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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Hey how did I end up with 3 goalies?
  2. Ya and I have him.. Thought I got shafted with that pick.. With (gag) bobby ryans game yesterday im becoming more and more happy with my team..bring on week 1..
  3. crap I missed the draft..I just got home from signing my daughter up for skating lessons....I like my goalies but man the only Leaf I got was Cody Fransen..Man my team sucks..My top center is ranked 11th..Booooooo
  4. That was an ok game..The leafs did good.. Reims looked solid again..Its to bad the game winning goal was kicked in the net..No video replay in preseason otherwise we would have had OT at least..Oh well leave it to the sens to kick it in to win....
  5. Ya the best part was the Seguin comment..I almost cried laughing
  6. Thats awesome! Where can I test drive one!
  7. thought this was funny as anything Leaf hockey..lol Phil Kessel's suspension hearing: The top secret transcript Kessel spears Scott right in the creepy extra leg that apparently hangs off of his hip. (Scene: A boardroom in a downtown skyscraper. Brendan Shanahan sits at one end of a long table, preparing for the hearing. After shuffling a few papers, he's ready to begin.) Shanahan: OK, first up we need to hear from the Maple Leafs. Send in Phil Kessel and Randy Carlyle. (Phil Kessel walks into the room.) Shanahan: Uh, where's Randy? Kessel: Oh, he's on his way. (Carlyle, sprawled out on top of a fainting chair, is carried into the room by several MLSE interns.) Carlyle (with the back of his hand to his forehead): Fighting! Enforcers! Oh the humanity! However could an NHL team do such a thing! Shanahan: Uh, Randy… Carlyle: Won't somebody please think of the children! Shanahan: Good try, Randy. Carlyle: Not buying it, eh? Shanahan: Not especially. Carlyle (getting up from the fainting couch): Want to fight about it? Shanahan: Maybe later. But first I want to talk to Phil. Phil, you're here because you slashed John Scott twice. It sure seemed like intent to injure. Let's start with the first slash, how can you justify that? Kessel: Before the faceoff, John Scott told me he was going to attack me. He's much bigger than me and has far more experience fighting, so I felt that I needed to take action to protect myself. Whether it's on the ice or on the street, a person in imminent danger of being assaulted has a right to self-defence, and so I did what I had to do. Shanahan: Hm. That's pretty convincing. Kessel: Thanks. Shanahan: And the second slash? Kessel: Oh, I was just trying to break his ankle. Shanahan: Ah. Kessel: Seriously, screw that guy, am I right? Shanahan: Well, I appreciate your honestly, even though you probably just extended your suspension by another game. Kessel (under his breath): That's the last extension I'll be getting in this town… Carlyle: Wait, what? Kessel: Nothing coach! Shanahan: Phil, if you could just sign your statement, we're done here. (Shanahan hands Kessel a pen. Kessel starts to write, then pauses to shake the pen.) Kessel: It's out of ink. Voice from outside: DON'T WORRY PHIL, I WILL SAVE YOU! Kessel: Oh Christ. (David Clarkson bursts dramatically through the office's plate glass window.) Shanahan: The door was unlocked... Clarkson (striking a heroic pose): No time for that now. PHIL KESSEL IS IN TROUBLE! Kessel: Actually, I can just get another pen, Dave, it's not really a big deal… Clarkson: MUST PROTECT PHIL! Kessel: No, actually, the situation is completely under control and… Clarkson: WE'LL GATHER THE TROOPS! STORM THE INK FACTORY! THERE WILL BE BLOOD AT DAWN! Kessel: Randy? Carlyle: I'm on it. (Carlyle pulls out a long vaudevillian cane and slowly reaches for Clarkson's neck.) Shanahan: Cool cane. Kessel: Thanks. We just had it made. Shanahan: OK, now it's time to get the Sabres side of the story. Send in John Scott and Ron Rolston. (Rolston enters the room, wheeling a large crate. He smashes the crate's lock with