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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Don't let her near your fishing hole... you don't stand a chance against this one! ;O)

  2. Shaver..... was a sad day when Dave dunked the plane (and I've read the entire non-public accident report)... but you have a bigger chance of drowning on Lake Erie in your boat.. than ever having it happen to you while being flown into a back lake... so don't let a rare occurance stop you from doing something you thoroughly enjoy.
  3. It was Thursday Bernie.. but yah always great to see you. That BUGGER Dano.. I go to bed on Thursday night and there's an E-tec catalogue under my pillow !
  4. Great stuff Bud ! We drove on that pulling two sleds and an ATV in the box today. Was fun at times...just good thing nobody was coming as I was sliding on the wrong side of 11 !
  5. Great group Bernie... but thought you may have started your post a day early with that Loser posing with his Etec! LOL
  6. -31C on Saturday Morning. Lost the end off my left ear lobe to frostbite...and I even had a sled helmut on while going up the lake at 25MPH. It's all that Ron guys fault! LOL
  7. My thoughts... can't believe they didn't put a gag order on him if he expected to be paid out his contract.
  8. Thank God you're going to the Dentist and not the proctologist !
  9. I do have a couple bins full of "fabric rivets"... but not quite what they're intended for !
  10. Do you think a country, that for all intensive purposes is bankrupt, should be wasting tax payers resources to dig? - NO Do you think they should move on and let the league worry about what's happening now, not then - YES
  11. I thought "Lawyering" was a sport Kirk ! I sure looks like one on TV... always hunting for someone to sue. Wait... is hunting a sport?
  12. Good... you're in charge of stoking the stove !
  13. Was wondering what PF Steve was doing last week....
  14. OFC Toque and what Tonyb's looking for as well ....
  15. Man... if Darts is a sport and dart throwers are athletes.. then I guess we fisherpeople are too. ...ice goin out sooon ?
  16. Have a good time Lew ! I'll be out on the ice with the lads.
  17. I wasn't gonna post on this as Rick is a friend, but people nobody is responsible for what you have bought but you. To think that a home inspector is, in most cases, qualified to tell you if your furnace is good, fireplace is safe, wiring is to code is just beyond reason. Plumbing apprenticeship FIVE years. Most think of it as shi t going down hill, including me, but facts are facts. Electrician.. similar requirements. Furnace installer certifications. Do you think most of these home inspectors have these qualifications. What ever happened to having a good look yourself... popping the cover plate off the elect panel to see if you're getting something neat or spagettii. Popping a socket cover off to see if you have ground wires, aluminum wiring etc and if you don't know bringing along your father, father-in-law to have a boo for you and then taking the cards you're dealt. Like so many other things we are becoming a "not at fault" society, no different than the wimmin that went thru the ice on Nipissing that everyone was taking shots at. Panel is grandfathered to code, even the crap in half of Milton with Aluminum wire. Only issue is if it's a 60 amp panel your insurance company probably won't touch it. First question on the applicaton.
  18. Thanks Marc... puts some things in perspective. Now about you watching Oprah... you'd better take up ice fishing or something before we can't get you off the couch come opener!
  19. Anyone know how to drive down there? Took my daughter from 9:30 to 10:30pm to drive from Carlton/Jarvis.. across bloor and down the ramp to the DVP North and then get back off again for Bloor/Bayview and head up Bayview. 50 minutes of it was from ramp to ramp on the DVP. Then just called me from the Wendy's on 400.. another hour to there. 2 hours to do a 20 minute trip. I should see her about 2 !
  20. We'll make it a sport on Friday morning Terry... we'll time you to see how fast you get them ice holes drilled thru 2 feet of ice....and then time how long it takes for Dan to bring up the first fish. Then we'll do the same to Ron and Lloyd ! Personally.. fishing.. just a great place to hide from reality !
  21. I just looked and all I have are groups of two.
  22. Kid having a ball! Just what childhood should be all about!!
  23. Caught a can... but never a bottle. Some nice fish there fella, but remember CO's were given the power to lay LOOR charges last year.
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