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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. GROUNDHOG DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. GROUNDHOG DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Looks like they are finally sending them out, Juli got hers early this week + I've heard/read of a few other guys/gals receiving them. For the record we were checked twice (Nipissing and Simcoe) no problem with the paper temporary license...other than it was a pain in the you know what, folded up in my wallet.
  4. Nice, Colby was one of the few bright spots last year (along with Reimer). Speaking of Reimer, it would be nice to see him have a good game. Great stretch last year, great start this year, than BANG...poor kid gets taken out, and, hasn't been the same since.
  5. Sounds like a good time, Mike. Fishing,and, fun in the sun...doesn't get much better.
  6. Hopefully a full 60 minute effort tonight, and, a better result. They did play well for about 45 minutes. Really exposed Pittsburgh's defensive flaws with speed.
  7. Fantastic!!!! Ninety-two and still at it. Love seeing these reports.
  8. I would say zero effect, preferred temps for lakers are 50 degrees. If anything the lack of ice will help the fish (especially on Simcoe) due to the lesser amount being harvested. The temps during summer are what matter, IMO.
  9. All that really matters 8 Toronto NE 50 25 19 6 56 22 155 152 +3 14-8-4 11-11-2 3-3 5-4-1 13 Montréal NE 50 19 22 9 47 18 131 137 -6 9-10-7 10-12-2 1-7 4-4-2 Lost 1 Sorry, guys...couldn't resist
  10. Yet he scored two of the four goals, and, assisted on one other. I'd say it was a "team effort" all the way, in those last ten minutes, no sense in pointing fingers, whether it be Schenn, Phaneuf or whoever.
  11. Those are two beautiful pics... darn (and I don't mean darn )this working for a living!
  12. One of our party has a bum knee right now so walking out is not an option.
  13. Great report, looks like everyone had a blast!! Wish I was up there right now.
  14. A well deserved getaway, Vince. Better days have begun! You'll get the fish next time!
  15. Should hold their own, and, be battling for a playoff spot. Keep the youth Brian!!
  16. Yeah, guys, this winter, or lack thereof, really sucks the life out of ice fishing anywhere south of Nipissing. If that weekend doesn't work, hopefully we have enough ice by the 25/26th. To elaborate a bit more on my initial question, looking for anyone that has used some of the hut operators out there and what they thought of the service provided?
  17. Sorry guys, I should have specified. Looking for a fixed hut. Heard many good things about Ryan, and, we also have a good guide right here on the board that operates as Sir-Catch-Alot.
  18. Hey, all! Looking for an operator (ice permitting of course) on Simcoe for the "bigger fish". Good service with a decent shot at some fish are what I'm looking for. Would be the weekend of February 11/12th. Hoping to take the better half's old man and brother out for a day as a partial repayment for all the hard work they put in helping us with our basement reno project. I have my own hut, but, it's only large enough for two + I want this to be a "kick back" trip, transportation out, heated hut. Reply here or PM me. Thanks, in advance!
  19. Another good one, right beside Dave's...Ice Fishing Outfitters, Mike Heyink. Good service, decent fishing.
  20. Great report, can feel the joy in your words! Makes me want to thank my dad for passing on the love of fishing to me. Thanks!
  21. Awesome "rundown" on the days events, Chad! Looks like everyone had a great time, and, some pretty decent fish were caught, too!
  22. Too bad about the "catching", but at least the fishing was good, Jacques, Vince, and friends.
  23. Have a great time guys!
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