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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Id be interested too..I have a friend that lives there and could swing by to pick one up for me.Please advise..Id also like to see a picture if at all possible.
  2. Trent river just downstream of rice. Lake Seymour crowe bay anywhere down there is loaded with good pike and walleye numbers
  3. Cool I will try the bigger screw driver first. I went to cdn tire and bought the biggest screwdriver I could find and took it to the bench grinder. It now has a big wide fat tip on it..If that don't work ill try the impact tool. I also went back to Dundas Marine in Waterdown today and bought new screws. These have a hex type head instead of a slot..
  4. Hey how is everyone today?....So on the weekend I decide to get the stuff to change the lower end unit gear oil. I got new washers and enough gear oil to do the job. Then I tried to get the bottom cap out of the gear case..That's where I had to stop. I had a big wide screwdriver and no go. I don't want to destroy the screw-cap trying to get it off. So I have decided to wait till next weekend to complete the job. I wanted to check in here to see how you folks get them out? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  5. What a great action filled game so far..Go Leafs Go! Were up 2-1
  6. Awesome Paul, although I don't know you, im proud of you my man..Your story im sure is inspiration to many keep spreading the great word. Oh and Congrats on the new lady friend.. I wish you both the best!
  7. Good Gawd I don't care what law im breaking but if there is a 3 foot tape worm coming out of a walleye its garbage..Im sure as hell not feeding it to my family. Perhaps the local CO would like it...
  8. Is walleye open in zone 17 this weekend? Call me stupid as im on the Trent river ad have no idea...lol ill be up this weekend for the first time since November..LOOONG over due Yikes
  9. Gotta say it, Go Leafs Go!! This IS Canada's team boys n girls! Sens habs game last night,. What a joke that was. Looked like a Beer league game to me..Both teams showed no class but the fight was awesome..lol
  10. With all due respect he HAD to be hit. Have a look at the winger breaking up the middle waiting for the next pass. Its a breakaway without that hit. Did he have to hit him that hard? Who knows, its not like he had a few seconds to think about it..It is what it is..I still say its ignorance to blame anyone but the Dman clearing the puck.
  11. They figure it was sterile and intentionally released to control weeds?
  12. Who hoo Go Leafs Go!!! Great game..
  13. Big game tonight! Go Leafs Go! I think we got this one..!!
  14. Oh we go this. Were right back in it tonight. Go Leafs Go. Please?
  15. Unreal Crosby first game back and has the playoff scoring lead in under 7 minutes...lol Ohh NY just tied It up at 3..
  16. Dude for once I couldn't agree more with you.. There is a first for everything. Sens fan or not your 100% right. Even Kerry Frasier says its a clean hit http://video.tsn.ca/?dl=main%2Flatest%2F1%2F0%2F918384%2Fclip%2F100
  17. Actually, id say they are very tough. Raising rabbits for many years now. I have seen some things that would shock and awe...I wont go into details as most here couldn't handle it.. As for the cage wires , nope.. It was coons or rats in his barn. He had well over 500 rabbits at that time.. only 3 had their feet chewed almost right to the bone. Wire wounds are quite different. After looking at that picture again I still say that wound is old..No bood on the fur and the meat is dried out where exposed..He will survive just fine..If prey doesn't eat him that is....
  18. Actually Rabbits are very strong. That wound looks old. and not infected, he should be fine. I raise rabbits for meat sometimes im surprised to see what they can endure. I once seen my friends rabbit hutch invaded by a coon. They chewed the rabbits feet to bits thru the cages at night. He was able to save the 3 adult rabbits long enough to get them in the freezer..
  19. Any trailer repair shop should do it for you
  20. There are so many independent wineries and spirits brewers, it would be a stupid move on the LCBO's part to even consider it..One can buy wine just about anywhere now.. The beer store is still open so who really cares anyway.. I say go for it,
  21. Ill wait to see if the Sens make the cut before I make my commet beyond this...
  22. Ok thanks anyway..Ill do some searching..I want to see that game..Go Jets Go! a jets win tonight would put the Sens out..For now
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