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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yah BIGGG Suck ! Nice dog bud !
  2. ..not that there's anything wrong with that! You forgot the disclaimer bud! lol
  3. Keeps it safe from invasive species before moving to another lake LG !
  4. Yamaha service actually frowns upon them as they change the load path and have caused excess pivot pin/bushing wear in their motors. Of course they only care about the motor and not the boat... Also keep in mind that if you lock the lower unit in place against the trailer with the "transom saver" bar... when you do a panic stop and the boat moves forward on the trailer ...you're now adding load to the transom trying to bend it (depending on how your tilt unit is set up). Many trailers also flex around a lot so you may actually be forcing the motor to move as well in some cases, as you go thru road irregularities. Like anything pros and cons to their useage. Also depends on how high your trailer sits and what you need to do with your motor. My old Glastron sat high enough on the trailer that I could just use the trailering latch on the motor... to work as it's designed to do. My Verado is the same deal and my kicker I can leave totally down while trailering. Hydraulic steering = no side to side movement either. BnB... I would think that your Evinrude should have the exact same trailering latch my Johnson did. Just because they sell the things doesn't mean everyone needs one to do the same function... take condoms for example....
  5. Better be HPP's or Waltec's stuff that's "walking" out the back door...and not mine!
  6. Steel wool or SOS pads will also break down and you'll imbed steel that rusts even easier into your tools. I 'd suspect a few days after a rag soaked in any light lubricant will tackle the light rust and leave a barrier coat at the same time.
  7. Sorry Bernie.. I might be up to a web cam chat with Joey or Carole..... but none of you lads!
  8. Well when the season's done and passed you by... check out the lift reports that are already currently @ 3 x last years fish numbers.
  9. The only ones that don't are those that can't figure out how to get a good ground for their lights to work... lol
  10. Hey Mike... you got anymore pictures. I found that post pretty lacking! LOL Great stuff bud !
  11. I'm sure Mercury's wondering why they have them as a dealer/warrantee centre as well Roy. Maybe I'll give Art a call...
  12. Take the receiver off of the vehicle.. latch the ball into the trailer tongue. Now tighten the nut on the underside (or some older ones are on the lever/latch top side) of the ball fork (usually 13/16 socket) until you can still rotate the ball freely.. but without slop/play. Leaving it loose/rattling around is a recipe for disaster. Then remember to put a dab of wheel bearing grease on the ball every few trips out to keep the socket lubricated.
  13. ..ohhh about '67 to '74 I guess. 5 yrs old to probably 12
  14. That's for firestarter when he's shipwrecked Bill !
  15. Thanks Sinker. I haven't played with one since I was a kid on the Rideau River...where we all had a bamboo pole/ dacron line/ hook and a worm. Flip'm back on shore... a parent took them off.. skinned them and threw'm on the BBQ !
  16. Top dorsal fin has a strong bone in the front of the fin. This is what "stings" you. It actually just pierces your skin and the slim gives you a nasty infection. This is at least the case with Bullhead
  17. So.. here's your original original post. "Hey Bro's .... sorry for another late post but I been busy. Here are some of the pictures I took the day after reading Steverowbotham's post not long ago. A bunch of my friends recongnized the backgrounds and decided to fish the so called "Secret Krek" the next day and had good results. We didn't want to alert other anglers by parking near "access points" so we parked our vans far far away. I won't name the "Secret Krek" since our family friend that owns the land does not want more tresspassers, guys that need to post to build self esteem, idiots, newbies, litter bugs etc... to be crossing his land. Whoever is reading this please don't take this as a personal attack, unless you are tresspassing. If you are caught tresspassing you will be charged and I hope Mitch the Conservation Officer arrives in time to slap tresspassers with more fines". So, now which is it... you did indeed recognized the creek or maybe you had the wrong location? Your family friend owns the property or it's owned by OPG? It's obvious your post has served one purpose and one purpose only... and that's to keep us entertained on a rainy Friday night.
  18. Good day out David... on OPEN water ! Can't beat that. Hoping this rain gives me some out the back door here so I can go chase GBay Lakers!
  19. Before you buy it there.. check price... it's on sale (supposably) at Trombly's in Orilla for $79.99 this weekend.
  20. Go here for the form.. gotta be there somewhere.. I di dn't look. can't help with the items. http://www.ccra-adrc.gc.ca/menu-e.html Here http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t2200/README.html
  21. I don't think there's a wheel on this one Louis to steer it. Mods did delete it twice.. so I think that says enough. Then they had to get on with their lives or left his third attempt up for vigilanty mediation. lol And Fishon... sure I get what you're striving at, I wasn't born yesterday. Maybe it's an age/maturity issue with you... but you just need to find a little more tact in the way you go about it. Now I remember why I stopped steelheading 20+ years ago... ..and just tell everyone Graham Creek is private property for Christ's sake and maybe it would have more usefullness/impact.
  22. Well there are other ways to "Educate" Louis without someone ignoring board rules and "baiting" people. This is the second time Fishon has tried this tact (first being his post the other day ref Muddy Water) and as he's found it ain't gonna fly here.
  23. You're really missing the context here Louis... other than that I understand exactly what you've typed and whole heartedly agree.
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