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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I think maybe we grabbed the only two good ones out there Brian !
  2. Yah.. I haven't got that one figured out either Brian and we're both in the same boat... 25 years and goin strong! LOL Oh and good see'in ya misfish! Didn't see a Turkey all day.. but was graced by a Buck and doe out for a stroll while I was rolling the runway.
  3. Ice out Lakers? Wanna go Joe?
  4. Great stuff Dawg! Still no boat eh ...
  5. Mine closed somewhere around 19 or 20.. foot loose and fancy free has to end somewhere and I'd think by 31 is as good a place as any. While hiking around NZ would be a blast in your early 20's...30's may not be so great. I'd use the year to get on your feet, not spending more money finding yourself.
  6. Gonna be about three weeks where I wanna go ! Still getting around the Temagami Lakes area on sleds. My realestate guy had a survey crew back into Loraine Lake Monday and Tuesday without issue. Here's Mondays shot of that area.
  7. I can't remember which.... but I was told I'd get either 5 or 10% off my Sun Alliance First Mate policy if I had proof of PSC course.
  8. Offroading and dating... what a career ! LOL
  9. See the acronym filter is still doing it's job ! LOL What he said ! + to +, - to - ... unless of course you just buy a 24v unit since you appear to be buying one anyhow. As to which is better.. that's another GM /Ford / Chrysler arguement ! I love my Motorquide wireless.
  10. Yes the ships brought it in Mike... but blame the fisherman after that for the other places it is now. Just like Spiny water flea.. it didn't get to Temgagmi on it's own... it got there from someone that didn't wash their boat and gear between Lake O and Lake T. Keep that in mind when you fish BOQ and then head home and North of Montreal the following weekend to a pristine Lake. Stop in Deseronto and blast the crap out of your boat at the car wash. Bleach your live wells as well if they won't completely dry.
  11. Steal the patio table unbrella and then head for the school machine shop and turn yourself an adapter. At least one OFC'r, that we haven't seen much of lately, that uses a patio umbrella to keep his family out of the sun.
  12. Dodge doing new payload advertisments? And so many guys say that their boat is heavy enough they don't need transom straps. That shows exactly why they do. On my old Glastron I also had 4 mooring ropes and tied them down around the frame. Guess this thing must have riped the bow cleat out?
  13. You just do that so you can have your wife in the dark with no kids around....
  14. Just be sure to keep the silverware drawers clean! Seriously Cliff, it's a decission that only you and the wife can make. Keep in mind that if you are renting your will also be intruding while trying to use your own yard.
  15. Good luck Steve in all your future endevours! Have a safe move and don't be a stranger. Remember, in the midst of all this, to take time for family and of course some fishing those new waters. Maybe we can get Roy to whip you up your own trout section !
  16. Doesn't hurt them at all.. before they hit the grill ...
  17. Thanks Spookd. I know they make good structure.. but they don't sink right away.. the F in law has pulled three out that floated up on his shore this week. There's also an ice hut out there right beside where the Coast Guard breaker came in. Enough reason for me to email Bruce Ward/MNR and cc'd to the Georgian Bay Snow Riders as to the tree and marker "ownership".
  18. Can you tell me if they are supposed to remove their lake trail markers, before ice out, just like ice huts having to be off the ice? The Sound looks like a dang Christmas tree farm. Dozens of trees and the marking sticks as far as the eye can see... soon to be hit by those wanting to get out for ice out Lakers like me. It's not like the ice went out quick or anything... I guess like everything these days, easier to make a mess than to clean it up. My rant for the day !
  19. Guess the skunks in Simcoe County are friendlier.. LOL Just talked to the old guy just after lunch when he came by for some hardware... he has never had a skunk spray and he moves them in his mini-van miles from his home. Yes he puts a cover over the cage.. but has never had one spray on him. That's what I was going by... as like I said my way is lead to the head & don't smell..
  20. Stop rehashing bud... you're just torturing yourself and thus may never come "home" ! LOL Great stuff Drew...but think Brookies!
  21. Just like a beaver eh. Hear/feel water flow and they run to repair their structure. Sounds like this guy's related...
  22. No it wasn't a funny.. .and you've described the exact same thing (not getting sprayed when they're in a trap). They won't spray in a confined area. A buddy of mine has moved dozens from his back yard, in a trap, over the years. I'm too lazy for that and just use lead poisoning myself....
  23. LOL Steve ! and Yes Terry it was an attempt at humour (well sort of.. I'm actually kinda serious) to get the crew through 'till ice is out enough to get the rigs out up here. I just find it odd that for the last month or more we've had daily joiners that do nothing but flame steehead posts. There's a message in there somewhere...
  24. Just hope it's going fishing they're doing Bernie. Sister-in-law just bought a campground on Lake Manitou...Manitoulin... and it was a "health" sale.
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