked. This year will be no different. Keep up the good work, we want to see the end result!!
  7. skeeter

    Let it Snow

    Get the sled fired up Joey.
  8. BOB how dare you give your opinion on an open discussion board. Maybe they should put that in the rules, but that's just my opinion.
  9. People complaining about the weather in Canada, is like buying a house at the end of a major airport's runway then complaining about the noise. :tease:
  10. Awesome Report Mike !! But where's the perch and crappie?
  11. Here's the GOOD music to go with it!!! :thumbsup_anim:
  12. From our home to your's, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! PS: is Mandy camera shy?
  13. You can use your boat with no problem in cold water. Just make sure you do what Fisherman suggested and your good to go.
  14. Never turn over an engine with no water running threw it. You will destroy the impeller.
  15. My mind is set. I'm keeping the X67 ice under the tree. Well until Sunday, then it play time.
  16. Ask and ye shall receive.
  17. Here's one that I don't think anyone here has heard before. I heard it on 95.9 fm out of ajax back in 1985. In 1986 I called them and asked them why they were not playing it again this year. They had no idea what I was talking about. I researched it and found out it was on the savanna record label and it was just a promo that they sent out to a few stations and they could not sell or give me a copy. Since then I haven't been able to find it. Now I'm a happy camper.
  18. Is that CANADIAN prices? The m68 ice machine is on for $199.99 Damn now I have to make a decision, take back the x67
  19. Terry, any chance you can re-post the pictures of your skis?
  20. Well there's a little more ice on them today. The rock cuts along 35 have solid ice where the water usually seeps out of.
  21. LOL Were the 2nd & 3rd picture taken while he was trying to stick his head out the window of your truck while Paul was driving?
  22. Merry Christmas !!!! Money is tight, times are hard, so consider this your Christmas card.
  23. Mental note, "never try to follow Terry across the lake" Then again IF I could see threw all the ice and snow flying out from your sled I wouldn't need scratchers. I like your way of thinking Terry, now I'm making plans for my sled.
  24. Most mini vans are 2200LBS and less depending on the type and options. They are built on car frames. The only one's that were built on truck frames were the gm astro & safari's and the ford aerostar with a 5000LB rate, they stopped making those a few years ago.
  25. Terry, in the add it shows it attached to the rail. You say it can go on the ski also ?
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