a sledgehammer, and John Scott emerges.) Shanahan: John, why don't we start with you. Can you explain your actions leading up to the altercation? Scott: (staring straight ahead) Shanahan: John? Scott: (grunts) Rolston: Yeah, he's not much of a talker. Shanahan: I'm getting that impression. Rolston: Oops, almost forgot feeding time. (Rolston tosses an oddly shaped slab of raw beef in Scott's direction.) Scott: (unhinges jaw; devours slab whole) Shanahan: Was that a human femur? Rolston: Don't you worry about what it was. Carlyle: Completely disgusting. You ought to be ashamed. (Takes out a notepad; writes "Reminder to self: Feed Orr/McLaren.") Shanahan: OK, well let's move on to you, Ron. You certainly seemed to be sending a message by having Scott on the ice. Given the situation, why leave him out there? Rolston: I realize it may have seemed over the top. But I'm the coach of the Sabres now, and I have to respect the fact that Buffalo fans prefer a team that plays rough. Shanahan: They do? Rolston: Oh sure. Every fan I talk to is always saying stuff like "We love rough" and "This team was way better in the rough days". Shanahan: Um… Rolston: Or "I can't believe we fired rough and hired you, oh man our franchise is so screwed". Shanahan: Right. Rolston: Come to think of it, that last one doesn't even make grammatical sense. Shanahan: You keep working on it. By the way, is he OK? (Shanahan looks over at Scott, who is gnawing on the boardroom table.) Rolston: You're going to want to avoid making eye contact. Shanahan: Thanks for the warning. OK, our next witness is… wait, that can't be right. Tyler Seguin: Hey guys. Shanahan: You have nothing to do with this case. Seguin: Sorry. I'm legally mandated to show up at least once in every Phil Kessel story. It's a Toronto bylaw. (From the street below, a tour bus with a hot tub on the roof begins honking its horn impatiently.) Seguin: So, are we almost done, or… Shanahan: We're getting there. Seguin (noticing Kessel): Oh, hey Phil. Kessel: Hey Tyler. How's Boston? Seguin: Actually, I got traded this summer. Kessel: Oops. Now I feel kind of awkward. Clarkson: I WILL SAVE YOU FROM YOUR FEELINGS, PHIL! Kessel: No, David, it's fine. Look, just take a deep breath and think about what you're about to… Clarkson (flips the boardroom table): YEEEARGHH! Shanahan: OK, I think we need to wrap this up. Does anyone have any final statements they want to get on the record? Rolston: No. Kessel: Nope. Carlyle: No. Scott: I've just always found that any discussion of justice is complicated by Plato's Euthyphro dilemma, which states that if we are to have independent moral standards then some actions must be right or wrong in themselves independent of a higher authority. Kessel: … Rolston: … Shanahan: … Seguin: Ah, but then you'd be ignoring Swinburne's response that contingent moral truths cannot be denied without inherently contradicting… Scott: (immediately uppercuts Seguins' head, which explodes) Shanahan: OK everyone, thanks for coming. I'll release the video announcing my decision once I've taken my medication to remove all traces of my personality. You can all leave now. (Everyone begins to file out.) Shanahan: Oh, by the way, you'll have to take the stairs. The elevator is being repaired. Carlyle: Wait, you mean there's an open elevator shaft just down that hallway? Shanahan: Yeah. Carlyle: That's an incredibly dangerous situation! (He thinks for a moment.) Carlyle: Phil, you go. Kessel: Dude… Clarkson: FEAR NOT, PHIL! Kessel: David, I'll just take the stairs… Clarkson: I'LL FIGHT YOU, GRAVITY! (Clarkson hurls himself down the elevator shaft.) Clarkson (voice fading as he plummets): I REGRET NOTHING…. Rolston: OK, now is this over? Shanahan: Now it's over. Rolston: Completely over? Shanahan: 100%. Done. Finished. Everything has been resolved, and the situation is absolutely and completely over with. Rolston Which means... Shanahan (checks watch): Any second now… Jonathan Bernier: Hey, anyone want to fight?
