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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great story Cliff!! Sad what the government did to your grandfather, I've heard and read similiar stories.
  2. Good luck with it...we had three boys taking it for a few years, they lost interest fairly quickly. However, it was more of their (biological) dad living vicariously through them then a thing they wanted to do.
  3. Congrats to Patsy!!! Some really nice skis!!
  4. Yup, those Lindy Darters were a great deal.
  5. Fantastic musky for the Kawarthas!!!
  6. Hey, Brian. Prices for certain things are good. Not near as good as in the states, go figure. As far as shipping, I've ordered from them three times, and, the product arrives quickly and in good condition. Not sure how it would be for a muzzle loader?
  7. Ryan, Dan and I were discussing that same fact last night out on the water. Too bad the majority of the fuel is manure. Guess it is just like news stories...everybody wants to see/hear/read the tragedies...the feel good "stuff" gets pushed to the back.
  8. The brown is a beauty. The coho (first shot with the giant kype) is pretty sweet, too.
  9. First off...Rich's comments---- so true, nothing worse than fishing elitists. Second off...the rest of the thread-----
  10. Awesome steelhead and salmon lures! Think someone mentioned on here earlier this year, that their local CTC store was selling them off at a ridiculously cheap price. So could just be CTC. Hope so, anyways. A great Canadian made product!!!
  11. Roy, you are the fountain of knowledge today
  12. Man, I can't wait for the year that I can get out 150 times!!!! Although I could probably swing it if I went to the local reservoir all the time,
  13. Yeah, that's the one!!!!!
  14. Hopefully they try and eat it...one way to "weed out" the weak and stupid
  15. Welcome to the board. Never fished it, but, if memory serves me correctly...think Pete Bowman (Fish N Canada) did a show there last year, and, hooked some really nice fall smallies, pike and a laker. I remember the episode because they were mentioning all the million $ cottages, and, lack of fishing pressure. Think they were using jigging spoons in fairly deep( 25-30 ft )off points for the bass. Fallen trees on shorelines for the pike. Try googling it.
  16. You sure that's the fish
  17. Magnificent (there's a word I don't often use) musky!!! Nothing wrong with the 40"er either!
  18. What about the sensitivity factor on the Voltaeus? From what I've heard (don't own one, so I can't really comment) they are pretty "whippy". The Shimano signature series, has decent sensitivity for a $40-$70 rod.
  19. Beautiful brownie Rich!!! Good point on lure choice, and, thinking outside the box. As far as your steelheading comment...that is why I stay away from most of the more popular locations. Rather hook half (or less) as many fish, but, enjoy it 10 X more. For that matter, I find myself fishing for them off certain less crowded piers as much as I do in rivers the last ten years.
  20. Oh, man...I almost snorted my coffee on that one, too funny!!! Say what you want about Darcy, he bled Maple Leafs blue when he played for them.
  21. I used to be a fan of Fenwick rods, too. Started reading posts about breakage issues. Sure enough on our northern trip this year, while motoring back to the dock...my Fenwick baitcaster rod (with very little strain on the tip) popped!!! The Shimano rod Skipper D mentioned goes on sale for $39.99 quite a few times a year...not a bad piece of equipment for the price. The Berkley Lightning Rods aren't too bad for a cheaper rod as well. I still have the 7 fter that I got for my 18th B-day...28 years ago, yikes!!!!
  22. Good work Shawn. If that's where I think it is, they have a kid's derby or two every year. Many people just don't think when it comes to our waterways. It's good that they do quite a few projects for the community, and, that they are a not for profit group. However, even as just an environmental "heads up story" for public awareness, you are doing a good thing.
  23. Hoping to keep her (the boat) out until early November, but, usually get into steelhead mode by then. Might actually try chasing a few near shore chromies with the boat this year, if the winds cooperate. Like pretty much everyone here has stated...all depends on your comfort level. If the water isn't frozen your good to go. Speaking of frozen, hoping to use the ice hut a few more times this year
  24. Good year overall. Average number of trips, maybe slightly less due to some house repairs/reno. Got to fish some new water, and, did manage one PB...big greasy 31 1/2" laker Time for some perch, my favorite fish to eat, then bring on those November steelies!!!!! Also hit a numbers PB for walleye...37 in one day. Amazing what those northern waters can cough up.
  25. Missed this post while on holidays. Looks like a great trip, Owen!! Eddie North's never seems to disappoint.
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