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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Good stuff Nick!!
  2. Very nice Brian!! You guys are really giving me the fever. Think I'm taking one of my ice rods down to the aquarium...our fish Sharkey is about 12" now, lol!
  3. Great stuff, Simon!! Love the sky in those shots...not too mention the lakers!
  4. All the info, and more, that you need about Quinte. http://forum2.quintefishing.com/index.php
  5. Sounds like another fantastic day, Blair!! I'm aching to get back up there this year, Juli and I had such a good time with Idle Tyme last mid-January! Unfortunately a repeat trip there wasn't in the budget. Keep up the great reports!!
  6. Panfish only through the ice. So, perch, bluegill and crappie in case anyone is wondering.
  7. I hear you Rich!! Hopefully soon! For now we get to live vicariously through Dave and the northern Ontario boys!! Nice fish, and, rig!!
  8. Sooooooooooooo jealous!!! Nicely done!
  9. Well said my friend. Enjoy the holidays, thanks for the card. All the best to you, and the family as always. Looking forward to getting out fishing in the new year.
  10. I'm With Spiel, love the Crosby, Bowie duet. Also the entire Barenaked Ladies Home For The Holidays album. As for a more traditional song...Oh Holy Night. I am by no means a religious person, but, that song when sung well is amazing.
  11. PERFECT Bill!!!!!!!! Sums up my feelings on pretty much everything (other than a few good fish reports) on here lately.
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  15. Good stuff, Chris!! Too bad we never made it out for some of those smallies! Hopefully next year!
  16. Awesome stuff, Mike!!!! Way to close her out!
  17. Yup, and, they have only themselves to blame. Bring on the world juniors!!
  18. Perchzilla!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to him on a great fish, and, a nice mount!
  19. Wishing all the best for your uncle, Mike!! Great post, awesome pics. NOW I really have the itch for some chrome early next week!! Monday is already booked off, bring on those beauty bows!
  20. You might want to ask Joey and Juli about that!!! Think they have the "fishing disease" as much as any of us guys!!
  21. Good stuff Rich, and, congrats to Rob. That fish has character!
  22. Nice new toy, Geoff!!!! Maybe one day I'll break down and pick one up too. Hard to change my "old school" ways, lol!
  23. Found myself and two of Juli's boys in an ice fishing shot.
  24. Great stuff, Chris!! Love the deer shots as much as the chrome.....well, almost as much, LOL!!!!
  25. Brian, don't be afraid to try right in tight to shore in dirty water. Used to get some beauty chrome, closer than the tip of my rod, in "double double" conditions.
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