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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Im with you mercman, I have no idea what this all about..As for the coronal Mass Ejection I didnt feel a thing....
  2. Awesome vid! Wow Wayne.. your one lucky son of a gun...lol. I seen your status last night...kinda wondered what happened..One quick question. Whats with the smoke on these planes? Is it just for show or is there an actual purpose? Always wanted to know..Who better to ask?lol
  3. Well it would appear that they managed to turn things around..4-1..Nice. The Leafs are 13 for 13 and perfect on the PK in 2012. Have yet to get a goal against in 13 pk situations. Im thinking we still need to move a player or 2 and im almost 100% positive Burke will..Go Leafs Go...Good game by the Monster too. Im a happy Leafer once again..who hoo..
  4. LOL I sure didnt write that..I got it from the Leadnow website. Im not that handy with a keyboard..
  5. Its the XL pipeline. We (Canadians) want to run it through Nebraska. Here's the catch, I'm not to sure if your all aware of plan B or not. Plan B will light a fire in the panties of many here on OFC. Its the Enbridge pipeline. It will run from Alberta to the Vancouver coast and be shipped to Asian countries. That quite frankly scares the Hell out of me. One oil spill in that area will have HUGE implication on the salmon fishery. That's just the beginning.We quite frankly have bigger fish (pun intended) to fry right here in Canada. Here's all the links and source info you will need to read up on it... Last week, Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver launched a massive public relations offensive to silence Canadians opposed to Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline. His government is trying to manufacture a myth that “foreign special interests” and “radical groups” are “hijacking” the National Energy Board hearings.[1,2] The federal government’s goal is to ram the pipeline through the public review process despite the fact that it is strongly opposed by Canadians who are concerned the pipeline will kill jobs, destabilize our climate and threaten our coast and salmon rivers. This week, Prime Minister Harper doubled-down on the rhetoric, claiming “foreigners” were “hijacking” the process because they want to make Canada “one giant national park.”[3] The reality is that there is broad opposition to a pipeline that would pump tar sands crude from Alberta to British Columbia’s rugged coastal waters where it would be loaded onto supertankers destined for overseas markets. Between 75 and 80% of British Columbians, including 2/3rds of BC’s federal Conservatives, oppose supertanker traffic along BC’s coast because of the risk of oil spills.[4] More than 70 First Nations have joined together to protect the economic and ecological integrity of their land and waters by banning the pipeline and supertankers from crossing their territory.[5] Their voices must be heard. This is a critical moment, the government smear campaign is designed to distract the many Canadians who are learning about this issue for the first time. We need a massive public outcry right now to counter the smear campaign by talking about the real issues. Please click here to tell Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver to put Canada’s best interests before oil industry profits and stop the pipeline: http://www.leadnow.ca/canadas-interests'>http://www.leadnow.ca/canadas-interests'>http://www.leadnow.ca/canadas-interests Canada needs an honest debate about the future of our energy, economy and environment. Here’s the real question: is it in Canada’s best interests to build this pipeline and expand the tar sands? Building the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will run counter to Canada’s national interest in four major ways: The pipeline would kill jobs all across Canada. Regionally, the small number of jobs building and maintaining the pipeline are not worth the risk that oil spills pose to thousands of jobs in fisheries and tourism.[6] Just ask the residents of the Gulf Coast. Nationally, the pipeline would close factories in Ontario and Quebec. How? For the last ten years, the expansion of tar sands exports has driven up the Canadian dollar, making Canada’s manufacturing exports more expensive and less competitive. This pattern is called the “Dutch Disease,” and in Canada it has contributed to the loss of 627,000 manufacturing jobs in the last nine years. This pipeline will make the situation much worse.[7] The pipeline would destabilize our climate. We have to choose between expanding the tar sands and preventing runaway global warming.