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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Awesome report!! I have to get out there again soon...
  2. http://www.theexpositor.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2674201 Actually it happened on Saturday aft...I was there when the police ambulance and frie trucks were in there. It was just half a block from my house. The sad part is they were just clear of the bridge when it happened.2 seconds later and they would have been under cover. I guess from what I gather the kids name was Tyrell and the one of the other kids on the tube was a sibling of the 25yr old. Just sad what can happen so fast. That happened in my favorite walley spot too.
  3. That would be kinda hard considering the burning pellets or wood chips in the foil. Ill be doing a turkey next weekend that im looking forward too.
  4. yes they would be easy to make. the box itself is steel and the lid is stainless..you woudnt know it..I bet they would be easy to make.As for the pellets I only use them. I also use wood chips on top of the pellets.They seem provide enough heat in that box to smoke for a couple of hours. As I said earlier the foil pouches are not a good idea. When the aluminum burns the smoke sticks to the meat. I have heard that aluminum isint that good for cooking food
  5. A vegie pouch a whole chicken. Throw in some black cherry pelets. almost 3 hrs later Oh baby!!! This is a custom smoker box I bought at the local delli. works great with chps or pellets. Good invstment for 25 bucks! Had it for 3 years now. Best part about them is, there is no cooking with aluminum foil.
  6. Wow good to know..I can honestly say I have nevr had a bad experience with a police officer. I have been ticketed and didnt like it but when your busted your busted, might as well smile and take your lumps. I find odds are when you do they will be a little more relaxed with you. As for the Barrie police those guys sure are getting a bad rap on this one. as I said before stuff happens. Just thankfull no one got hurt.. FishnNAutographs hows the neck n back after the rear ender? Hope all is well
  7. LOL yikes..I liked the story about ramming one boat into another to save an officer..I guess it could happen to anyone.
  8. Ha ha funny one..Nothing in Brantford at all so far.. were getting the warnings too
  9. Ha ha funny stuff..good ol jackie Moon..
  10. Cool.. love ot see the kids having fun catching the fish. Good on all involved
  11. Thats discusting..I still cant belive they do this. I see it all the time afround the norfolk area..No wonder we grow our own food when we can...
  12. lol awesome.. ya id agree with your wife on this one..She's a keeper! congrats Dad!!!
  13. tb4me

    Baby Loons

    yes very interesting! Thanks for sharing!
  14. My daughter (9 now) is still afraid of sand! Yes Sand. She even so much as steps on sand the gets freaked out and throws up on the spot..We found this out when she was 2. Still the same. wired yes but perfectly normal yes aswell..We asked the family doctor about it and he says its actually normal for humans to have transition issues. So needless to say beaches are out for us.
  15. Rob keep in mind if you want to do the garlic for next year they go in the ground this fall..I like to plant mine mid september. Good luck and love your garden!! Doesnt hurt to cover the area that the garlic is with straw for the winter months. In the spring leave the straw on the ground. it makes a great mulch and is awesome to keep the weeds down!
  16. Actually we have been paying an eco tax for a while now. Paint ,Tires and eletronics. There are way more itiems than that but I cant come up with anymre than those things.
  17. Actually have been thru this. I was the guy hit. This happened last year..I ended up getting screwed. It all depends where the accident occured. If it was in a parking lot there is nothing that can be done. Like another poster said no fault insurance. If it was on the street and you dont come to an agreement you both can be charged with leaving the scene of and accident. All accidents on the streets must be reported.. its not like it used to be where if the damage was under $700 dollars you didnt have to involve insurance or report the accident. While my truck (dodge ram) was new I was assured that repairs would be done at the other persons expense that never happened. I called local police and was told they would need to open an investigtion and that were both in trouble for leaving the scene. Needless to say I didnt bother with the report. so in short if this person is unreasonable tell him to go fly a kite. there is nothing he can do now. You may want to make sure he didnt go to an accident reporting centre without you knowing.Just my advise..
  18. well no wonder thse guys are not gettin any fish, if your fishin in there, thier all gone.LOL Wheres the winning team 7 fish porn there Spincast???
  19. well i now have it uninstalled (totally pissed BTW) and im going to attempt to return it to crappy. I wonder (after reading the other minnkota motor post) if the foot pedal went for a you know what? But why so soon? Im now thinkin id like my cash back and go buy a cable steer. motor guide perhaps? ARGH
  20. I bought a power drive V2 about 5 weeks ago. Maybe have 4 hrs use on it. I went down to the dock yesterday to find the motor had turned on itw own untill the cord wrapped around the shaft and couldnt turn anymore.I would appear as the motor is completely burned out?! I always unplug the foot pedal when not in use but this time it was just for overnight so I didnt.I checked the fuse and replaced it and nadda.The battery gauge shows 3/4 of a charge. So I charged the battery for a few hours. Try the motor again and all it will do is hummm and the prop wont turn. Im not impressed with this has anyone else had issues with brand new minn kota motors? So I call customer support # right on the motor and thier answering machine says thier closed for the new years holiday season! Does anyone here think i can just simply return it to Canadian tire or am i limited to just minnkota service folks? Man am I bummed
  21. There is something I do agree on.Why in Toronto?? My wife’s cousin and my sister’s husband are both there on the front lines. So this does effect our family as well.. Perhaps my opinion comes across as bios however I reside in Brantford and deal with violent protests on a monthly basis (or so it seems) I find it funny how people protest in Toronto like this and its news. Research what happened in Caledonia and it was tucked under the carpet like it doesnt happen. Why is this ok in Brantford and Caledonia but not ok in Toronto? There were border guards removed from their car, the car was stolen and driven into a hydro control centre destroying everything at an unbelievable cost.. Roads blocked and tries light on fire in the streets. sound familiar? at least the "Black Bloc" didnt bring in excavators and dig up the roads..My reactions are not "knee jerk" they are factual and my opinion.
  22. I will galdly take a side on this issue..I side with the rule of law.Id gladly shake hands with any of the boys in blue.
  23. Dude are you serious? The police forces have done an amazing job here..Lets not get silly. Notice all these "protesters" are all out of control..I see all control comming from the police. Go get em boys.
  24. Wow where did I wake up today...It is still Canada isint it? Yikes. I must hand it to the Police forces. I thnk they did a great job. Im sure this comes as no suprise to them. They did awesome and cudos to them. Lets home the idiots stay home tommorow.
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