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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Good luck Skinny..Have you tried looking in the Brantford area for work? If your interested shoot me a pm with your skills and I can let a few local trades companies I know of that your looking for work.. I run a smaller home based renovations company here in town. I know a painter and a dry Waller that are looking for guys to work. Also I'm not to sure about Delhi but there may be work in Simcoe. If I were you id go to every construction site within a comfortable radius from your home and ask for work. Dude if you want to work its out there..Its sad how often we see the graduates that spent the hard earned $$ on a “higher education” after high school then relegated to looking for whatever they can get work wise...Good luck my friend...I'm afraid your going to need it...
  2. tb4me

    RIP Jack

    ''My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world'' -Jack Layton . 1955-2011. Awesome! These words from a man on his way out of this world...
  3. unreal....Just another reason to not shop at walmart..Not like i ever do...
  4. Wow is all i can say...I was in campbellford when that storm hit...Nasty thunder and lightning..Sure am glad we missed out on that tornado....
  5. check out this modified cooler..ha ha ha..This appears to be in Germany http://www.youtube.com/user/simonfrick#p/u/8/5Fqpp-IAXF0
  6. Lol I wonder if they have the sport or conservation licence? that last one was wayyyy over slot...lol
  7. lol i just went back to see what you were talking about......lol whats wrong with people
  8. Nice video! Huge fish..Why was it brought into the boat? Couldnt it have been released in the water? Its funny cuase the guys says dont stress the fish after wrestling with it..Again great fish!
  9. Awesome report..Thanks for posting it!
  10. Nice! Those are some big bass ya got there!
  11. I have never fished there but by the posted signs and considering what land they sit on Id stay out of there..Perhaps you can get permission to fish there from a land owner? I dont know for sure. I belive they are owned by natives that dont want anyone in there. Keep us posted if you decide to persue this further..Those lakes look real deep..
  12. id skip the smoker...But thats me..My fav way is dry rub then the indirect method..Heat on one side meat on the other..2 or 3 hrs later oh baby!!! you can even get creative and make your own mop sauce..
  13. Way to go Ryan!!! She will be hosting Daves show in no time....
  14. Try out Coles point just north of campbellford. Its on the trent right where it meets the Crowe river..It forms a HUGE bay with exellent fishing, just down from Rice lake. You would love the fishing there..You get the waleye action and the the multi species of river fishing. If your boat is nice enough your only 3 locks from rice lake and 2 from dinner in Campbellford. http://www.colespoint.ca/en/ They have nice cabbins and a great layout for the family too..We go there and would love to fish with some other OFNers.Pm me if you decide to go I can show you some hot spots..
  15. nice video!! Im going to give that a shot one day trolling the deep sections in the trent river!
  16. yummy...perhaps New York will shars its Canada Goose with the carp people and the poor can eat fish and goose!....lol
  17. Awesome Great Slave Lake has always been on my to do list...one day...have fun at work eh!
  18. We did call the school. Shared our thoughts with the principal , but he says what the man decides to do on his own time is up to him..I like the paintball idea..Would have to do it on bicycle tho..no licence plates on them..then assault with a deadly weapon isn't something I'm willing to go down for..I like the water balloons filled with oil based Killz or that aluminum barn roof paint made by tremclad..they both dry real fast and those signs would be destroyed. As you can tell I have given this MUCH thought.....They took something from me and my daughter that day, that she will never get back..That's her innocence
  19. Oh man don't even get me started on these . They were in Brantford here a year or so ago..Try explaining to your 8 yr. old daughter what these people are doing. I don't understand how they can legally expose our young to this stuff. IMO its no different then nudity or foul language. You choose what you expose your children to and these jerks leave us with no choice. I'm telling you I'm very close to giving them some attention the next time I come across them. There is no need to do this. I'm not for or against abortion every person has their own reasons for it. I could care less. What I do care about are these jerks exposing our young to this stuff. They should be arrested and hung by their toenails..Perhaps water balloons full of oil based paint may be in order..A drive by painting of sorts.Actually I just found out that one of these jerks works at my sons High School here in Brantford at Assumption. This wad gets to teach our children too..What the hell?.End Rant
  20. I am a SLR owner..Probally should have a PnS, I do like the auto fire feature among many other things on my SLR. I took these pics from my sons PnS the other day at the river..This thing takes amazing photo's and shoots 720p HD video..Very nice..Here are some pics from said PnS As you can see some of these pics are incredible..I may just repo his birthday gift for a few fishing trips...lol
  21. oh man that sooo sucks. What camera and lens was it? I wonder if they are still good for certan parts? Perhaps you could sell them for parts to help recover some of the cost for a new one? Sorry to hear that, you were on quite the roll with the good pics commig in...
  22. thats an awesome lookin fly! good job to who ever made that one!
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