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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. 15 plus the 2 outsiders = 17
  2. are some of the members taking 2 way radio's ? it would be nice to share where they are hitting, and just incase of an emergency?? if so what channel would we use? Dann
  3. hey mike. too many guys went bye us last year and were waving the 1 finger at us. i think it was the shorts and T shirts they didnt like--lol so were going to down size the boat this year. and we will leave the heater at home, but the bar b que stays!!!!
  4. Tracker and I have booked a room there. $80+tx pr night based on double occupence 2 double beds dock included they have 7 rooms left for that date..... http://www.pec.on.ca/pictonharbourinn/ 1-800-678-7906
  5. way to go Bly!!!!!!!!!!!! still kickin Cliff's butt..lol.. have the bruises gone away from the last time? so does this make Cliff the NET BOY now? team work is what its all about. way to go !!!! Dann
  6. according to the guy at lebarons: they have redone the hot maps for 2008 and they have added a lot of new lakes including simcoe kawarthas and bay of quinte thats the 3 i inquired about buckhorn has been corrected also
  7. This one was 39"....still cant break the 40" barrier!!! you could have if you had your team extreme 2008 logo and then registar it with OFAH !!!!!!!!!!!! THEN IT WOULD BE 41"
  8. you can add skeeter and tracker to the list. we will be there for sure!!!!!
  9. your answers lye in the post of the lakeair G2G. read it and weep!!!!!!
  10. its all over the place now. they hit me with it when i bought oil at ctc and walmart
  11. why would he be disappointed??
  12. we are glad to hear you made it safely miss kelly misses ya all yes she misses you to roy!!! but she did ask where the pictures were-lol
  13. that was a great reply joey. miss kelly( as gcd calls her) and i had a great time with everyone. great people and great times!!!!!!!!!!! dann
  14. thanks douG i asked cause google doesnt show it near any water. it shows going up 64 into monetville and turning left onto bayview rd. thanks again Dann
  15. anyone?
  16. i see the red nails but no OFC COMMUNITY 2008 sign????? nice fish by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. it is if you own a snowmobile and love ice fishing!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. EVERYONE GOING TO THE G2G....... I was just in touch with Kevin at lakeair and he said they were out of fire wood at this time.. so we need a group effort for fire wood. if you could bring some up with you then we could have the g2g fire . im sure everyone would like a little warm place to shoot the breeze around. thanks in advance. Dann
  19. are the google map directions correct& accurate or can some one post the proper directions ?
  20. As Tracker (AKA-BATMAN) said skeeter and ms skeeter are going and we are really pumped about it. we will be there friday morning as the sun comes up. is there a tim hortons near there??
  21. they were on sale but that was about a month ago. i bought my son one before we went to the french river. great little bag for him cause i opened up my bag and filled his with some of my lures. now mines is 8lbs lighter. but Tracker still doesnt like the weight of it..
  22. only 16 going???????????? damn i thought there was a lot more.. no gerrit no ccmt&bly who else can i BUG???? punn intended--GCD gunna have lots of red marks on him
  23. nice pics what size and weight were they?
  24. hey Terry: heres my 97 touring ski doo 500 sle 2 up--long track--heated handle bars yaddy yaddy best part is ELECTRIC START AND REVERSE... i pull my 8x6 hut with it and it laughs at me.. i pull Trackers 8x10 hut with bunk beds in it and still laughs at me. this machine is more then you need to do every thing you could want. lady simcoe has lots of ice patches on it so when you get your sled if its not studded then stud the track yourself. i did mine last year , it makes a world of difference. Dann
  25. hey GCD.. im comming so ya better bring the deet cause im bringing the wife for back up... lol is there going to be a pot luck???? sure wish ccmt & bly were going
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