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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. star tron enzyme is a stabilizer and ethanol treatment . It lasts for 1 year. ctc carriers it in the boat section. http://mystarbrite.com/startron/ Seafoam is sold by "Warden Automotive", its on midland ave north of Lawrence ave here in Scarborough. the price is $6.59ea, same stuff as CTC
  2. Life jacket? I've seen what happens when Joey sets the hook or tries to lift a fish into the boat. I think a "life jacket" for him would be a full body Kevlar suit with safety glasses. :tease:
  3. Guess it really doesn't matter if you can't catch fish!!!!!
  4. There is a hundred reasons why someone makes errors while conversing with others. English is the hardest language to learn, for reasons that Big Cliff pointed out. Maybe the have medical reasons as well. Like ADHD, bipolar,illiterate ect. They may also be under educated. The world in not perfect and that's what makes it interesting. I only like to pick on the people who THINK their perfect.
  5. Holy crap!!!!!!! Way to go on the fisheS . I hope you were not paying Mike by the pound. So when's the BIG fish fry? :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Cook the seeds!! Wash them off, then lay them out on a cookie sheet. Coat them with garlic salt, when they start to turn brown flip them over with a spatula coat again with garlic salt. When that side starts to turn brown, they are done. Let them cool off , then fill up large zip lock bags with them and courier them off to me!!
  7. Why has no one mentioned buying a bunch of rubber snakes from the dollar store and putting them on top of the cover?
  8. Now we know that Billy Bob has all his ducks in a row! That guy didnt eat a bowl of grump, he was asking why Billy Bob was using his tail gate instead of his own.
  9. Just like Batman and Robin Geoff?
  10. Have you thought about just buying the auger 10" blade, then you will have both sizes? I don't know how much they cost but could be a lot cheaper then buying a whole new auger.
  11. Uglyfish is correct on the drag. You do know that there are vertical,horizontal & over head rod racks?
  12. No it wont hurt them, as long as the rods are straight. You could buy a rod holder for the wall of your theater room, or one that spins around!
  13. The original intent on me posting that video was to make every one aware of what could happen if 1 person in a vehicle decides not to buckle up. As with the original post I said, my comment to that 1 person would have been, "your over 16 so YOU have to pay the fine" After watching that video I realized that EVERYONE will pay the price. I for one never thought about the damage that 1 idiot could do. Now if anybody didn't understand the video, go back and watch it again, but this time open your eye's. Buckle up and drive safe!
  14. Lew, you hit the spike right on the head with a sledge hammer on this one. Separate sections, I don't agree on because I fins it easier to just scroll down and not open the one's that don't interest me.
  15. I love ice fishing. I even re-modeled my hut last year with the help of my son, to install 2 beds in it so we could sleep in it overnight. Lew & Mercman, you both know you guy's have an open invitation to join me up at my hut. It's really warm, and the coffee/tea/hot chocolate is always ready!! Just don't sit in Pikeslayer's spot, he has his name on it..LOL
  16. But the boots would have to be packed in dry ice. I think I would rather go bare foot threw the water then put dry ice boots on my feet.
  17. Bells & pepper, (pepper is spicy) So the bears call it Taco Bell??
  18. CHOOT"M CHOOT"M Lizabeth Merc man, I beat you to it!!!!
  19. Dana, most accidents happen less then 1 mile from home.
  20. Your posts are always great to read Simon! Thanks for posting.
  21. Sure, now you post it. Why didn't you post this 25 years ago? Or at least put a stamp on the envelope and mail it out.
  22. AH_LONG........... Go back and WATCH the video AGAIN....... The guy who was NOT wearing his seat belt flew threw the air and KILLED the 2 in the front seat , then went back and head butted his girlfriend twice, giving her permanent brain damage........... If you dont SEE it then listen to the cop at the end of the video.
  23. Not to hijack tb4me's thread I started this one. This video was sent to me a long time ago. I watched it and it opened my eye's to what can really happen when 1 person in a car does not wear their seat belt. Before I watched this video my reaction to someone who wouldn't wear their seat belt was, "well your over 16 so you will be paying the fine." NOT any more. Wear it or get OUT! I showed this video to my kid's, in hopes that they would have the same reaction as I do now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzvzqaicMz0&feature=related
  24. Be VERY CAREFUL when working with batteries. I had 1 EXPLODE in my face when I was boosting a car. They do explode just like a bomb.
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