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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. now we know how you got started!!!!!! LOL LOL
  2. that is great!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the laff.... leave it to the newfie's, they are a lot smarter then people give them credit for..
  3. NICE REPORT that sure looks like you had fun in the first pic
  5. you've got scotts in your neck? does it hurt? LOL
  6. yes they sell minnows there
  7. well gcd since your down there and its getting cold i thought you might need this:
  8. that wasnt very nice terry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now who's going to wipe up all this druell?? well i guess i better go get the mop LOL good video terry........
  9. ANOTHER GREAT SHOW but i was waiting to see if dave would slip and take a swim with the fish...lol would be funny to hear his last words as he hits the water, if they dont bleep it out..lol
  10. DONE Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition: Prevent Asian Carp from entering Lake Michigan by closing the Chicago Sanitary/Shipping Canal. You are signer #1328 [?]
  11. CONGRATS! and heres to another 10 from dann & miss kelly
  12. what the heck are all those things in the picture? every time tracker and i go out ice fishing we bring home ICE.. are those things what were suppose to bring home? lol
  13. Roy----remind me to NEVER invite you over here !!!!!! wait---- on second thought, what are you doing this weekend?
  14. is that the new thing they advertise on tv? THE LAP BAND
  15. this is a sad day for a lot of people.. we dont understand but im sure you have your reasons. WE ALL will miss you greatly. you have been a good friend to kelly and i and we really enjoyed having you guy's up at our place.. kelly and i wish you all the best.. dann & kelly
  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO ALL....... and yes this includes you too Roy Dann & Miss Kelly
  17. LOOK THERE MAKIN A LEFT TURN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. the buddy heater and the big buddy both take a 20LB propane tank way cheaper then the little bottles tracker uses his big buddy in the big ice hut and it will cook you right out if you leave it turned up to long. in a portable hut you only need the little buddy which puts out 5000-9000 btu's
  19. solve your problem: run synthetic oil in it. makes a world of difference. it will turn over just like its july..
  20. does anyone know what the times are for parking there: open & close ? and can you park there overnight? for those of us that stay out in a sleeper hut ! thanks guys
  21. well i have a wife--is that enough reason? ok---i have 3 kids, a 25 year old daughter , an 18 year old daughter , 15 year old son & a 5 year old grandson. need i say more? LOL i love them to pieces
  22. damn whats with all the body piercings ? you can only hook 2 lines to those on simcoe. sorry just a little humor to try and make you feel better like everyone is saying---- GET TO THE DOCTORS BUD !!!! hope it gets better real soon.
  23. we have had the pleasure of meeting gcd in person and we love him. he is one heck of a funny and loving guy. keep up the good work coach dog your friends Dann & Miss Kelly
  24. sorry to hear about your dad mike. i always try to look at the brighter side of things. so here's my thought.... this is a very good christmas for your whole family because all the cards fell in the right direction , they found out about the aortic aneurysm before it was to late. i hope all goes well and you get a lot more years with your dad. my father passed away in 98 from liver cancer so i feel your pain. keep your spirits up and we will all pray for you and your family. dann
  25. im with cliff on this one. great idea cliff
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