[8] The pipeline would threaten our coast and salmon rivers. The pipeline would bring 200+ super-tankers a year to some of the most difficult waters in the world, the area that sank the Queen of the North, a large ferry. This creates an unacceptable threat of a major oil spill, and that’s not the only risk. The pipeline will leak. The same day the review panel hearings opened, Enbridge reported a leak in another one of their pipelines.[9] Over 70 First Nations have banned the pipeline and supertankers from their territory. They have never given up their right to refuse projects, and they are rejecting this project despite significant cash incentives because oil spills are such a major threat to their land and water. It’s time to speak out. Click here to tell send a message to the Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver: http://www.leadnow.ca/canadas-interests We have a choice to make, and the stake are high. In the debate about the Enbridge pipeline, we can see two competing visions for Canada. In one, the federal government and oil industry interests work together to exploit our natural resources as quickly as possible, maximizing short-term profits while trashing Canada’s environment, ruining our reputation, killing jobs, eroding our democracy and ensuring catastrophic climate change. In the other, Canadians work together through democratic processes and an independent regulatory framework to use our oil resources to build a forward-looking renewable energy economy that ensures sustainable prosperity for generations to come while making Canada a leader in the global struggle for climate security. Right now, there are countless Canadians who are standing up for a positive vision and being smeared by their own government. Let’s stand up with them, and put the focus back on the real issues. Click here to send your message to Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver: http://www.leadnow.ca/canadas-interests Thank you for all you do. With hope and respect, Matthew, Jamie, Emma, Julia, Jen, Ryan and Adam on behalf of Leadnow.ca P.S. - If you recently joined our community through our Crime Bill campaign, Leadnow.ca is an independent advocacy organization that brings generations of Canadians together to achieve progress through democracy. We work on a range of issues. You can read more about us, and our plan to organize for change together in Canada here: http://www.leadnow.ca/power-the-plan Sources: Harper warns pipeline hearings could be “hijacked” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/01/06/harper-northern-gateway-hearings.html An Open Letter from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/an-open-letter-from-natural-resources-minister-joe-oliver/article2295599/ Harper says pipeline debate should be left to Canadians http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/01/16/pol-harper-mansbridge-interview.html Opposition to oil tankers on the rise http://forestethics.org/opposition-to-bc-oil-tankers-on-the-rise- Save the Fraser Declaration http://savethefraser.ca Pipeline project a gateway to disaster http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Pipeline-project-gateway-disaster/5988821/story.html Canadian jobs lost to the tar sands http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/matt-price/canadian-oil_b_180255.html Oil sands should be left in the ground: NASA scientist http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/oil-sands-should-be-left-in-the-ground-nasa-scientist/article1743844/ Enbridge reports leak from U.S. pipeline as Northern Gateway hearings begin http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/enbridge-reports-leak-from-us-pipeline-as-northern-gateway-hearings-begin/article2298173/ The real foreign interests in the oilsands http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/real-foreign-interests-oilsands/5981230/story.html The Enbridge Pipeline: The "Largest and Most Insidious Threat to Our Culture." (Gerald Amos, Former Chief Councilor, Haisla First Nation) http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/gerald-amos/northern-gateway-pipeline1199956.html Please support the Leadnow.ca community! We're independent, and our small efficient team makes sure your donation goes a long way. Every dollar helps. You can donate online at http://www.leadnow.ca/en/donate
  6. Ok so now I'm very confused..Before today I had never heard of SOPA, so I looked in to it..Ok so it seems WAYYYY out of line and now you guys hit me with HAARP.. Can I say what the hell? I looked it up on YouTube and now I'm even more confused..All kidding aside is this HAARP real? Can it do everything "they" say it can? I'm not joking here..I'm concerned...
  7. thats brutal..oh well wishfull thinking I supose....Im glad I was good for a laugh there Dan...
  8. With the last 3 or 4 days of very cold weather I was wondering if there is any walkable ice yet? Im just going stir crazy..would love to do some perchin..
