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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Guess I should have picked it up and delivered it to Bruce Ward at the OMNR.
  2. No idea G. Water's a tad deep though that area to be lack of oxygen I'd think. Wasn't overly decomposed. Could have been frozen in the ice for the winter though. Could have been caught ice fishing and stuffed back down the hole. Been a south wind for days.. so it could have come from anywhere Port McNicol way out. Just hope it's not the follower that I had, early in the fall, when fishing with Glen and Rob.
  3. I remember the day that T.J. had this one hauled out of Lady E and south to his place in Sturgeon Falls. Took three fills of fuel in his chainsaw just to do the Y-bone trimming.
  4. What... I take it Michelle has the photoshop skills and she isn't home ?
  5. What a glorious day to take the seasons first boat ride. BillM met me at my house for 8:30 this morning and we headed for the Pete Peterson launch in Midland. Boat fired right up, Bill parked the truck/trailer and then jumped from the boat launch pier to the boat, since the wharf isn't in yet, and we were off! Species being hunted was Ice out Lakers and I had a place in mind to start the shallow troll beside deep water. As we arrived we netted this instead of our targetted species. A good 52" if not 54" ! and thick. No marks or apparent reason for it's demise. So we left it to let mother nature take it's course and headed off trolling long lines. Had my favourite laker spoon out on the 10'6 Talora and Bill had out Terry's favourite Walleye plug... the Bomber A ! LOL Shortly into our troll, between a couple rocks in the Gin Islands, Bill's line took a good short rip and it wasn't bottom. Was a great sound... just too bad we never heard it again. I figure we trolled a good 20 miles. Stopped in one spot and tried some vertical jigging, as we were marking tons of fish in 70/80FOW between 40 and 60 feet down. Nadda. We marked lots of fish in many places.. but nothing was biting. Water temp is only 39.4F in most places and we found a windward shoreline in deep water that was 44F for only about 200 feet.. then went back to 39. Suggests to me that the deeper water is warmer than the surface and the wave action/steep shoreline brought it up in this one spot.. and possibly why it appears the lakers are still down at 40 to 60 feet. I snagged bottom once.. so we were testing the draft of the boat a couple times!! Amazing how Giant's Tomb always looks so close.. but it took us a few hours to get to it at 1.8 MPH... Good pile of ice up on it's shore and some ice floating off the West point still Ended our fishing around 5:30, after trolling the full south shore of Giant's Tomb Island, and then blasted off for home..dogging floating objects all the way. Loaded the boat about 6pm.... perfectly first shot I might add ! Was a great day on the water with another new OFC'r. I've lost track of how many I've met this way and still have yet to be disappointed in fishing partners. Hope it continues that way! One thing I must say though... it's sure gonna be a suntan lotion year. I could do an advertisment as a Delmonte tomato. Sure glad I left my sweater on.. so only the backs of my hands are red and my entire face/ears/neck etc. Gonna hurt about 3am I think!
  6. Na... Dan the Man jumped ship two days ago. Boston has to pull up their socks and win to appease him now! LOL
  7. It's limited though since you can only use it in your secret spot !
  8. I'll tell you when I get back ! Off to the boat launch...
  9. DMV can't help you... Services Canada looks after it now instead of Canada Customs.
  10. Ours is grey inside. After I got it all done I stood back and thought Dang.. looks like an old BP Oil barrel !
  11. I brought mine home spring of 2005.. had it sandblasted.. then welded up some holes.. primed it with Tremclad primer and then put two coats of temclad paint on it. I touched up the below water line edges of it last summer as it was starting to lift. Before I painted it I asked a friend that's been in the marine business for 35 years, and use to own Bay Mourings in Penetang, about whether to use an expensive 2 part epoxy or just good old Tremclad and he said go Tremclad as hasn't seen any life difference. The only issue with it is that it seems to absorb the water.. as the paint is a lighter colour on the under water section than above water. I figure I'll get another year or two before I have to prep the sides and bottom again... other than that inside is mint and above water mint.
  12. LOL... I like to sit on the wall at the town wharf in Temagami and listen to people discussing that tape... on the side wall of our steel boat. General comment is " a tad optimistic eh "
  13. Bank can get them in for you... or you can buy them off my wife! Don't remember how much she had left.. and she's gone to Ottawa until at least Thursday.
  14. Can't help bud.. got all 4 rotors/pads and emerg brake pads all replaced with 5 days left on my pre-paid maintenance so don't know what it was worth. I do know that Leah's Sport trac was gonna be almost $1400 with seized calipers on two wheels.. until we faught that to be warrantee work.
  15. Doubtful Dan.. G's got a Lowrance/Eagle... not a Humminbird with Fish ID.
  16. "vultures view of the chicken coops"
  17. They will heat up if you run them for a long time. Mine was reflecting off a nice smooth cement floor. Wanted to see if the new speed sensor I hooked up worked and to get GBay up on my screen before the am launch !
  18. Yes... it's about four x the distance to the floor! (mine was showin 9.1 feet 20 minutes ago.. LOL)
  19. Some nice stuff !!!! Now bring on open water...
  20. Remember there are different "breeds" of Spiderwire. Stealth would be the muskie variety !
  21. Good stuff Wendel ! Glad the new boat's getting the whole family involved.
  22. Yah tailed them babies right???? At least there's something good looking in the last two pictures Cliff !
  23. Well call it in.... and I'll send you a PM on how to get here.
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