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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Say what.... he asked for a recipe.. I gave him one... that's been around since 1965 by the way. The Cormorant Recipe comes from a bygone era: Countryman’s Cooking, by W.M.W Fowler circa 1965.
  2. Man the neighbour is gonna be pissed when he opens the curtains in the morning......
  3. 25 cents every 5 years isn't a big deal is it Dave.. lol Nice work there dtheman
  4. It's alright... it's Holdie's Brother... lol
  5. Right where you parked your van yesterday.. have no choice. Now what I'm gonna do with the floats from it after I pick them up tomorrow... or the other airplane coming in Saturday.. I have no idea. All I know is I'm never gonna get to the lake....
  6. I don't know.. hasn't rained in well over a week and look at that silt outflow !! There's still lots of snow in the bush and even in drainage ditches in wide open farmers fields.
  7. See pic # 1. Almost got myself in do do following creeks and not paying attention to where I was... almost overflew base Borden on my North bound flight! Didn't take as many pics as I'd usually... wasn't my personal airplane... so not as comfortable "knee flying"..
  8. You didn't want it anyhow Brian.. they put the boarding ladder on the wrong side !
  9. Anybody here in one of the 4 boats out there???
  10. Sardines weren't availabe at Sobey's Brian...
  11. Mike... none of this stuff will matter if you don't fix the boat... you did fix the boat right??
  12. Cormorant Recipe Having shot your cormorant, hold it well away from you as you carry it home; these birds are exceedingly verminous and the lice are said to be not entirely host-specific. Hang up by the feet with a piece of wire, soak in petrol and set on fire. This treatment both removes most of the feathers and kills the lice. When the smoke has cleared away, take the cormorant down and cut off the beak. Send this to the local Conservancy Board who, if you are in the right area, will give you 3/6d or sometimes 5/- for it. Bury the carcase, preferably in a light sandy soil, and leave it there for a fortnight. This is said to improve the flavour by removing, in part at least, the taste of rotting fish. Dig up and skin and draw the bird. Place in a strong salt and water solution and soak for 48 hours. Remove, dry, stuff with whole, unpeeled onions: the onion skins are supposed to bleach the meat to a small extent, so that it is very dark brown instead of being entirely black. Simmer gently in seawater, to which two tablespoons of chloride of lime have been added, for six hours. This has a further tenderising effect. Take out of the water and allow to dry, meanwhile mixing up a stiff paste of methylated spirit and curry powder. Spread this mixture liberally over the breast of the bird. Finally roast in a very hot oven for three hours. The result is unbelievable. Throw it away. Not even a starving vulture would eat it.
  13. Nobody bothered me doing 132 MPH back from Brampton this afternoon.....
  14. F-in-law has a shitzu (sp) with a nice flat face. Makes great splashes on the tug and jerk.. so far no luck with this top water though..
  15. It does look like a lynching mob coming to town! lol Forcing the trout up into the pool below the dam before pulling a barrier across to net them and lift over the dam.
  16. Good eye fisherman !!! They won't even let you away with the rubber "keepers" anymore on those.
  17. Andy... I just want him to confirm there's indeed bows running up the stream.. lol I figure someone was spearing suckers and one of the owners down there called the CO with a tale hoping to get them booted out of their "private" road. Rick wanted to be sure he could approach the "situation" from either end to get the "suckers".
  18. Can still drive on Temagami in the mornings...
  19. Yes.. told him he'd be on the net in 15 minutes ! He didn't have an issue... figures most won't recognize him anyhow in plain clothes when they do the Simcoe ice fishing rounds!!
  20. ...she also reads the board! lol Looks like a GREAT meal....
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