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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Wow i never noticed sorry could not resist, but definitely thanks for the advice on my type 2....much appreciated.
  2. Wow i never noticed sorry could not resist
  3. ok....not a great couple of days...got skunked out on a lake i was slaying them on mostly last year. Then went out today for an hour....managed to chase the skunk away....then i seized a piston on the way home. I cant even drown my sorrows in jelly beans.....lol...was diagnosed with Type 2 on Friday Guess you count your blessings eh. Cant be too bad having lakes like i do all over...even if ya do skunk....especially when you get to watch 10 or so wolves run across it on a fishless Saturday morning. You meet some very shady characters out there too, anyone guess who this dodgy geeza is? At least my buddy got a pike. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yFC7Vnu9As8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> So to chase the skunk away i had one hour or so today so took off on the sled. Got one fish and it was time to go. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vdq2BQMpzic" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> On the way back the sled died.....thank goodness i was close to home when it did. And thank goodness for good neighbours who at the drop of a hat ride back out with you to get the stricken vehicle. So..looks like my fishing just got very local......but without the sled at least i will get more exercise...not a bad thing for us diabetics i hear
  4. Some might say thats what you get for jumping off bridges
  5. I was thinking the same thing as i was reading down the post...your post was the point that i decided to add my 2cents....like solo said Stoty...tough break.
  6. Awesome report....AGAIN! Real nice to get a great day out to dedicate to your pops Jacques....good job. I think i am gonna move there....i cant buy a fish here it seems!
  7. And you are new to steelhead fishing? Emil....you are slaying 'em amigo...WTG. That looks a lot of fun.
  8. Good fishin' Blair.......Wayne is just jealous those black spots have quite a story behind them too. Black Spot is actually the larvae of a parasite. The parasite has a quite complex lifecycle- and would be very lucky indeed to actually complete it! It starts out (if a life cycle can start…) with snails. Eggs of the parasite in the water of creeks or rivers hatch and infect snails. Inside the liver of the snail they slowly develop, until eventually leaving the snail to find a fish. When they find a fish the larvae burrow under a scale in the fishes skin (causing much irritation to the fish). The parasites then hope the fish will be eaten by a bird or other animal so that the lifecycle can continue. When they are eaten they quickly mature in the intestines of the host animal and produce large numbers of eggs. These eggs are then excreted, making their way back to the water of a creek or river. And the cycle continues
  9. interesting read. But i still cannot see how a hand controlled bow mount would be easier to control than say a bow mount with remote control or even a newer i-pilot system.
  10. Hey JD...i think that is a really good selection. I typically have a tube jig, jig and minnow for deadstick and jigging, and some kind of noise making /flash lure. I find that different lures on different lakes are my go to. But what you have is pretty much covering all the bases.
  11. get well soon dude....like the others said...best place to be.
  12. BLUEFIN FETCHES 3/4 million $
  13. Great vid Aaron...i'm heading out Saturday for my first whitie outing this year...hopefully we get on 'em like you did.
  14. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/34340906?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/34340906">Fishing under ice</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/juusom">Juuso Mettälä</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  15. WHAT'S THAT NOISE....OH....ITS MY BLOOD BOILING! The sad thing is i have heard some ridiculous things on this site over the years and am pretty sure you are not the only member on here who shares this misguided and frankly PLAIN IGNORANT view. How do i claim not to be ignorant on this topic? Years as a homeless person myself, 5 years working for the probation service in England, 6 years working for a Housing Association ( a non profit housing organisation for homeless) a friggin sociology degree and a further 4 years working within the addictions field....for God sake...just google "what percentage of homeless people have a mental illness or addiction" or both.
  16. Perhaps they are suffering with a mental illness that contributed to their status as a homeless person?
  17. He's definitely not easily fooled. OOOOOOPS
  18. nice Jacques...'reel' nice
  19. Hi all. Got out to a local lake with a friend today to try for Lakers. This lake can provide some of the best fishing for Lake Trout and trophy walleye (walleye fishing definitely better on the softwater) in our area...however today was not a fast and furious day...still fun, but slow. The wind was not slow though, in fact I don’t think I have ever been out on the ice with wind like that before.....must have been gusting to at least 60kmh! We dared not stand up as the shelter was trying to 'take off'. BY THE END OF THE SESSION I HAD QUITE THE SNOW DRIFT AROUND MY SLED Got supper...one fish and put back 2 smaller ones for another day.....rattling' lipless cranks did the damage today for trout and ling. Kind of cool to catch ling on that lure...never done that before. LING ON LIPLESS CRANKS??......GO FIGURE! I also got to watch a big...BIG trout circling my crank bait at 5' under the ice through the hole....it was really exciting to watch...but alas it did not take the bait. Another bitter sweet moment was right at the end when Garnet lost a walleye that might have touched 30"!!!! Really cool ...it was suspended at 20 feet over 60 feet of water and Garnet reeled up from the bottom to meet it....the fish absolutely nailed it....we thought it was a trout until Garnet saw it, then darned thing caught the ice at the hole and got off!!!!!DOH! We would have moved around a bit but weather conditions made it almost impossible to do so. HERE'S THE VIDEO FROM TODAY....SORRY ABOUT THE 'TALKY' BIT, I PROMISED MY 2 YEAR OLD I'D SHOW HIM THE 'PUCK' WORKING <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M5iHubYDXN4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. x2
  21. and i thought you had been abducted by aliens.
  22. LOL...good stuff Mike...all those age recomendations are for other peoples kids in my experience.
  23. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: AWESOME RC! Good to hear you got out. I also friggin hate forgetting the minnow scoop!
  24. It is the very same Fenwick...medium heavy action....awesome all rounder...will handle trout, walleye and sensitive enough for whities...i like 'em!
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