  9. Angry birds, yes thats a very addictive game..Try the free version..
  10. Congrats to you! I quit 12 years ago on NYE. The one and only resolution of my life. Best thing I have ever done!
  11. I do mostly bathroom remodels for a living. Are the tiles on the wall a "standard" 6x6 white or beige? If so you can CAREFULLY remove the bottom row of tiles, and buy enough to replace them when finished. Then cut out the drywall that sits over the ledge of the tub (approx. 1.5 inches up from the tub).If the tub is on an exterior wall be careful to not cut the Vapour Barrier on the other side of the board or you will be gutting it. Disconnect the plumbing from the basement. Slide the tub out, you may have to remove the toilet or sink vanity to make room. Cutting out the old tub wont make a difference as you will need the room to install the new one. Once the new one is installed and hooked up in the basement (Level) then replace the missing drywall (i recommend cement or Rhino board tile backer). Then install a product called Kerdi Band over the cut in the drywall and right down to the base of the tub (you may have to go double wide)to seal it up. If you do it right one layer on Band will work just fine as the roll is 6 inches wide.. If you do go double wide on the kerdi be sure to overlap a minimum of 2 inches, I think you get a 50 foot roll at Home Depot for $35 bucks. You can use mastic to adhere the kerdi band for that small amount, but I recommend using a non modified mortar..Install the new row of tiles the next day and 2 days later re-grout. Finish it all off with a nice even bead of silicone and your golden for another 10 to 15 years! Its really not that hard to do..If you need a couple more questions answered id be glad to discuss further over PM..Good luck no matter what you decide to do but id stay miles away from Bath Fitter, For what they charge you can put in a new tub and surround.. I just love pricing jobs after they are in the potential customers house..Makes my sales job real easy.
  12. Awesome Terry! Id love to see how the chain drive conversion works out..If you do it please take pics..
  13. you have to be carefull with those snow blowers..They operate on a friction plate. They will wear out real fast pulling weight.. Its a rubber wheel that spins on a metal disc. The old snowblower I have in the yard has this same issue..The wheels dont turn under load..
  14. Awesome..I wonder If you were to weld something to the frame with a metal box above the motor that you could put a cement block in to help with traction. I showed the wife and she said " he could walk out quicker", clearly she hasn't had to drag 150 lbs. of gear and hut a couple miles out..Good idea Terry. No licence or insurance needed for that. I happen to have an old 8HP snow king blower here..Now ya got me thinking.
  15. That looks like the North Humberland forest. I trail ride up that hill quite often in the summer on my dual sport..
  16. Once healthy the leafs have more then enough Dman power to put 2 teams into the playoffs. Lets not forget Liles fransen and Komi on top of what we ice on a nightly basis. Oh I hope burke can sign Getslaf, imagine him on a line with kessel and lupal thats a 280 point line alone per year.. I feel a big trade comming on here. GO LEAFS GO!! Oh and were up 2-0 over the Jets!
  17. See this is where I disagree..Our goalies haven't had a snowballs chance in hell with the teams iced in front of them. With our defensive core at its best in years all we need is a top line centre. Look at the monster for example...30 to 36 saves in a game win or loose (with the team the leafs ice) is a good goaltender. If Reimer ever heals from the "concussion like symptoms" he has the potential to be among the top goaltenders in the NHL.
  18. This is just the news the Leafs needed to hear.. Wheres your info source? Id love to read up a little more! Edit.. here is what I found http://fans.mapleleafs.nhl.com/community/index.php?/topic/65686-all-ducks-players-available-besides-selanne-and-koivu/ Id love burke to get Getzlaf.. Multipule sources confirm Burke and Murray are in talks... Say goodbye to Fratten Grabo and possibly Schenner, or a 1st round pick.
  19. Terry I too had to stop using it for the same reasons..They post a price and it says updated 5 min ago and I get there and its nowhere near the updated price. I honestly think its the gas station managers-owners doing it to get you in the lot. Your most likely are not going to go elsewhere once your on the lot. Like every good thing out there somone has to ruin it...They even have a great app for my blackberry..It has been deleted..
  20. Alert has been cancelled..The kids were found in north bay.. Father arrested..
  21. Oh thats not good..Wow, get as comfy as you can..You are better off in hospital. Get well soon..
  22. Great show Aaron! Loved it..thanks!
  23. Ok I seen the video.. Looks to be lots of room for a sled or a quad to get thru.
  24. did I miss somthing..All i get is a link to another fishing board..Is this good or bad?
  25. Those are some nice lookin walleye ya got there..Id love to ice fish out your way one of these years...Thanks for your post
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