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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow I had to look twice to be sure of what i was seeing..Thats a "holy crap" moment!
  2. Wow, I just read this today. Its sad that that's the way it is now. As you know Dave I have a husky. She is a bit of an idiot but wouldn't hurt a human. Now another animal, well its fair game, as far as she is concerned . when we decided to keep her we also decided that she will have to be kept muzzled in public and always on a chain. The only time she runs free is when she swims. I run her daily on my Mountain bike. The point i'm making here is, we know we have a dangerous dog and we take full responsibility and take every precaution possible. Now having said all that there is no way we will ever do this again. Breed specific is exactly how we will look for a new dog later on down the road. None of the above listed dogs for us. Too much work and too much trouble. Good luck on the fight Dave, however i'm afraid your fighting a loosing battle. There are some dogs that you cant control, and i'm afraid the breed specific ones are the trouble makers. Sad but true. Is the law right, I honestly don't think so but tell that to the kids that get bitten and families that loose their beloved family pets that get ruthlessly killed by these dogs. Our Husky will be our last for this very reason..
  3. if I cant fix it, ill fix it so no one else can..one of my favs
  4. this is as primitave as it gets..Watch these guys.. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wot6vzySFJY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. I think everyone here is missing the point..He is trying to put a hydro pole in the ground to use as a clothes line. Im not to sure how to do it myself but simply lifting it into a sono tube isint going to happen..RAF try looking it up on you tube..Thats my go to when I need help with somthing..
  6. Yes I do condiser myself very lucky..I have a wonderfull Daughter and wife that both love ot fish with me..I have the super sneaky Walleye spot..Does life get any better? Im not to sure what it is with the Walleye where I fish but I find them very easy. Take me to new waters and im sure they would be very humbling...lol
  7. Thats the secret to my sucess..I have a hydro outlet right at the end of my dock. On the Trent river.I just anchor and jig the back of my boat..Its so easy its like taking candy from a baby..The water levels are low now and the hydro output is off ..I have to work 12 feet of water in the weed lines to get them them now..I find that once dialed in walleye are almost too easy to get..but they are good eats!
  8. Cant go wrong with Legend..Just upgrade the motor. My friend has had one for many years..no leaks and very comfy..Good boats for the price IMO..Best part is they are from Canada..I dont think the boats themselves are but they are assembled and create employment right here in Ontario!
  9. nice fish! I can only wish for one of those beasts one of these days
  10. I think this is a great idea.. What better way to tech conservation then with a hands on approcah.... Very nice indeed!
  11. if you do get that one get a long hose..Those oil less comps are LOUD!
  12. Thanks for the info! you the man! Things have a wierd way of geting off topic around here, so I just go with the flow..Espically when it comes to beer...lol
  13. lol funny Dave..id rather a bottle of that single malt...
  14. Ya ask me ANYTHING about beer and ill tell you...lol
  15. Awesome Johnnyb.. That actually made me laugh! Thats actually a myth.. Canadian Coors light is 4% and the American Coors Light is 4.3% Where does this beer myth come from? American beer used to use alcohol by weight to denote the alcohol content in beer. Some areas still use alcohol by weight, but there has been an effort to convert to alcohol by volume in the past decade. Alcohol by volume is a better metric. Alcohol by volume is the percentage of the liquid which is alcohol. For example if you had 100 ml which contained 4 ml of alcohol, the alcohol by volume is 4%. Alcohol by weight measures the mass of a substance in a mixture as a percentage of the mass of the entire mixture. So if you had 100 grams which contained 4 grams of alcohol, the alcohol by weight is 4%. It looks like the two are the same, but they are not. You get into trouble comparing ABV and ABW because is alcohol weighs less than water. Alcohol is less dense, about 4/5 as dense as water. The density of alcohol is 0.79336. Alcohol by volume is the alcohol by weight times the density. ABV = ABW * 0.79336 This means if your beer is 4% ABV, the beer is only 3.17% ABW. Since Canadian beers use ABV and American beers were using ABW, many thought Canadian beers were stronger. The myth persists to this day, even though American beers are starting to use the same metric. Another reason is you are allowed to market the alcohol strength in Canada, but not in the United States. You cannot advertise “this beer will get you drunk” due to alcohol laws, nor can you promote your brand based on the alcohol content. Different states even have different regulations on how strong the beer can be. These help contribute to the “Canadian beer is stronger” myth.
  16. I have friends from Ohio comming this way with thier boat..Question is do they need a boters licence? They come to fish the Trent every year..They always have the boat filled with a few cases of beer under the cover for me so im really looking forward to seeing them! mmmm cheap beer!lol thanks guys!
  17. lol i think they filled their undies there...Great vid!!!
  18. Congrats! What a beast of a fish
  19. Funny Lew that same jerk passed me on the trent this weekend past..Its a good thing those bass boats dont have a huge wake..I was in my 14 foot tinner..Had another boat cut both my daughter and my lines while trolling too..Not a good weekend out there..... Neeless to say I was pissed
  20. That was freakin awesome , thanks! Where did you get that music?
  21. That was a fantastic read! I had no idea of the #'s involved in the Grand here in Brantford..I have never tried steelheading in the Grand..I may start now..Thanks for posting that..Did you write that article? If so great job!
  22. Just home from the trailer for the weekend..Went to take the boat out lastnight around 6 pm..When right there on the lawn beside the boat launch was a cougar suntanning in a bikini! Shocking..
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