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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. So you'll have all the 'kini pics up by sunrise then right Fidel??
  2. Works with the i642 in it. .. just the stuff after the .jpg needs stripping. I've never used photobucket... weird you need to do this. Even right click and properties shows the ? mark and all the junk after it.
  3. I'm not sure how he got those shortened properties either Fidel... but it works if you strip everything after the .jpg
  4. Doesn't like that ? mark in your picture naming. Give them a name when you downsize and save like them Cuba1, 2, 3 ... 9.. a . b. c d etc. make sure there are no spaces in your naming!!
  5. Thanks Maureen... I'll see you Saturday am.
  6. What a summer (of 2008!) Dave !! Sure can't beat some Beaver time in your log book.. lol
  7. Brian... since you're on a health kick.. veggy platters and dip. ..for me there will be meat and cheese platters and sandwiches !! Remember these are snacks.. and you are expected to eat before you come! lol Oh BTW.. the bar is cash only. Silent auction items are cash and they have also made arrangements to take Credit Cards.
  8. I thought that was a bunch of women that were told to "park along the shoreline" !
  9. Yes it is.... and you can even print when you get "there" ! Thanks Rob.
  10. Guess I should have called that "iced in" bet with Sinker ! lol
  11. Yep.. found it and sent the picture to all his co workers ! lol With title.. Not much of a rod there..
  12. I couldn't find the curved blades in stock anywhere local Maureen and ended up ordering them from Wholesale Sports in Alberta. I also bought a hand sharpener and worse case I can give the blades a couple of licks with it when I get there Sat am for you. Just can't guarantee how early I'll be there is all..
  13. I'll have to find that one... Des is a good friend.. Parts and Sales Manager at Temagami Marine.
  14. Some fine food there for sure !!!
  15. Lot easier to pick up the 4 tape box set of the whole shebang Rob. Think we got it for $19.99....
  16. I think the -17C Friday am should have you good when you arrive Rob. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAON0677
  17. I will as soon as the Mrs. gets back thru the fog from Barrie... she's at a meeting and moving the auction items to the hall...or at least they were supposed to but the basement storage area at the hall is flooded so not sure! Her sister went with her to drive and carry!
  18. One last bump on this before Friday night in case anyone missed a good excuse to get out on the town. Note there is also a silent auction with MANY great items up for bids during the concert..and door prizes.
  19. The tracking function was a request of industry, during this recession, to see how many and why nothing is getting done in their corporations...
  20. Interesting Matt... probably has come about over the uproar from the canoing community over the damming of the Rupert ! Removing the Navigable water issue gives them a wide brush to do as they please with water flow without public consultation. http://rupertriver.blogspot.com/
  21. All I know is it won't be me hauling water and such... even if I get skunked !
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