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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. http://www.hotfrog.ca/Companies/B-J-TACKLE There ya go!!!
  2. Part Source.
  3. Thanks Paul, I will let you know.
  4. That would be a snapping turtles semen! Let us know if you get morning sickness, Simon.
  5. The engine has never locked when in reverse. If I give'r gas it will pop up.
  6. Say this 5 times fast---- "HOOF HEARTED" "ICE MELTED"
  7. Because they get a little slap on the wrist when and if they get caught! And they can say the word " Discrimination" so the government lets them off.
  8. "It's not the tank or the line as I have tried 4 different tanks and lines on it and it is the same result." So it must be a fuel line on the engine or the connector for the fuel line on the engine. "..Im assuming you didnt see and oil flow comming from the gear case?. " Nope, no oil flow.
  9. I put the boat to bed last fall and every thing worked . This weekend I get it ready to go back in . I changed the gear oil in it, then drop it in the lake. Fires up no problem. Then put it into reverse, and nothing. It goes into forward. Every thing under the hood looks fine and moves the way it should. Second problem is that the ball on the gas line keeps going soft and loosing its prime. It's not the tank or the line as I have tried 4 different tanks and lines on it and it is the same result. :dunno:
  10. String?????? Wouldn't fishermen have more fishing line available then trying to find string??
  11. Did you switch the plug wires by mistake?
  12. To bad he can't spell. Pricess Auto. :rofl2:
  13. Then that is your fault. If you read the store return policy, you wouldn't have a problem. " The Princess Auto Guarantee No sale is final until you're satisfied. We guarantee to make it right. We will repair, replace or refund any product to your satisfaction". :thumbsup_anim: Yes I have returned stuff with no questions asked, other then "What is your phone number".
  14. Princess Auto !!! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: The man cave store.
  15. I live in scarboro, there's lots of night crawlers around here. :ninja:
  16. Neither of them are waterproof. The first one doesn't even say that it is water resistant. The second one only has a water resistant front pocket.
  17. How much for the peace bridge?
  18. I bought the large bag from gagnons during their sale. I like the color cause it matches my golf cart.
  19. You boil them in soap and water??
  20. SWEET !!!!!!!!!!! Those are really nice looking fish. Between the 2 of you, you are allowed 50 perch EACH. Instead of catching your limit, you limited your catch, so I tip my hat to the both of you. Kudo's------- :thumbsup_anim:
  21. I use both, Star tron & Seafoam ! And Seafoam is only $6.59 a can !!
  22. Congratulations Cliff!! Does this mean we are losing our small engines mechanic?
  23. Great job on boating any cats. I was down there also on Saturday, we managed to land 1 cat between 6 of us. Lot's of light bites, but the 50 degree water temp turned them off. We even had 1 guy throw out a bucket load of chum for them. Apparently cat fish are not fond of chunk ahoy cookies marinated in alcohol and stomach acid. :tease: Congrats to you Cliff & Will
  24. I would be more worried about having a down rigging cable attached to the mast. With the cable being elevated that high, if the cannon ball gets caught on something it would roll the boat over quick and easy .
  25. In the 28 years I have lived here, I have never cut the grass!!!!!
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