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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. muskymike: did you forget to post the end result ??? did they honour the price? i stopped by there awhile ago and was talking to a guy with an accent, i think it was an english accent. is he still there????? he's the guy who owns or use to own a marina on rice lake..
  2. you beat me to it roy i was watching it before i posted the link--lol
  3. that is funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDVX7MpKPg0
  4. where's the link??????????????????
  5. thats great joey !!! did you let paul sleep with it that night? lol why havent i seen any posts this season of you wearing your new float suit?????
  6. where do you buy the straps for glasses that float? i have looked all over and cant find them.
  7. i buy mine at MR "B" in mississauga there different types like foster grant but here's the kicker.................. there $2.50pr or 5 pair for $10 damn im cheap. call me what you want but when they go overboard or get broken its only $2.50
  8. sinker you are right. i was going to post the same reply . 1 of the 4 that i have is on charge right now 2 AMP ONLY they are GREAT batteries and they last a long time before needind to be charged we use them for the lights in the hut,fish finder, 12V coffee mugs in the hut,......... 1 battery lasts all weekend. i just made up a 12v fan for the hut to blow the heat back down onto the floor . i also use one in my ski-doo for the electric start and it works great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way cheaper then a new battery for it and just as good.....
  9. They stole a 50,000 BTU propane heater ????????????????????????? is that a TYPO ???????????????????? where was the hut? at a nudist resort ? LOL Tracker has the big buddy 5000-9000-18000 btu and its way to hot on high we keep it on low 90% of the time. thats in an 8x11 x7h sleeper hut.
  10. Dann & Miss Kelly will be there on saturday... Thanks to the OFC we will be looking for ya's i will be wearing my Bassmania jacket. Miss Kelly will be wearing HER Facts of Fishing T shirt ...
  11. i've only heard this on lake simcoe
  12. HOT DAMN !!!!!!! BRB running to the store to buy a lottery ticket.... thanks TJ and miss kelly said she is going to cook a large pot of chili for the lake air G2G now.
  13. small fisher, i was told that before i had my hut.. and yes i have had them break into my hut, even though the door was not locked they took 3 broken lures--thats right BROKEN non repairable, thats why i left them there--LOL---- and 1 night when my son and I were sleeping in the hut they tried to break in, by the time i jumped out of bed and opened the door ( to greet them ) he was on his atv and running as fast as he could....
  14. THESE ARE THE RULES ::::::::: if you own a hut 1-do NOT LEAVE ANYTHING in it that is not screwed in..... 2-do NOT LOCK the door....... two very simple rules....... if you leave garbage in it they will throw it down your holes. if you lock it they will rip the door off or smash it in....
  15. story of my life.... i got a merc.. missed out again.
  16. well being the nice guy i am, i wouldnt want to take any of the fun away from you..... i know how much you love playing with the toy's. LOL
  17. lol is it still there irishfield?
  18. did gilford get any snow on the ice today? dont want to burn the sliders off my sled.. thanks guy's
  19. they are awesome you have way more patience then i do. and they have a real stinger sitting out the back of them PS: they are NOT legal for you to use at any of the OFC G2G's--lol
  20. just fill the drums with helium and your good to go...... just dont inhale the helium when your building the dock or you will do a mickey mouse job on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i couldnt resist
  21. And that, ladies and gentlemen is precisely how the U.S. and Canadian Governments are conducting business today! so who is the prostitute ?
  22. and dont forget that the float suit is a miss print it is NOT $174
  23. dont worry GCD they wont be ready to leave there nest for 7-8 more weeks. by then you should be able to get one.........
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