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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Well it would appear our Maytag performa dishwasher needs a repair man..lol Anyway when we run our dishwasher soapy water leaks out on the kitchen floor..It appears to be coming from the float at the front of the machine, on the bottom. Can anyone recommend a good repair guy in my town Brantford? I may even consider getting the parts and repairing it myself if someone could point me out to a tech manual of sorts?
  2. Wow what a game by Reimer..2-0 we win! we win! 53 points 2 wins in the next 6 and we clinch!!
  3. Thats funny..Illeagl and marked man you say eh..Why dont you send another Sen to try to teach the Leafs the way..Im sure Mclearen would love the chance to send another one the Sens away for a few months...
  4. Brutal..Im just happy that this is become public beyond what us anglers have to say..I stopped going to the nip Years ago for this very reason. Spend a TON of money to fish, maybe get 1 or 2 in the slot, after dropping 300 for a long weekend, all while watching those big boats haul it in by the ton..
  5. That almost brings a tear to the eye
  6. Awesome first..I had a friendly arguement with some guy in a Habs jersey in Harveys last night.. I wish i could see the look on his face right now..Ha ha ha..
  7. 3-0 Price yanked.. lol its going to be a long game..
  8. 1-0 Leafs VS Habs, Go Leafs Go! Its Sat night!! Oh Yeah..
  9. Just a rainfall warning here in Brantford today..The Grand is looking full n fast! Hope this will help bring the water levels back up in the Great lakes..Yikes
  10. Go Jets and Florida Go!... lol
  11. How bout those Sens! 5 in a row..Go leafs Go!
  12. Ok I just talked to him again and as it turns out its a 1986 Johnson VRO 70 hp motor not a 40.. The boat has been stored uncovered in the community rec hall every winter..
  13. Wow thanks to all for the awesome replies! So here's the latest info.. I called and the motor isn't a 1991 its 1986..yikes..I think he is high on his price.. Mind you after searching Kijiji I have yet to find anything in that price range for that quality of a boat. The trailer is worth $1500 alone with new bearings installed. Its a solid well built boat..I'm going up in a couple weeks to do a compression test on the motor..This will reflect my offering price..Realistically speaking, if the motor is punched I think ill opt out unless i can find a deal on a good used motor. Now as far as the work goes I honestly don't mind turning wrecks into something special..I also still have my 14 footer with the 9.9 four stroke to fish from. If I do decide to get this project boat I may just sell the other to get the repairs done quicker..So with the 2 g cash in hand and another possible 2 grand for my other boat that's the budget. I'm excited but I'm also trying to be careful..I just want to take the kids tubing and be able to take the whole family out for the day to tour the Trent river..Lift locks suck in a 14 footer
  14. So today my neighbour up on the Trent River calls me and tells me he is too old and is selling everything..He then asks me if I wanted his boat.. I have always admired his boat but he would never part with it..It has been sitting and neglected for 3 years now..Again too old.. The boat is a 17 foot 1991 Smoker Craft Fazer..It has a 1991 Johnson VRO 70 hp motor on it..It comes with a shore lander trailer with a fold away hitch. Anyway, I had the boat in the water last summer..I could get it to run no problem. As soon as I went to gas it up it died and what appeared to have flooded. I'm thinking it most likely needs the carbs rebuilt..4 years ago the racoons destroyed the cover and most of the seats so he had them all replaced.. Anyway from what I could tell the floors were almost rotted out and the internal fuel tank is cracked, he is using a portable outboard tank for it now.. I will also have to buy 3 new battery's 2 for the troller (24 volt motor guide) and one for the starter.. I was wondering on an approximate value on it the way it sits? He is asking 2 grand for it as is.. Do you think its worth it? If I bought I would be prepared to put another 1500 to 2 thousand into it.I'm hoping once i do that ill have a good reliable turn key boat for many years to come, Hopefully for under 4 thousand.. Im handy and can do all work (but carb and tune-up) work myself.. Also id love input on this boat or motor..Anyone have any experiences good or bad? Any thoughts or opinions from my OFC family? Thanks in advance!
  15. Yes Good game.. Reimer saefly stole one for us..Leafs win Sens loose..Its a good day..
  16. There is no doubt in my mind the refs took this game from us tonight...rotten !@#$%^
  17. Id like to see the officials get their crap together..Horrible called game..We need a coaches challenge
  18. I dont agree at all, Rosie was going for his numbers, thats called a blind side hit
  19. Lupal wont return upper body injury..Gaurenteed he is concussed the way he staggered off the ice..
  20. Holy crap Lupes is most likely concussed..This is where im a firm beliver in an eye for an eye..Schenn and Girux are both lucky I dont play for the Leafs tonight...Just syain..Go after our stars yours are next..Im ticked..Clearly head hunting there..
  21. I like this move! I'm happy to say this, the leafs just got a whole lot tougher!
  22. KIpper to Toronto is bad news..The dude has a worse record then Reimer this year..Ill be pissed if this happens..I wouldnt give up a bag of pucks for the guy
  23. Good news as far as Crosby is concerned.. He is still in Hospital but the jaw isn't wired shut so recovery wont be all that long...He is undergoing extensive dental surgery.. Over 8 hours in the OR already..Poor jerk, I heard this on TSN radio today at noon. lol how is s o b not allowed but changed to jerk? Just for the record I dont think he is a jerk..lol
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