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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. i like that thanks for the laugh dann
  2. THANK YOU THANK YOU I got mine also, looks great but the only problem is as soon as i opened the package up, miss kelly said hey thats nice let me see it well its her new night shirt , LOL
  3. now thats funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. That was funny. i dont know if i like the hand shakin singing or the rosie odonnel part best. he is always a good watch.. keep up the great work Dave.... Dann
  5. i was just thinking!!! ( yes some times i do that) Terry hows your sled running? was my advise good or could this be "Terry's revenge" LOL just kidding , i know you would steer anyone wrong thanks for all the advise from every one
  6. checking jiffy's web site was the first thing i did. they only show there newer model they dont have any info on the older ones at all.. thats why i asked cause i knew i would get the right answers here. and if Terry says it, thats good enough for me how can i argue with him? he took my advise when he asked about atv or sled awhile back. btw terry my ski-doo is in the shop having the engine rebuilt for the SECOND time.... long story but the guy that did it the first time no longer works there ---too many mistakes!!!
  7. lebarons sells bait i believe.. dundas east of dixie 1590 Dundas St. E. Mississauga, Ontario L4X 2Z2 (905) 273-6434 http://www.lebaron.ca/index_en.html i have never bought bait from them but i know the one up here on woodbine has a vending machine outside that has bait in it ( sorry no beverages) lol
  8. i have a 2002 pontiac montana mini van i use 8-9 liters per 100km/30-35mpg its been a great van 289,000km on it 2200lb towing capacity plus mine has air ride suspension on it and when i pull anything it automaticly goes back to a level ride, and because it has the air ride it also has a built in air compressor to fill up low tires, the hose it came with reaches all my trailer tires
  9. perfect i will try the 50:1 synthetic thanks for the replies guy's
  10. wow that thin for an oldie? or is it because synthetic is that much better? and thanks for the reply terry
  11. thanks walleyejack i was guessing at 32:1 glad i asked...
  12. i have an older model jiffy that i just picked up. does anyone know what the gas mixture is for them?
  13. im sorry i guess i read the post wrong. and i never said i had a problem with someone letting the kids drive a boat, as long as someone is there with them. i taught all my kids how to drive a boat and i was right there with them. but like i said i guess i read his postings wrong And this is the first time that Hayden drove the boat by himself down the lake about 6 miles I had to climb into his boat and lift it in because it was too heavy for him. he drove himself , (followed closely by dad) over six miles down the lake. have a nice day
  14. mental note to self: watch for 2 guys in red float suits pulling yellow sled. follow them ............ when they start setting up say wow you guys found my honey hole, but thats ok i will set up over here !!!!!! LOL
  15. TJ i would love to help out BUT my catch record is worse then the leafs win record i dont feel that i would be the best one for them to go with.
  16. Roy i dont think that he can post a reply to your question...LOL... language and mods might not be able to post it...LOL... but that is funnnny
  17. im sorry but i dont agree with, nor do i approve of a 6 year old operating a boat by HIMSELF. and as you can see in the video he is NOT wearing a life jacket..
  18. thanks drifter now im off to the dollar store--wife wont let me use her strainer--lol i even told her it would make a great flour sifter in the off season for her
  19. thanks for the chum can posting. question: how is the can opened once it is down at the bottom ? is it just a quick jerk of the strainer handle and it pops open?
  20. big cliff i am always dead on for the weather i will tell you my secret: as for the 25th of january---- i will tell you on the 26th---LOL thats my secret way more accurate that way
  21. tell me something!!!! when the baby came out and you got to hold her for the first time..... have you EVER felt anything better in your life????????????????????????????? i didnt think so.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now the good times start girls are much easier to handle then boys are. when you have a boy you will understand what i am talking about....LOL we hope that MOM & baby are healthy and doing well CONGRADULATIONS
  22. i read on some posts that there are sleds and atvs running all over innisfil and you dont have to go far just take innisfil beach road to the end there is the park there look out and you will see lots of people there and some huts 2 minute ride or 5 minute walk
  23. irishfield: try turning it on AFTER you land the plane
  24. that is awesume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks dave and thanks tj
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