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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I also have the storm ones..No issues here if you leave them in the orignal packages..Going on year 3 now...
  2. Also here is all the information needed to educate yourselves if you so choose Sources: 1.Harper warns pipeline hearings could be “hijacked” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/01/06/harper-northern-gateway-hearings.html 2.An Open Letter from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/an-open-letter-from-natural-resources-minister-joe-oliver/article2295599/ 3.Harper says pipeline debate should be left to Canadians http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/01/16/pol-harper-mansbridge-interview.html 4.Opposition to oil tankers on the rise http://forestethics.org/opposition-to-bc-oil-tankers-on-the-rise- 5.Save the Fraser Declaration http://savethefraser.ca 6.Pipeline project a gateway to disaster "http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Pipeline-project-gateway-disaster/5988821/story.html 7.Canadian jobs lost to the tar sands http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/matt-price/canadian-oilb1180255.html 8.Oil sands should be left in the ground: NASA scientist http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/oil-sands-should-be-left-in-the-ground-nasa-scientist/article1743844/ 9.Enbridge reports leak from U.S. pipeline as Northern Gateway hearings begin http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/enbridge-reports-leak-from-us-pipeline-as-northern-gateway-hearings-begin/article2298173/ The real foreign interests in the oilsands http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/real-foreign-interests-oilsands/5981230/story.html The Enbridge Pipeline: The "Largest and Most Insidious Threat to Our Culture." (Gerald Amos, Former Chief Councilor, Haisla First Nation) http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/gerald-amos/northern-gateway-pipeline1199956.html
  3. A group called leadnow.ca has a campain against this movement..click on the link to do your part folks...chirpin on here doesnt help all that much... http://leadnow.ca/canadas-interests
  4. This is bad for that area and Canada as a whole...Wait till they force the pipeline in..Soon will be sloppin oil all over the west coast....Brutal I posted a link to this about a month ago and to my suprise not a single reply in regard to this from anyone on here...I dont think an of the natives are going to allow it to happen any way..Im with them on this issue
  5. Bruce, what are you using as a tartar sauce? looks good???
  6. Fisher, did you by chance get the ready to lay pullets from freys hatchery? If so I have the same birds and they will do just fine..Will be back to laying in no time..
  7. You may want to invest in a couple of food grade 5 gal pails to make feeders and waters out of..A 5 gal pail of each should last 24 birds the better part of a week no problem. That way you don't run into that again. We too go away all the time in the summer months. We have a neighbour come pick up all the eggs but he doesn't have to worry about food or water. The nice thing about the large feeders and waters is that they are heavy and the girls cant tip them over..go to YouTube and look up home made waters and feeders for chickens...there are a TON of ideas that are all good IMO..Good luck, they will start laying again..Also did you run a light in your coop during the short days of winter? That too will cause them to stop laying.....
  8. spring ahead baby!!!! Plus double digits all week next week too..Including a plus 20 on thursday! This is wonderfull! Just thought is share my excitement with ya all
  9. I see both the good and bad in this..The good would mean less corporate seats and lower ticket prices for us fans.. The bad would be yes the Send and smaller market teams may suffer.
  10. This response is EXACTALLY what I thought most would say..If he had of kept his cool he would have been taken seriously.. Good point Blaque
  11. This is why I posted this..I enjoy this sort of debate. Everyone I have spoken too has mixed emotions on this one. I myself having already posted my thoughts on his rant. I also believe he is right and wrong this time. Burke does indeed have Ontario boys on the Marlies..Here's the kicker. for all the Sens fans that say we have nothing in the cupboards as far as future goes, here is what Burke has done alone for us in the draft and thru deals. In all 3 drafts he has, since coming to Toronto, 10 of his 23 moves have been Ontario kids, Including Kadri, Percy, Mckeeg and Blacker to name a few. The only other Ontario boy I know of maybe the new kid signed at the deadline??? Carter Ashton. I honestly believe we do have to draft local. If we keep the farm system close, right on up to the big leagues. It would be much more cost effective for the kids coming up thru the ranks and be much cheaper in the long run for MLSE. My Aunt for example, She is a member of the Bulldogs alumni, she sponsors a kid from Kingston in the OHL to play here in Brantford. The kid lives with my aunt while he plays here. Imagine the financial burden put on the parents and the Pro teams signing him? Why not go local if your getting some of the best talent the world has to offer? Anyway ill look forward to the rest of your responses..
  12. I have mixed feelings in regard to his rant. I believe he was right on the money but he went over the top. His point would have had more merit if he had of stayed calm..As for the youngster and his father that passed on in a horrific car crash, that's sad. I had about it earlier in the week on Sports net. What Don didn't share was the fact that the kid had just played a game where he scored his first Hat trick. What a sad sad deal there..Thought and prayers go out to the family.... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iEQF0Pts4aY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Nice fish! Good job ot who ever caught it..
  14. Grapes was talking about Ontario boys not Canadians.
  15. Randy Carlyle is the New coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs!!!!!
  16. carlyle is the new coach accordnig to Dreggers twitter page..will be on the bench tomorrow in montreal Mike Keenan is the only other coach Burke fired mid season..
  17. Willy gone...wow...Burke listened..
  18. Damn... I liked it better when Smoking was the cause of Dion not performing...Now whats the excuse...lol
  19. Loved it Simon..I gotta say its been so much fun watching Jack grow. Seems like yesterday he was born. They sure do grow quick..Way to go Jack!!!! Maybe one day he can get Dad (and his firends)some free Leaf tickets when you go watch him play!!!!!
  20. Lol I stopped reading right there... Seriously dude I have no idea why you dont apply if you know so much in regard to the Leafs, we could use a brain like yourself to end the Cup Drought!!
  21. That was a fantastic ending to a fantastic race! Great show in Prime time Monday night! Couldnt think of a better way to spend the evening! I would have rather seen JR win that then Kenseth.. What a show!
  22. 25 to go...looking like its gonna get interesting!!
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