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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. im in what the heck..Never been in a hockey pool before.. How does the draft work?
  2. lol that's funny...As far as the Sens and Kadri.. get out the offer sheet..I think the Leafs will send Liles to the Marlies to free up some space..That will free up some coin to get franson and kadri signed...
  3. Go LEAFS GO....Praise Kadri..lol Burkie is gonna send an offer sheet his way..Anyone have a link for tonights game at all? Rookie or not this I gotta see....Sens Suck..
  4. Yikes, what Parks are you going to? Our Lot is huge..Double wide driveway grass lawn 10, 100 year old oak trees on our lot alone..over 100 feet of water frontage on the Trent river..$2800 a year..This year we get hydro updates so we have our own meters..We will be paying our own hydro bills..That will bring down the yearly lot fees to $2500 for all that plus a quarterly payment to OPG for hydro..I can use my own contractors for whatever I choose.. the park has nada to do with renovations on anyones trailers..
  5. As for older trailers most have a 20 year rule...Where we are the rule is 20 years that doesnt mean you have to haul it out after 20 years it means that anyone "new" to the park cant bring in anything older then 20
  6. Were at Coles point resort in Campbellford .. short drive from Toronto,on the Trent River, 3 locks down from Rice Lake. The fishing is excellent..As for Waterfront for 3 grand, thats what we pay for ours..However there are no waterfront lots left in the Park.. there are empty lots and he will rent you a dock..check it out www.colespointresort.com Ask for Scott..
  7. So sad.. We too have a special needs Daughter.Her health is no where near as bad as this young man , but we can relate none the less.This both sickens me and saddens me to no end..The poor family..
  8. Harley Biker A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Louisiana when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.' The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page...So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?' The biker replies, 'I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican.' The journalist leaves.The following morning the biker buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: U.S. MARINE ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH That pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days
  9. We here in Brantford lost our power too..I remember cell phones werent working either..It was creepy..Anyway I found out that Scotland (the town of) not even 20 min down the road had power..Myself and 2 neighbours went got gas , Beer, ice and cash.. We were set for the next few days...
  10. We too enjoy this show.. They did show Walt coming back to his house all fenced up and destroyed. Walt came back for the pill, cant remember what it was exactly.. So either he disappears or as some others have said he went into witness protection. Another possibility is that the Russian woman takes him into custody to get the ship righted
  11. Sweet little report! Thanks for posting it..The Musky story is awesome..Congrats on an awesome holiday adventure!
  12. Id gladly take the Jeep or Dodge over the supposed "luxury" Suv any day.. Mall crawlers funny stuff. When was the last time anyone seen a Mercedes in the mud anyway?
  13. Praise Alfie ...The Sens suck so bad even he is now leaving. Told the team last night he wont be back...Looks like Detroit are in the mix for his one year of service....
  14. I fish the Trent and Grand rivers.. electronics are useless other then water temps
  15. That's great! Awesome fish, thanks for sharing Tj
  16. Nice I have to get one for our boat too
  17. Give Scott Hoffman a call at Coles point resort in Campbellford. Our family has been there for 4 years now. The fishing is excellent and your never further away then a lock or 2 to a different lake..Im sure he has some dock space left.. http://www.colespoint.ca/en/home.html
  18. Thanks folks, I know now what I want. This place s awesome. Ill try to get some time to post pictures of the boat..
  19. Thanks , Dave! I like this one best..The price is insane for what it is thou....
  20. Thanks Kenzy31 but I want something to get into the boat in case of emergency too IE falling out while fishing - trolling I always use my tether when alone I clip it to my shoe or belt , so I would like the ladder to be a permanent fixture that folds up out of the way perhaps?
  21. Ok its probably a stupid question, but here goes anyway.. For all these that know me, you know I was considering buying a rough 1997 Smoker Craft Fazer 172.. Well I bought her 2 grand. The floors are in rough shape but I can fix it no problem. Spent a little over $500 to get the 70 Johnson VRO running in tip top shape..3 new coils 3 carb kits and a new fuel pump and prop. Did a lower end unit oil change and installed new NGK spark plugs, All set she runs like a top! I tossed some spare pieces of plywood over the soft spots until the fall, then the restoration will begin....Anyway I had the family out tubing yesterday on the Trent river we had a Blast! After struggling to get the wife and daughter back in the boat I thought it would be nice to have some sort of ladder on the one side of the transom. Is there such a thing for my boat? I did a quick search and all I could find was a swim platform but that doesn't interest me at all..id be afraid of the platform slowing down the boat. Then I got thinking what if I ever fell out when alone on the lake fishing, or wanted to go for a quick dip, id never get back up in the boat, so now this has become a priority. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks folks, Ron
  22. Lol next year the same photo will be taken of the Sens in front of Canadian Tire...lol
  23. The spawning beds last weekend were up high in fast moving waters on the Trent river. I don't think that the water was there when they started the spawn because they usually don't spawn in fast water.(FYI I watch them spawn every spring from my dock) Now when I went down to the dock this weekend the water levels have dropped and the beds are gone and completely exposed,. Does that mean the spawning beds were destroyed and that spawn is lost? I sure hope not..
  24. I dont even know what to say in regard to that..He didn't give out any real information..Other then the hear say that has been said many, many times now. Im sure that the Canadian government does the same as far as surveillance goes.
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