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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Now that you've let it progress to this stage... I'd suggest Sambuca or Drambui would fix you up pdq !
  2. Crips Steve..... that's just lack of Scotch while you were away..
  3. You want to see it lifting... if it actually all bubbles and comes off easy you could blast it off... But I hope you don't have neighbours... If it doesn't lift totally even.. you will want to putty knife it off and slap the stripper/paint mess back down over spots that are stubborn and leave them again. In many cases this will lift those as well. If you blast it with the washer... you neutralize any stripping action and at $50 a gallon, I wouldn't be doing that.
  4. Ya.. bring your Baron over Andy and we'll touch it up. I've got flat black,, gloss black and GREEN. Which do you wanna hit it with ??
  5. I was gonna say.. I didn't think you shopped there anymore Jamie !!
  6. LOL... why I could never be a teacher and have respect for (some of) them. If you aren't in a position to be able to hose out your garage... put some plastic down on the floor.. a couple cheap drop sheets. Put the stripper to her... let it do what it says on the can.. sit.. sit some more NO do not touch it yet.. let it sit some more.. is it bubbling/lifting yet? NO don't touch it yet.. lol Do a small spot to see how it's going to work and to give you an approximate lift time. See how hard or easy it is going to come off. Then you know if you can do the whole thing at once or work a few spots at a time. Scrape the crap onto the plastic drop sheet.. Then you can roll that up and throw away. Take the boat outside and spray the crap out of it with the power washer to get all the stripper off and out of seams.. and to get the last little bits of paint. Once ya got her sparkly.. you need to pick your paint choice and follow their complete prep/paint system. You can go fancy expensive with Interlux or some other Hull paint etc or some simple Tremclad. Note that Lund uses the exact same paint system that is on my airplane. PPG Concept (2part 1 stage) is what is on anything prior to about 2005. My 2007 is painted with PPG Delfleet or Delta
  7. Maybe it's a psychic beaver... not psycho.. and it's trying to tell us something.....
  8. It was their hunting vehicle before the engine blew!!! Sleep well Glen...
  9. You know where to find me Matt.. if you can pry yourself away from them female firefighters this summer! It's a great thought Mark... don't know what the answer is. 275 pushes my 22' 10" boat nicely... it's no speed demon @ 52MPH WOT...comfortable 4100 RPM cruise is 40 MPH. Our 1988 26' Tempest (identical to a searay) with full birth/head/kitchen had a 5.7 Merc Cruiser in it... it did 43 MPH and we water skiied behind it even. As many have said.. the newer technology is much cleaner. My 275 Verado burns less fuel for similar speeds than my 2004 Johnson 2 stroke 115HP did and without the oil smoke.....heck that thing burnt more fuel idling/trolling than my Verado does at 30 MPH. The old '76 9.8 Merc in the boat house is MUCH less "green" than my 275.
  10. You must retain your Aurora... and then you're done for the day !
  11. Season actually (stayed) opened this year in Zone 11.. Liberty Lake North of Temagami this year... so there must be enough there for the pressure. Had been closed in the years prior...
  12. Sorry Mark.. I guess I can no longer offer to take you musky fishing!! Guess we could run the 9.9......
  13. All I did for the BOQ was take two pool clorine(sp) buckets (about 3 gallons at most).. remove the handles and drill a larger hole where they attached. Take a 10' rope for each bucket.. put thru each hole from inside to out and tie a knot. Take the now doubled rope and knot a loop at the end of it. Drop that over your side bow cleats and drop the buckets out the side. Out of the way and they work great.
  14. LOL Roger... they'll taste exactly the same as the pickeral fryin right beside them !!!
  15. I see it was also your night to do the dishes Ryan !!
  16. Maybe it was the $30 stop at the snack bar!!!! Thanks for the heads up Rick and the confirm Mark... wife and daughter are both pretty much immunsnafu'd !
  17. Based on the regs in Zone 11 and the treatment of the Temagami Stewardship...... YES ! Now can we get back to Bucktails fishing trip....
  18. Good for you.. good luck finding a ride. Someone's gotta be makin the trek. Try the local shoppers news for a free advert as well.
  19. Dealer should have sent all your warrantee info in. A month may be high hopes for something from the factory though. Forget how long it took my Merc stuff to arrive.. showing the kicker motor warrantee starting when the boat was delivered to the dealer in Feb and my Verado the day it hit the water May 15th.. since corrected to both May 15th.
  20. Just make a larger/wider top hoop.. weld a nut and a thumb screw.
  21. Nope sorry.. I walk 18' to work.. but consider it a bump..
  22. Wait til that sucker mutates and starts casting towards shore for humans...
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