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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Glad I packed all them aluminum spoons for Thursday!
  2. Yes Chris... I tried to respond to one the other day and was going to copy/paste and start a duplicate thread.
  3. Who's bringing the bows for his hair?
  4. Yep Cory's got that one, and I'm not a air beater pilot, I prefer stuff that glides. Not sure what they really did.. but sounds like you may be one of the first to find out sturgman. All I've got so far as that he knew he had a problem. How much he controlled it and how much was fate are still up in the air (pardon the pun). I think their biggest savour was they went into the trees on the West side of the pond. If they had of hit the ice... the outcome would have been MUCH different.
  5. I'm thinkin looking at the background in one of those shots... you should have felt right at home at Anglers Kingdom ! Where you going ice fishing?
  6. Bernie... you're a good lad. Now don't forget to add the hour to the guy on the hoists repair bill!
  7. This is an impossible question to answer for someone as picking what you want for a "platform" is such a personal choice....but you can start here and work your way down and when you find it then many here can help with the motor/accessory questions for sure!
  8. It's a $2 discount for getting up early Roy and finding the secret entrance door for the 8am seminar!
  9. Once a year or 100 hours of operation. + one right after break in ...10 to 20 hours.. is a good idea.
  10. All great shots... but where's the pictures of the Phish ? Landscape pics of that area are my responibility! Good to see little snow cover and easy travelling for the first time in 3 winters.
  11. Have you tried neutral and foot on the brake? Maybe it thinks it's in low range.
  12. Update relased by Walter at CHL safety today. CHL is the helicopter operator. ................................... Update: Sunday 1400 EST I have received permission from the pilots to release their names and medical situation: PIC: Greg Harper FO: Michael Bain Greg sustained injuries typical of a helicopter crash, with a slight concussion, several broken ribs and a collapsed lung. His prognosis is good. He is recovering in hospital in Sudbury. Michael suffered the most severe injuries with a broken back and a crushed verterbrae. After undergoing 6 hrs of surgery yesterday, he awoke this morning with full movement, was able to sit up in his hospital bed and even went for a walk down the hallway to see his wife and 11 month old daughter. He remains in the ICU in Toronto Sunnybrook Hospital. Of the two medics, (whose names I cannot release as they do not work for us), one suffered a broken rib and some general brusing and the other also suffered some spinal injury, (without deficits) and is scheduled to undergo surgery within 48 hrs to remove bone fragments. All 4 crew members are in good spirits, and given the nature of this accident, all CHL personnel , from the Company President down, are thrilled that the four are expected to make full recoveries. All four crew were wearing helmets. The aircraft is in the process of being recovered. The TSB is in control of the investigation and as we learn more, I will certainly share what I can. The thought of the day is this: Flying is serious business and can produce severe consequences when a flight does not work out as planned. I for one fully appreciate that it is important for all our crews to consider this truth every single day. I am so pleased that our crew appears to have made it through this event with a minimum of injuries in what can be an unforgiving occupation. Godspeed to you all. Walter
  13. No slush... no hauling a sled of gear ... no drilling holes.. any Lake Trout in there Rich ? lol
  14. Slowpoke's really screwed up...his is in the center.
  15. Mike who... I thought he was still at BOQ waiting for a ride home!
  16. Guess I'm in the same boat as Dax... brother 7 years my senior took me fishing the odd time. Going to McDonald's Corners for brook trout stands out in my mind. Other than that I grew up with the Rideau river at my back door...and all the kids in the neighourhood fished on our docks behind our homes.
  17. Looked like a great time FN ! Thanks for the report and pics.
  18. Weclmoe a board Mike ! Ooops... wrong meeting.
  19. Somebody said swill... maybe I need to visit my mother in SF....
  20. 400 is closed Port Severn to Parry Sound .... in case you were heading for the West end of the lake.
  21. An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up... The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said , "Things are great and I've never felt better." I now have a 20 year-old bride who is pregnant with my child. "So what do you think about that Doc ?" The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story. "I have an older friend , much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season." One day he was setting off to go hunting. In a bit of a hurry , he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun. As he neared a lake , he came across a very large male beaver sitting at the water's edge. He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the magnificent creature. Out of habit he raised his cane , aimed it at the animal as if it were his favorite hunting rifle and went "bang, bang." "Miraculously , two shots rang out and the beaver fell over dead. Now, what do you think of that ?" asked the doctor. The 86-year-old said , "Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver." The doctor replied , "My point exactly."
  22. She had no issues... she grew up in this mess and I taught her how to drive with the gas pedal..not the brake pedal! 93 was apparently bad.. but she said dispite the fools with their "hit me.. hit me.." four ways going on the 400 it was pretty clear sailing from Barrie to the City... with the odd good gust.
  23. 6' 6" Glen... so you can improve on that as I'm sure there's some 7's or 8's out there !
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