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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Good to hear you're getting out and staying active Norm !!
  2. We'll get a post up over the next week or so, from our 5 day adventure to Montreal. I have 176 pictures and I'm sure Dano is darn close to that as well...so we have to go thru all those, see what we can use...do some croppin and shoppin and then we'll share our "Good Karma....." trip with all of you. At this time I just want to, publicly, thank "Thorpey" for the greatest fishing experience that either of us have ever had...and Roy and his sweetheart "J" for the unnecessary but Greatly appreciated hospitality that they showed us with short notice from a boat launch call ....after being blown off the water on Wedneday afternoon. Also want to thank Dano for not letting me down on my selection of "invited guest" for the trip. Wayne
  3. Have fun and play safe Lew! Same to everyone else here on OFC !
  4. Brian...we can put you in with us if you need a spot. I have either #4 or #12..we'll see when we get there Thursday the 15th. I am going to bring a single blow up bed as well, just to have in the truck, in case we need it in addition to the 2 bedrooms and couch. It's me, Dano and Terry at this point and we can flip coins for who's sleepin on what. I'll PM you my cell so you have it to find us when the time comes. Sound's like Gerritt's found a home...who else is homeless? Wayne
  5. Great mess of fish for sure ! Muskie is nice and clean..
  6. Well the good (if that's possible) news is that I just talked with my sister and her B-in-law, Phillip, didn't want any visitation so it sounds like they are going to keep him cool until she get's back from England, then do the burial. She's upset about it but like I told her Philip would want her to go on the trip. My Mother is now on her way there, so it sounds like they will be going as planned to England tomorrow. Gonna be a tough trip for my sister though, I suspect, as Phillip has either lived in the same house, next door to them, or around the corner for ~35 years and in her life on a daily basis.
  7. Sorry to hear Gerritt. Doesn't help you but why I do it by email..I have my confirmation letter. I also don't drink..so within reason I could shuttle for you to partak in the festivities if needed.
  8. Four years ago last week.... my sister and brother-in-law were to fly to England to spend time with my Brother, that flies for Skyservice out of England every Summer/Fall. 2 days before they were to go my brother-in-law drops dead, without even closing his truck door, as he steps out to head into the IGA in Bewdley for groceries. Now 4 years later my sister is finally mentally ready to make the trip, with my 81 year old Mother, and they were to leave tomorrow AM. I get a call this morning at 9am and I'm told that this morning they found my sister's brother-in-law dead in his bed. Un f rigg in believable!
  9. Don't want to hijack Lew's thread Phil....but we discussed it and determined it was just Good Karma ! Marc put up a tour for a good cause, I bought into the cause and we were shined on for doing so. Oh that and the bas tard knows where the fish hang out.
  10. We did well Lew. 30+ fish showing themselves to, or in, the boat over 4 days..25 of them over 40 inches. Lost 6 or 7 between the two of us from bad hook sets while casting and one of them had a head about 8 inches wide. Boated 10 (or 11..gotta go thru the pics) with Dan and I both handling a 50 and Dan a 52 as well. 7 out of 10 fish casting! Bugger Thorpe worked us to death. lol Not sure when I'll get the post together...got bad news in our family this morning.
  11. So sorry Joe. Heard about this while I was in Montreal but didn't have internet access. I'm sure he was a great man and role model, and suspect that's where you got your great view on life from. Do what you need to do, sit back and reflect, with loved ones by your side, and we'll see you at BOQ.
  12. So sorry for your loss Harry. You wrote a nice tribute and thanks for sharing the pictures. Be well and get back out on the water ...and catch him a big one. Wayne and Leah
  13. What...there's a club...where do I sign up Ronnie ! Beauty fish my friend!
  14. Les was dropped off by a buddy of mine, Peter Dale, and he wasn't on Lake T proper...he was on a back lake. He didn't make it out to civilization either...they had to pick him up in the air beater...and he was very happy they did!
  15. Great stuff Lew! Nice fish and nice to see you posting pictures. Wayne
  16. "I'll also pay large for the name of the individual who took that pic of me sleeping"
  17. Beauty Connie...and the coordinates to boot. Dano and I are on our way.. LOL
  18. Sam... do you stock Spro swivels and Stringez snap swivels in #2 and #3 size? If so and if Dano and I are running ahead of schedule as we blast east on the 401...we may stop in.
  19. Great stuff fella..some nice fish there! I hope to be takin lots of those pictures, over the next 5 days, down K'bec way !
  20. Nothing like seeing a beaver...morning, day or night !
  21. Nice batch of fish and on the next job get a contract for 10% of the cost reductions. You could be fishing for ever.... if you had of done just that with the previous employers!
  22. Which ever one the fish is holding onto on said day........
  23. Here I find myself repeating myself....glad to see you two enjoying your new boat and fish to boot !
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