  8. Kessel gets the rest of the preseason off..No regular season games..!! I knew Shanny was a smart man..Buffalo's coach Ron Rolston fined for player selection and team conduct..Thats more realistic.. On another note..As for the Clarkson suspension The Leafs had home ice advantage.. The puck had not been dropped yet. We have the last line change..I would totally appeal this big time. Oh wait the PA already is.This is why he (Clarkson) is so quiet right now... He may too beat this and I hope he does..He didn't jump off the bench to fight he left the bench to break up a scrum..AKA line change...lol
  9. See that's what I find odd..Honestly I have never been to another teams fan site so I don't know what goes on over there..However I suspect that its very much the same..If those teams had as big of a fan base..Sens Red Wings Buffalo none of them have a real fan base as the Leafs do..SO why not start a thread boosting your own team? Honestly you would never see me on the forums of your favorite team blasting them..Your all closet Leafs fans and that i cant help..But seriously we don't talk any higher about out team then any other fan does of their respective team in any sport..Of course we think were going to win the cup..that's what being a fan is all about..Perhaps you guys should spend more time on your teams fan sites supporting them..As a real fan should do.. So it comes down to 2 possibilities here..1 either your a closet Leaf fans or 2 your jealous and want to come here to flame us real fans..Go support your team and allow us to enjoy ours...
  10. Isint there a sens thread for the non leafers to troll about in....Kessel will get 1 game we will see at 445 this aft..No one got hurt and I doubt Shanny will do much.. First time offender and all..Just my opinion.. Funny thing is Clarkson is still allowed to play in the preseason..His 10 game suspension doesn't start until the regular season..Interesting to sat the least.. Here is a theory for you to think over..When suspended his salary still effects the cap. Now lets say that he twists his ankle tonight and goes on the IR for I don't know lets say 12 games (insert evil grin here) then his salary doesn't count towards the cap hit..That would free up a little extra cash for Franson. Now to top it all off the PA is doing some sort of appeal on the Clarkson suspension..Re the code and he needed to be out to defuse the situation..Love the NHL
  11. I both agree and disagree with this comment..Your right he should have stayed on the bench but he seen his top line getting jumped by a super goon.Clarkson is going to have the C by this time next year..He is a team player and it just proves his loyalty to his teammates..I wish he didnt do it but im happy he did...
  12. Wow line brwal..Clarkson left the bench to engage in a fight...Kessel fought and won IMO, Kessel did swing his stick at Scott twice, hopefully he doesnt get suspended..There was a solid 3 min of fighting.. What a great night..Bernier beat Millers arse...Ya baby GO LEAFS GO!!!!
  13. How about that 15 round 30 shooter shootout last night..Great game played boys..Go leafs go!
  14. Funny I think this writer is heavily dependent on crack myself
  15. Oh Gawd Musky Matt got a new boat and siren..Great......
  16. The boys in blue are a much better squad this year..With the addition of Bolland, Clarkson and Bernier.. Kadri looks like he is getting better ..Goal a game so far for him this preseason. The Leafs have put colborne on waivers and Liles on his way out, We need to get franson signed big time..He is a top 7 Dman and is needed..Go Leafs go!
  17. Hey Matt how did that work out for you last night Speaking of spanking do you think Anderson will get one for quitting lastnight? ha ha ha what a looser
  18. Anderson got pulled so he quit.. took off his equipment and left the building...Quite the teammate eh..Brutal..What happened to the Leaf thread? Not into this sens crap.... But ya Sens suck, again..
  19. Well it looks as thou the Sens are loading up with tough guys for tonight's game..The leafs only have Broll in the lineup..Ya think he will be busy? lol Super pest Clarkson will get the workout he will be looking for..
  20. LOL thats funny.. Sens games should be free..I mean who wants to pay to watch them? lol
  21. Wow thats horrible..Witness say the bus driver ignored the train and the signal lights..
  22. Great game tonight..Clarkson , wow this guy plays with heart..Jake looked awesome and Kessel played the tough guy role..lol 8 min in the box tonight..Cant wait for the next set of cuts..
  23. That was awesome..Hank finally got it..Walt is going to go all out in the end.Guns a blazing.Hard to believe there is 2 episodes left..
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