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Everything posted by b2kptbo

  1. Fantastic report and pic's again, great tips, thanks...
  2. WOW, cool report, musta been a great time...
  3. Lots of good action, thanks for reporting...
  4. Nice smallie, congrats...
  5. Some nice Muskies, good job...
  6. Great report, that back lake could be interesting, glad you boys had a good time...
  7. Thanks for report, gonna be a nice little shed...
  8. Interesting report, thanks...
  9. Well done Dan, a good time...
  10. Well ya got most of the fight, another good report...
  11. Good report, sheepies are all muscle...
  12. Beauty action for 90 minutes, gotta like went that happens, thanks for the report...
  13. Doesn't matter bout the weight, cause it's Lunger 4 sure, she did good...
  14. Thats some good fishing, gotta love it...
  15. Good report and pic's, thanks...
  16. It's a beaut for sure, good work CC...
  17. Some desent Bass, take care of the anckle JB, thanks for the report...
  18. Another great report Mike, glad you and Ryan had a good time...
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